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Would like to

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Rp with a Green preferably one that has a Warder already. (which I think narrows it down to Lor LOL) I was hopeing to have a chat about warders in general since Rasheta has just bonded the first one since the death of her very first warder in the blight (hopefully i'll get to run to the blight soon that will be awesome) Anyway anyone up for it...or Lor are you up for it *ggls*

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*grins* SURE! Especially since Lor just married hers. *laughs* That would make the conversation a bit... different, now, wouldn't it? Perhaps you can drag that new bondee of yours to Cairhien for a wedding... *grins*


Which reminds me, Jade, Lor's going to want to come talk to you about the marriage (especially since the lawyers in Cairhien are going to make her have another ceremony). Up for a field trip?

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*smiles* Whenever you're ready, Rasheta! Just point me towards an RP and I'll post on it. *laughs*


And I'll work on that post tonight or tomorrow, Jade, and let you tackle it. *smiles* Explaining it without mentioning the boys will be fun... *coughs*

Here it is, Jade: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,45178.msg1188185.html

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LOL you know if you tell her about them she won't say anything, she knows of several people that had babies IC and she never used that against them. *G* Ok I saw you posted and will hopefully get to that today. Thanks sweetie.

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