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Others like the One Power?


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Hello everyone,


I have read quite a few fantasy series in my time, but the Wheel of Time stands out for me. One of my favourite parts of the series is the One Power, it's uses, and how channelers (re)discover new ways to use it.


I realise the One Power is a pretty unique concept, but I was wondering if anyone knew a good fantasy series with a similar power that is used throughout the series?


Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy has Allomancy, a magic system similar to WoT in that it is similarly bound by rules, very structured. The reader knows what is possible and what isn't, so it doesn't rely on the author making stuff up as he goes along and trying not to contradict himself.


Scott Bakker's Prince of Nothing series and its sequel, The Aspect-Emperor trilogy, features several magic systems based around philosophical concepts and ideas, but with magic still being treated as a science as in WoT. There's three major magic systems, the Psukhe, the Gnosis and Aganonic, and how they are used against one another underpins the philosophy of the series. It's a fairly dense work (much more like something like Dune than other fantasy series) and exceptionally dark, but also quite brilliant in some of the ideas it explores.


I liked the idea of magic in David Farland's Runelords series (wizards collect abilities like strength or speed from other people to bolster their own abilities), but the books are awful.


well ,ima a big DnD fan an gravitate towards some of their novels . but ima say i like the systems in Thomas Covenant series .

the structured way of magical study that is the Land's of wards/oath bonds/runes  a study of wood a study of earth an than the studies of the High Lords on one hand an on the other hand Thomas Covenants  White Gold


an i find the simple yet effective summoning magics in the Elric novels fun( animal spirits / elementals / minions of Chaos and Law / even alien creatures from other planes )


There is something similar in Terry Goodkind's series 'The Sword of Truth', especially the Sisters of the Light use something like the OP and the way the Confessors touch someone with their special power


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