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Ok guys, I need your help.


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Didnt mean to compare you to a criminal. Just wanted to make sure you didnt think I was making stuff up. So you had a relapse. Have you tried sort of a reverse psychology? The human mind is a beautiful thing. If you tell yourself "I dont want to smoke" when the cravings come on rather than "OMG I want to smoke so badly" you will eventually believe it.

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I am so with you, Torrie. I have a dr and I avoid going like the plague. The only dr we have that I actually like is Peanut's pediatrician. I avoid going unless there's no way around it. A 103 degree fever forced me to the immediate med a few weeks ago. *laughs* that's how bad it's gotta be.


You could talk to a pharmacist, too. Sometimes they know a lot of other things you don't need prescriptions for...

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Very well. I have had a few cravings but I have breathed through them.


I have not fought with my husband and I just eat dinner and while I want one I can control it.


We went to the park after work and rode our bikes. That took my mind off of it nicely.  ;D

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They should! Especially if you go in with the mindset that, not only do you not want to smoke anymore, but you don't want your new place to smell like cigarette smoke, either. Throw away ash trays so you don't take them to the new place. Then you'll get so frustrated when you start caving that you'll remember your dedication.


Sometimes a new environment is a big shift, either way. Make it a point that everything looks different in your new environment so that you don't transfer habits. My husband said the hardest thing for him was getting through the times where he used to smoke. He would smoke while he was thinking about a problem with a car (when he was a mechanic). He would smoke while we were on the computer or phone talking. That's when he said it was the worst. So, do whatever you can to change the routine, alter the environment so the habit doesn't follow you.


Just some ideas...

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