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The flu and all it's loveliness...


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*mutters* Sorry I haven't been around much. I caught the flu and have pretty much been asleep for the biggest part of the last two days. Hopefully, I'll be over it by the end of the weekend, so I should be able to catch up on RP's and stuff. *sighs* Sorry, ya'll!

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I have good news!


I have drugs!



















*smirks* well, I got your attention, didn't I?


I went to the dr today and it turns out I don't have the flu, I have tonsilitis. It's as painful to say as to type. The good news is that I've got meds, the bad news is that I'm flat worn out. I've been awake too long today. (If that didn't make me sound like a bum, nothing will.) I am hoping I'll feel much better after I rest some, so hopefully I'll be able to attack those RP's tomorrow!

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