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dead man walking


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It had been a few months since Corwin had disappeared from the Tower.  It had been a tough decision, but through his time apart, he knew that he would have been walking a fine line.  Eqwina and he seemed to fight constantly, and it seemed to be all that their lives consisted of before she sent him away.  In some ways he loved it, he saw just how much she cared about him in those times, but she didn’t love it.  She was boiling over and was getting fed up.  When she took the bond away, he knew she was at her breaking point.


But it was also his opportunity to survive.  He knew there was a possibility she would want to get rid of him, and was in a way surprised she hadn’t eliminated him on the spot.  But it hadn’t taken long to find a drunkard he could use.  The man sounded nothing like him, but he looked close enough with a haircut.  Something Corwin wasn’t the best at, but so long as it was close, he should work.  He felt some remorse, taking this man’s life, but he was a drunken sailor, one that would probably not be missed.  Taking the man, one his throat had been slit, Corwin dressed him in his armor and hoped things looked good enough to fool them.


More than likely the situation of losing the Bond and Eqwina being upset as in, well hopefully they wouldn’t pay attention to detail.  He looked close enough to be a brother in some ways, but didn’t have near the scars.  But with the armor on, and Eqwina only seeing his scars once, and Liitha seeing them very few times, well most shouldn’t have been able to identify the fake, so long as Shoar didn’t appear again suddenly.  He had even lived for months now in the Black Hills, once his beard had grown out; he once again came into the edges of Tar Valon and heard hushed rumors of a Blademaster’s suicide.  It had been a long time, but apparently some Tower Guards had been affected more than others.


He could feel the tension leaving as he realized he was no longer recognized that he was safe.  He had kept to himself mostly, thus most wouldn’t have recognized him, but the Tower Guards seemed to look over him as a dirty refuge.  He would get looks sometimes, but mostly those were watching for trouble, never an actual recognition.  Perhaps it was the beard now, he had never grown one out before, but there was no reason to be stupid.  If Liitha happened to pass through town near him, he would be spotted right away.


As the days went by, he felt a longing for his weapons.  He had his bow for food, but for months he felt naked without his Katanas.  For years they were by his side at all times, but now, they were gone.  He never dared ask what was done with the weapons and armor of the man, that would have raised too much suspicion, but he needed them back.  The next trip, Corwin sought out some cloth to be able to make servants clothes.  He had received many suspicious looks, but after a long enough wait, he would be able to make his move.  It took nearly a full bag of gold to get a seamstress to make the clothes and keep her mouth shut.  But even then he didn’t trust the woman.


He waited a full three months before finally trying to infiltrate the Tower.  It was something that if he screwed up, he would die, no questions asked.  Atleast he hoped he would die, it would complicate things horribly if they kept him in the dungeon instead.  Pulling out his fancloak, Corwin went in as a Gaidin, but he waited until dusk, when he would be able to ride in without too many seeing him.  The Tower Guards at first tried to stop him, but when they recognized the fancloak on him, he was able to pass without any issues.  Corwin then returned to his home to rest until the middle of the night to enter.


Before he entered, Corwin had changed into the servant’s clothes and shaved his beard, and went in search.  During the night, most servants were asleep, but he still had to hide out when he heard some.  Most servants weren’t concerned with being completely quiet at night, thus he had a little bit of warning before they were too close.  As he wandered he first toward Eqwina’s rooms to try to find some kind of hint, but as he saw the light on, he left and went to search elsewhere.  Once dawn was approaching, Corwin slipped out to try and wait a while.


Later in the day he heard some rumbling and threw his cloak on to hid himself more and he quickly climbed a tree.  As he waited, he saw Melenis come and begin practicing with her dummy.  He had completely forgotten about her and in some ways felt bad for not continuing her training.  As he watched, he saw her give her best, and decided he would find a way to help her continue, but be wouldn’t reveal his presence.  Too much was at stake.  After she left, Corwin decided to risk it and went to Liitha’s residence, and search.  At first she was there and he had to wait from afar, but she left, he assumed for training.  As he found a way in, Corwin took a quick glimpse and saw none of his items.  When she had left, he didn’t see his Katanas either, thus she must not have them.


A week passed of Corwin waiting till night and searching the Tower, but after a week, he finally saw the light out in Eqwina’s rooms for a consistent three days.  Gathering his courage, Corwin hoped she hadn’t redone the wards on her doors.  He had entered before and there were no issues, and all he could do was hope this was still the case.  Cautiously he opened the doors and began to search.  Things were so dark, he pulled out a candle and prayed she was fast asleep.  With the light on, Corwin searched quickly, he writing desk was useless, they wouldn’t have anything, but as he walked the room, he saw the shrine she had made.  His armor and weapons were in perfect condition there in the corner.


In some ways, he felt awe.  Perhaps she truly wasn’t mad at him anymore, but he didn’t trust it.  She was the most fickle woman he had ever met and he wasn’t going to push his luck too much.  Taking his Katanas, Corwin as half tempted to take his tulwars as well, but couldn’t take too much without being slowed down.  Already he was going to be risking it carrying his two katanas.  With his tulwars, he would no doubt be recognized.


Before he left he had a thought though.  She will be furious at this… I could at least give her a chance to get them back.  Pondering the idea for a moment, Corwin went to her writing desk and scribbled a fast note.  She had not seen his writing before, so more than likely she would not recognize it.


      The Mist holds all you seek


More than likely she wouldn’t see the deeper meaning that he was there as well.  He liked to think she would be seeking him, since she had made this shrine, but perhaps it was a way she took her wrath out on him without his body.  He didn’t really know what she would do.  She very well might take this time to actually kill him herself, but it was a risk he was willing to take.


Before he left the Tower for good, he took a piece of paper and nailed it to a tree that Melenis was bound to see when she came for training again.


      Finish your training in the Mountains of Mist near Katar.


She would be bound to see it, and hopefully be wise enough to bring the paper with her, instead of leaving a trail.  But it was a risk he was willing to take.  With his Katanas, Corwin left the Tower and rode his horse to the Mountains.  He would be there waiting and brushing up on his own skills.  It had been far too long since he had went over the forums, and he couldn’t risk becoming rusty.  It wouldn’t matter if he came face to face with Eqwina and she was determined to kill him, but he didn’t want to leave this life at anything less than the peak of his skills.


Once in the Mountains, Corwin had grown his beard out again.  In some ways he liked it now, but while he was passing a river, he caught his reflection, and saw some white mixed in with his beard.  He really was getting old now.  Perhaps it was best that he had disappeared.  What could an old man do to defend an Aes Sedai now?  Perhaps he had made a mistake hinting to Eqwina where he was.


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Her trip to Ebou Dar had taken weeks longer than she had first anticipated, but the knowledge gained there had been too valuable to pass up. She could report to her fellow Sitter’s that she had made great strides in better understanding of the human mind, and that she had managed to contained and treat the outbreak. But it was the facts learned that she could not reveal that had delayed her travels. 


The young Asha’man had fallen victim to her most recently learned weave, and the knowledge he’d given her was invaluable. Already she had passed word on to other lesser members of the Black Ajah. The news had been too important to wait until she could deliver it herself.


Riding Nightlily out on to the white gleaming bridge Eqwina did not pause to look up at the shining walls and Towers before her. She had become disenchanted with the sight of city, around the same time of Corwin’s death, when the rest of the world had grown a shade duller.


Passing her gray off to one of the grooms, Eqwina gave explicit instructions as to how the horse was to be cared for. This was in fact Nightlily two, as the first had died many years ago, but she had no intention of losing another horse before she must. Shouldering her own saddle bags and bundles she progressed quickly through the Tower and into the Yellow Ajah Quarters. She desperately wanted a bath and immediately sent her stammering maid Clarine to go fetch the men with the brass tub and buckets of water. The child was obviously still disappointed that she had not been allowed to accompany her mistress on her trip to Ebou Dar, nothing else would have had her stammering and stuttering like a fool. Dropping her bags on the nearest chair, she headed straight for her dressing room to change out of her travel stained clothes and into a good silk robe. 


Feeling better already Eqwina decided to check her correspondences that had arrived while she was away. Even with her incompetent maid running at full speed it would be some time before the tub was ready and filled. Sifting through the small stack of letters she disregarded the ones from members of her own Ajah, and went straight to any of importance. Breaking the seal on a letter from a Sitter from the Green she took a seat at her desk to read. As she scanned the page she couldn’t help but be distracted by the ‘feeling’ in her room. Something was amiss, shaking her head and chalking it up to a long journey, she finished the first letter and moved on to the next. 


As she read the report on the number of sick who had passed through the infirmary her mind began to search again for the source of her discomfort. Sighing and rubbing her temples Eqwina stood up and stretched…..with her arms raised above her head and her back arched she caught a glint of Corwin’s armor in her stand mirror and what she saw made her jaw drop. 


Knocking over her chair in her haste she rushed across the room to where his complete set of armor had been. His gauntlets, helmet, and chest plate were still there and his tulwars, but his katana’s were gone. Growling furiously Eqwina channeled the rest of the lamps in the room alright and searched around the room to see if they had been misplaced. It was a foolish notion, but Tower servants didn’t steal and in her rage she did not know what else to do. Clubs of air flung pillows from chairs and yet more weaves of air touched with fire ripped open cabinet doors and flung her books to the ground. Even knowing the endeavor was hopeless didn’t stop her from unleashing the same havoc in her other sitting room, her dressing room, and sleeping chamber. The entire apartments looked as if a storm had ripped through them by the time the men arrived with the tub.


A red faced and furious Eqwina chased the men from her apartments, causing them such a fright they left the large copper tub sitting in the doorway to her dressing room. Grabbing Clarine with a flow of air and pulling her across the room no her toes, she pushed her maid down on to her knees and looked at her with icy fury in her eyes. “What is the meaning of this Clarine?! And do not lie to me child or I will rip your tongue out and feed it to you piece by piece!” 


The milksop stuttered and cried out that one day they had simply been gone. Mayhap it was her maid’s tears or the sudden desire to cry herself,or the simple fact that she could not "loose" another maid so soon, but Eqwina released the source and reached down to brush stray hair’s from the child’s face. “I am sorry child, I should not have taken my rage out on you. Shh.Shhh”


“Hush now child. Don’t cry. You know I could never hurt you. I believe that you do not know what happened.” Distractedly Eqwina looked around her apartments at the destruction she caused; it was a potentially fatal mistake to show such temper. It was widely known in the Tower that while she was always serious and always firm she possessed almost no temper to speak of. Perhaps it was time to see how well her little trick would work on someone as weak minded as her maid. 


Embracing the source Eqwina channeled the flows just so, and lay the weave gently on the girl. “Clarine, this was a terrible evening. You walking in to find me in a fit of sorrow over the loss of such a treasured object, wasn’t it.” With a somewhat sloppy, commiserating smile, the child nodded. “It would help me a great deal if you would help clean up this mess, and of course speak of this to no one. It would be terribly embarrassing if word got out of my little..breakdown. You wouldn’t want that for your Mistress now would you?” 


Smiling down at the young woman Eqwina helped her to her feet. Unlike with what she’d heard about Compulsion this weave couldn’t not make the person instantly obey you, they would have to find reasons within themselves, but it did make them more susceptible to suggestion. With someone as simple minded as her maid, it was just the thing to make her forget about her threats. 


Forgetting her bath for the evening she went to set down at her desk, trying to clear her head. Who would want to steal Corwin’s swords and why? Was it a plot by another Black Ajah member? Or a darkfriend? Or simple theft? The possibilities were too many to consider. Restacking her now scattered letters she found another note scrawled in a tight angular hand.


The Mist holds all you seek


That note made it abundantly clear that this was not a simple case of a brave thief, someone was playing a game with her and there would be hell to pay when she discovered who. 



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As they days went by, Corwin began going through the forums and brushing up on his skills.  They had grown lax in his own opinion, but more than likely he could still defend himself against anyone trying to take him down.  Still, that wasn't enough for him.  Memories of his spars with people like Daemon, his best student, flooded him.  He could still feel the pride that the boy had become such a great swordsman.  No other had challenged his abilities so much, and no other brought a reaction from Eleanore.  Taking a breath he suppressed the memories of the pain when she disappeared.  Not only because of his lack of self control, but his failure.  He failed to protect her from the Black Ajah, and he failed to protect Calliste and his first child from Eleanore.  That was a long time ago though, failure was a part of him that he tried to learn from, but now every time he was near he river seeing the light touches of grey in his temples, he couldn't help but think that his time was coming to an end.  He had always know that the Bond slowed down aging, but he didn't like to think that he was finally getting to that point he should settle down.  Perhaps needing to disappear from Eqwina had been a blessing from the Creator.  As the days went on he began to grow more and more depressed, part of him knew it was intensified from the Bond not being there anymore, from the heartbreak of Eqwina, but he didn't care.  Gradually self pity became his only and best company.


Though he had only his Katanas, Corwin still arranged them in a way that that he had when he had his tulwars as well, one Katana over his left shoulder while the other was at his right hip.  While in the Yard most probably didn't think much of it since he had his four swords, but it was rare he had all four on him at once and most probably thought the one was a backup unless they looked closer to see they were twins and knew he used two at once.  No one had ever said anything to him about it, but he assumed it was a little unsettling to many.  It just seemed awkward when the others in Daisho usually had both of their swords either on their hips or on the back, not a combination.  Though he was only in Katar when he needed supplies, to the shopkeeper he was beginning to become a regular, and apparently to some ruffians the next easy meat.  He saw certain people seeming to always appear when he was in town and he got the feeling they were tracking his regular rout.  The test came when he was leaving the city, a few younger men came with the intent to rob him, but he quickly showed them he wasn't one to mess with.  They had cudgels and closed in quickly thinking they could limit the effectiveness of his swords.  The youngest man came in cocky, and that helped, with a quick elbow to the face, he was able to whip the lad around and throw him into his friends, buying him time and space to work his walking stick as a quarterstaff.  Though he was in no way as good with the quarterstaff as with his blades, they young men obviously weren't expecting a fight, and after one more when down from a swift crack to the head they ran.  When he went to the river than night to wash up from his training, he suddenly wasn't effected by the little bit of graying.  He felt more confident, and for once the depression was gone.  As he studied himself for once, he noticed the grey wasn't near as bad as he had imagined in his head.


Once Saline found him, his days began to consist of negotiating with her and dodging giving answers.  He wanted her gone, because if Eqwina followed his clues and found him, well if she was there should would think they ran off together.  That just wouldn't do.  Not to mention they both might die from her wrath if that thought came.

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Eqwina examined every face she passed in the halls with such scrutiny, that Tower servants began to avoid the Yellow Ajah Quarters. After a few days she had to take to her room to avoid starting talk throughout the whole tower.


She had read and reread the note so many times the ink was fading and the paper was thin enough to see through in the creases. She’d checked all her cipher books and codes and had even spent time digging through the Tower Library trying to connect the phrase with any part of history or her past. A week of searching had turned up nothing, and she was beginning to think she was losing her touch.


She’d not risen to the heights she had by being weak-minded or a fool, and if she could not decipher this code what did that say about whoever had sent it?


Leaning back in her chair Eqwina closed her eyes and for a moment she felt complete defeat. She had lost yet another tie to the last man she’d loved and she was growing too old to play the game. Grudgingly she opened her eyes to examine the paper again, when her eyes fell on the large map on the wall. The old map was marked with x’s on all the places she’d traveled, and circles denoted places she’d like to visit again. And there is was…..the answer she’d been searching for…


The Mountian’s of Mist


The letters seemed larger than life.“How could I have been so blind!?!”


Whoever had left the note had drawn her a map to the Mountains and she had been too busy over analyzing to see such a simple clue. It was a good reminder that sometimes the simplest answer was the most likely.

The question now remained of what to do with the information she’d gathered? Whoever had left the note would be expecting her to follow. Possibly blind with rage. Not knowing how long the weapons had been gone before she returned caused the issue of not knowing how long this person had to set a trap. If a trap it was. There were too many lines of thought and too many ways this could go.




Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and tried to swallow her rage. Rushing into to this blindly would only give the thief what they wanted. Taking several more deep breaths, and absorbing the calm, she opened her eyes she knew exactly what had to be done. Summoning Clarine she sent the girl off to find ‘Tower Guard Kennar’. If this  thief turned out to be Black Ajah he would be of little use to her, but…if it was a darkfriend or a simple fool they would be granted the surprise of their life at learning how deadly the little man could be.


Waiting at her desk her fingers drummed a steady rhythm on its leather top. She tried to recall all the enemies she’d made, and no name came to mind that knew her intimately enough to know what pain and rage stealing those swords would cause.


Kennar entered with a degrading little smile and a bit of a nervous twitch, but as soon as the door was shut and Clarine excused herself he straightened and met her eye. She had used her little trick to learn how he really felt about her, and since then she trusted the man more than anyone else living. He hated her with every fiber of his being, but he also knew that threw her would come great power. For now she was allowing him to be her faithful hound.


“We will be traveling to the Mountains of Mist Kennar, soon. As quick as you can gather our supplies and I can arrange things here.” She trusted him, but not enough to let his know the whole of why they were going. “We will be traveling light, and before we reach the mountains I will go on alone. I want you to scout and stay close, but stay hidden. If I have need of you I want you to be a surprise. If I need you I will send up a flair, but until you see that…no matter what you hear, stay away.”


She had no idea what kind of person they would be dealing with, but if they knew her well enough to know  about the pain the weapons would cause they could be dangerous to her position. She would not be the first Head of the Supreme Council to lose her title because of “sudden death”. The Dark Lord encouraged competition among his followers, and had no room for the weak.


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Clarine nervously approached him informing him of Eqwina Sedai’s summons.  Kennar bit back the mischievous smile that wanted to form.  So she needed him again, hopefully it was another murder she needed committed.  Clarine hurried him through the hall insisting that they make all possible haste or else they would feel the Aes Sedai’s wrath.   


It wasn’t long before he was being ushered into Eqwina Sedai’s quarters.  He made his courtesies waiting for the maid to leave.  When she did he straightened allowing a mischievous smile to fill his face.  The odd mixture of hatred and wanting to serve her returned.  He couldn’t explain it but he was certain that if she attempted to slit her own wrist that he would stop her.  His fate was somehow tied to hers.


Kennar listened intently then bowed his way out with an “As you Command” as she dismissed him to see to gathering their supplies.  Once the supplies were gathered he eagerly awaited her in the stable.  Her purpose for traveling had been vague at best but she made his role quite clear.  He would have preferred to travel to a city rather than explore the outdoors though it was not his choice.  He was no woodsman  that was for sure but his training in the yards had given him the necessary skills to get by.


Kennar met Eqwina in his full Tower Guard regalia, bowing respectfully while informing her that all was ready as she commanded.  The uniform of a Tower Guard was quite impressive though he would change to plain clothes as soon as they were out of sight of Tar Valon.  He helped Eqwina Sedai with her belongings then helped her mount.  Riding was not something he had much love for before coming to Tar Valon.  Now he was a passable rider at best.  Kennar dutifully followed his mistress out of the stable and through the city streets.  Hopefully she would be more informative along the way.


Once they had travelled far enough not to be seen they stop in a remote clearing alongside the road so Kennar could change.  Quickly he removed his armor and all the clothing that named him a Tower Guard.  He needed to dress for stealth.  His bare back was to Eqwina Sedai.  He was not large but he was toned.  That was not what caught her eye though.  His exposed flesh carried dozens of scars and burn marks.  A gift from his father. 


Kennar could feel her eyes on him so he quickly donned his shirt.  Over the years he had forgotten about the scars.  Had he remembered he would never have changed in front of her.  It was not something he wanted to relive.  A small smile did creep onto his face as he recalled lighting his family's house on fire killing them all.  They were not alive to harm him anymore. 


Quickly Kennar stowed his armor and uniform then remounted his horse ready to go.  He refrained from making eye contact with his little mistress in hopes that she would not inquire about his scars. 



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Eqwina was ready at first light the next day; grateful to be leaving the sniveling Clarine behind. She’d had to promise the girl a whole bevy of new dresses to stop her tears. Truly she spoiled the child far more than her worthless service deserved. Putting Clarine out of her mind Eqwina went over her plan in her head.


There was not much to it really. Once they reached the base of the Mountains she would go on alone. Already her mind formed the waves she would use to skin the fool thief. She would track him down and make him..or her, she amended, pay. This stunt was just as likely orchestrated by a Black Ajah Sisters as it was by a simple friend of the dark. 


As Tar Valon disappeared over a hill Eqwina allowed a short stop while Kennar changed. If they were going to avoid notice and stay hidden he could not ride around in his Tower Guard uniform. She had chosen a simple dark green dress for herself that covered every inch of her skin except her hands and face. For her hands she had dark gloves, almost black and a brown cloak with a deep hood. Silks were not good for tramping about in the mountains, but she would not distain to wearing anything plainer.


Her mind still raced with creative ways to kill when her eyes started to search Kennar’s scars. His nearly mangled back was a mass of old burns and puckered pink skin. A wicked hand had been at work to create such a mess. A small part of her mind wondered where they had come from…. The rest studied the scars and compared them with those she remembered from Corwin. She’d never seen a man more cut up than he..until now. By the way he hastened his dressing her watching had been felt, but she allowed him to mount and ride nearly a mile before she said a word.


Silence was a powerful tool. The insufferable man jumped when she finally spoke.


“A nasty little gift you were given. Tell me who did you displease? I for one disagree with leaving marks on my pets, there are many ways to punish without breaking the skin. Since you are already scarred I suppose I could make an exception with you.” Tugging her gloves back into place she gave him a small, but wicked smile. “If you displease me that is.”


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In the back of his mind Kennar knew his Mistress would ask.  When exactly had he stopped calling her the little witch and why?  As if his thoughts had been freely spoken Eqwina began to speak which made him jump.  He bit back an oath as her words carried to him. “A nasty little gift you were given. Tell me who did you displease? I for one disagree with leaving marks on my pets, there are many ways to punish without breaking the skin. Since you are already scarred I suppose I could make an exception with you.”


Kennar turned his head to face her, his hazel eyes were filled with hatred boring into hers like augers.  He hated the little Aes Sedai yet he could not think of harming her, why?  His mind would simply not allow it.  For some odd reason he wanted only to serve and protect her. 


Her wicked smile did not bother him, normally it would have made him shiver.  “If you displease me that is.”  Kennar could not win this battle, he had nothing to gain and much to lose so he acquiesced. 


"My father"  He smiled, a twisted grin painted on his face as he recalled his father's death.  "Never fear Great Mistress, he paid for it...with his life.  A painful death, very fitting actually."  He very nearly cackled as the image of his father burning filled his head. 


Almost as an afterthought he addressed her other comment.  "Do not worry Great Mistress, I have no intention of displeasing you."  He said it would all the sincerity he could muster, oddly enough he truly meant it. 



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Killing parents was not a practice Eqwina could endorse. More than likely her bitter feelings towards the act stemmed from her own lack of parents growing up. Her mother and father had died when their Inn caught fire and burned to the ground. Many would say that that fatefully evening was probably her first step on the road to worshipping the Dark Lord. The next step being when her caretaker died as well, leaving her scared and completely alone, but then there were 100 other heartbreaks that could just as easily be the cause.


“I know you won’t displease me Kennar. You are a good boy.” She patted his shoulder for all the world like he was dog and then sent him out to scout. Watching him disappear into the trees Eqwina shook her head. She had been convinced that after Corwin died she could never take another Warder or companion, but it seemed fate or perhaps the Dark Lord had saddled her with one. She certainly had no desire to get any closer to the boy that she already was, and she would never look at him as a lover. But he was a useful tool, and a faithful pet. It didn’t seem to bother him that she treated him as such. Then, even the hint of a chance at immortality would send many men groveling on their knees.


For near a month they traveled in silence. Only speaking when there was a report to make, or when the silence stretched on too long. Eqwina had spent too many years in seclusion, as a sniveling sap, to abide too much silence now. Plus it felt good to be able to speak honestly with someone. Too often in Tar Valon she had to wear too many masks. Ajah Head and Sitter, mentor and friend. At times be became too much to bare.


On the 31st day the Mountains came into view. They had traveled hard and had made decent time, they camped that evening at the base. Discussing plans and which way she should begin her search. They had worked out that Kennar would never be more than a hard miles ride away. Each morning they would pick the route she would search. If she found nothing she would return my nightfall…if she had…


A green flare meant she was safe and had found what she was searching for.


A red flair meant ride hard. She was in trouble.


It was not the best or the safest plan, but she couldn’t risk Kennar finding out more of her secrets. In her opinion he knew too much already and if this was a plot to unseat her, then she would not give him any leverage.

The next morning early Eqwina started down the route they had chosen. Keeping a careful eye for any sign of a trap. She had considered using Saidar to feel for traps with the Power, but decided that a day in the saddle filled with the Power would leave her too fatigued should she need her strength.


Three days of searching had brought nothing, and Kennar began to question whether or not she had been right in her assumption. A cold stare had been all it took to shut him up. The fourth day did bear fruit, though she was unsure of what. She had come across a camp, recently used but currently unoccupied. There were hammocks slung between trees that tugged at her memory, but she was still unsure. She went back to camp that night trying to decide her next move.


The next day she rode in full of Saidar, unsure of what’d she’d find. The camp was quite but this time there was a body in one of the hammocks……….


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As they days went by Corwin slowly began to overcome his depression more and more.  There were days when it hit him stronger than others, but steadily they were becoming fewer and farther apart.  Part of it was his training, he had thrown himself into it completely and he finally felt he was brushing up his skills to almost what they were before.  He would never be at that peak again without the benefits of the Yard, opponents skilled enough to truly challenge him, but that was a path he had left.  The bridge was burned, and he was not going to let more people know he was still alive.  Saline had been an unpleasant surprise.  It wasn't that he didn't like her,  but he was going to keep it at two people, and even that was too many.  Before Melenis had arrived, he had wished many times over he had not left her the note.  The level of trust he needed was something he only shared with one person, and she was likely to kill him as soon as she saw him.


As Melenis trained he began to take more and more pride in her.  She was making great strides in their time together.  He had made clear she was to never reveal she knew he was alive and making her excuse for being gone was up to her.  Though she had reassured him she could keep a secret, that was still yet to be proven in her eyes.  But he decided he would make the most of the time, if she blabbed, he would be gone once she was gone just to be safe.  It was never a bad idea to switch locations regularly.  But as the training progressed he also became more intense.  He wanted to get her to a certain point before he sent her away.


Eqwina would be showing up any time now.  Some days when he trained all day until he collapsed he had dreams of her.  He wasn't sure if they were dreams or nightmares really.  They always started out good, she was there in the distance, but as they got closer together he began to get this feeling of dread and when they were close to each other he actually feared for his life.  As time progressed she would be closer and closer at the start, and the dreaded feeling would be much stronger.  After about three weeks of training Melenis, four weeks of Saline, and six weeks of self training, he began to live in camp by himself.  Melenis and Saline would come visit sometimes, but he asked them for his solitude in case certain visitors came.  They were obviously confused, and Saline offered her help, but he refused, this was something he needed to do on his own.


The heat was finally getting to him, and he was tired of his hair matting up during the days from sweat.  It was too long, and the shorter hair was beginning to grow on him.  Going to the river he plunged his head in, the water felt wonderfully cool, taking out his belt knife he guessed how long he wanted it.  It was awkward pulling his hair and he was sure it was uneven in parts, but he was fairly confident that it didn't look too horrible.  He had never been one for hair styles though.  Thus it could look horrible to others, but he was ok with it, after all it was hair, it grew back.


Training with the shorter hair was not as hot, but the days were still ridiculously hot.  As was becoming his custom, he trained until he almost passed out.  As he drug himself back to camp he thought of Eqwina and wondered if she would ever come.  That night his dreams were filled with thoughts of Eqwina, sometimes she was a monster, other times she was his lover again... He woke up once not knowing what was his opinion of the woman, but sleep quickly took hold of him again.  Luckily there was a cool breeze through his camp at night.  When he awoke the next morning she was there.


Part of him thought he was still dreaming, that she was not really there, but when the hammock overturned and he smacked the ground he realized this was no dream.  She really had come and his blades had been taken from under his hammock and were by her side.  How long has the woman been here?  There wasn't much time think about other things though as he felt the Power grip him.  Not knowing what to say really, after all he had duped her into thinking he was dead, You have found what you seek I take it?  He would have said more, but he felt the Power stop his speech and wondered just what was going through the woman's head.

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OOC: De-nile is not just a river in Egypt  ;)



Kennar had been tense about allowing her to come on alone. For a man that hated her, and was supposed to be nothing more than a hired hand he took great concern in whether she lived or died. Reminding him of the signals and the price of failure she had began the relatively short ride to the camp.


The early morning was warm, and already the fog that gave the Mountains their name was rolling off the rivers. Being able to ignore the heat and cold did not make her unaware of the dampness that settled on her skin. When she rode into the camp, set well back into a stand of trees, the light was still faint. What there was filtered through the leaves in tiny streams and make the small clearing appear to sparkle. At the end of one of those tiny rays of light was a hammock. She could see the clear shape of a man rolled up inside. His back was too her, but she no longer cared who he was. The katana’s drew her eye and without making a sound she wove flows of air to lift them, and float them to her.


The settled on the ground lightly, and she caressed them as she would have a lover. Knowing now that this was not a plot to remove her as head of the Black Ajah; Eqwina felt confident enough to send up a Green flair. After all, what trouble could one man be to an Aes Sedai?


After the green burst had shattered in the sky, sending a show of sparks downward Eqwina redirected Saidar. Flows of air yanked the hammock, and threads of Fire cut through it weaving. Depositing the thief on the ground quickly, and with enough force that he bounced. With the Katanas safely in her hands now, she was ready to make this fool pay.


Her lips pulled back in a slow snarl as she decided that he would die slowly, when a voice she knew came from the pile of rumpled clothes. “You have found what you seek I take it?”


No. It couldn’t be! Quickly she wrapped the man up in flows of air, and shoved a gag in his mouth. She could kill him if she heard Corwin’s voice in her ears. Strapping the swords to Nightlily Eqwina slowly made her way across the camp. She couldn’t believe that it was Corwin’s voice; it had to be some vicious trick. As she walked thin switches of air flailed the imposter from head to toe. When she reached him she pulled back her slipped foot and kicked him hard, connecting with his chin. She pulled back again and this time she took him across the cheek. “There are certain appeals to doing things with your own hands, or in this case feet.”


Kneeling down she tangled her hands in his hair and pulled his neck back so she could see his face.


“No!” Her voice came out as a strangled whisper and she dropped his head, falling back into the dirt. As if the man could bite her, trussed up as he was, she back away quickly. Not caring that she was ripping her silks and covering them with dirt. She scrambled across the ground using her hands and feet, but still could not be away from him fast enough. “You will not get away with this!!! I will not allow it!! I do not know how you have his face, but do not think that it will stop me from killing you.”


It would have to be Kennar, she could not do this herself, not when the thief was wearing that face. She was too startled to send up a flair. Her heart was beating hard and it was taking all her concentration just to hold onto the flows of air that bound him. Even trying to tie them off would be too much, let allow channeling more than one weave. Her voice still came in short pants, but she was regaining some of her composure. “Tell me why…why play this trick on me? Why try to make me believe you are a dead man. I do not care that  you have his face or his voice. You will never be Corwin, no one can. Not even his katana’s will make you so. Now tell me who did this for you? Who put you up to this roose?”

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The woman truly was in denial.  Obviously the shrine in her rooms meant more than he had thought.  Who put me up to it? You did.  When you released the bond that night I knew what was coming.  Just like when you had banished me.  I made you think I was dead to keep my skin on my body.  I know you temper, I knew that if I had any chance of survival after that night it was only through disappearing.  It's not my fault you took my swords.  Again he felt the gag placed and the switches all over him.  He could see the look on her face, and it was a much darker one than before.

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Kennar sat in the clearing with his saddled mount nearby ready to go the instant the red signal was given.  He was certain it would be a red signal and that his mistress had been a fool to go alone.  Did it ever occur to her that she could easily be outnumbered.  Granted she had unique skills but a well aimed arrow or stone could kill or render her unconscious before she could react.  His protest at her going alone had garnered him a look that told him to give over.


She had been gone a while now, periodically he glanced up into the sky for several heartbeats searching for the ill fated signal.  As more time passed Kennar began pacing, this was ludicrous he thought.  She could be dead by now.  No!  He needed her to live.  His fate was tied to her.  If he could not keep her alive then he was doomed.  Her death would reflect negatively upon his current service record which 'til now was impeccable.


Kennar grabbed the reins, he could not sit idly by waiting for some damned signal that may never come.  Vaulting in the saddle with a surprising turn of agility he stared into the sky as a green signal bursted sending a shower of sparks in every direction.  Kennar had to fight back the urge to spur his mount to a gallop.  That fool woman was overconfident.  She was going to get herself killed, if that happened he might as well slit his own throat.

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Eqwina blinked as once again the man spoke, sounding like Corwin. Keeping her eyes glued to his face she pushed herself to her feet. “When you released the bond that night I knew what was coming.  Just like when you had banished me….”


No one knew that fact, no one but the two of them knew that before he’d died the bond had been released.  With each word Eqwina shock began to change to anger and by the time he was done speaking blows rained down on his body from all sides. “How could you Corwin!! HOW COULD YOU!! She was shouting at the top of her lungs and couldn’t make herself care. “You put me through hell. I spent months mourning your death..I mourn still and all the while you were alive with no thought for the pain you caused me.” Bawling up her small fist she punched him right in the nose. He barely grunted, but Eqwina knew it would leave a bruise. Her own hand was already starting to swell.


“Well Corwin, you will pay for that pain tenfold….starting now.” The switches of air became harder and she beat him in steady succession until he collapsed under his own weight, and was leaning in the dirt on his elbows…panting.


Eqwina hated the sight of blood, an unfortunate trait left over from when she’d been forced to make her first kill, but for Corwin she made an exception. With the first punch she’d grown a liking to doing things with her own hands. It certainly released more of her aggression than Saidar ever could have. When her hands were a mass of bruises and she could no longer raise her fist of foot, Eqwina relented. “That is only a taste of the pain you caused me, and only a taste of what is to come for you. You have put yourself in a very bad position Corwin…the whole world thinks you are dead. So this time there is no one to weep when you die.”  Sitting down on one of the logs that had been rolled up to the fire Eqwina sat down to rest.


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He couldn't help but smile and that did nothing but draw an even darker look from the woman.  You know, I let you know I was alive hoping you would have changed, but I see that didn't happen.  You still are constantly underestimating me, thinking me a fool, you view ever situation from the most skewed view I have seen in my life.  Instead of looking at why I did what I did, you think only of yourself, of your pain, and of how it effected you.  Once we were lovers, yet we fought so much that term seems to be used with the loosest of applicability.  The day my daughter cried over my death was the day the last person in the world would cry for me.  There was her and Calliste, but Calliste was killed long ago and you once tried to put yourself on that list of people that loved me, yet how did you EVER show it?  The bed?  No, that isn't love.  You showed your "love" by treating me like a dog, one you constantly tried to break but claimed didn't want me broken.  I left because you don't know how to handle situations with me near as well as you like to think.  No Eqw....  He would have said much more, but she gagged him yet again.  But he stood there, especially since the bonds held him, and stared at her.  She didn't want to let him physically cut her but he had just attacked most everything at the core of her.  He even thought he saw a glimmer of a tear at one point, but Eqwina would never let him see her get to that point.


Truly he had made a mistake.  Rather than her see what she had done wrong and attempt to overcome it, she had only given into the darker side of herself.  She let her temper control her more so now than she had ever before.  During those beatings he had turned to the Void and made it as strong as he could, yet the pain eventually proved too much and shattered the void along with his will to remain standing through it all.  When he sank to his knees he was frustrated at first, but then realized this was one more step in sacrificing his pride in front of the woman.  He needed to do a great deal of changing himself as well.  He realized his weaknesses and made sure to not let his temper get the best of his tongue when he was speaking.  During these many weeks he had turned his temper into something ruled with and iron will.  He wouldn't give into it again, and Eqwina was a final test of that.

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How long was he to sit there before she either came back or had him come to her.  Kennar was getting antsy sitting there with nothing to do but wait.  It wasn't like he had a mug of ale or a wench to pinch to occupy his time. 


As time rolled on by Kennar wondered what Eqwina had found.  What was taking her so long?  He wondered if she was still alright.  What if something happened to her after she gave the signal.  His fate was tied to hers, she had to live.


Again he made as if to boot his mount to a gallop then stopped.  Eqwina would not like her orders being dismissed without good cause.  She was a strict mistress, likely to dole out a punish for a perceived slight, no matter how minor in nature it seemed to be.  Eqwina did not like failure and her definition of a failure was painted with a broad brush.  Kennar had found that out first hand much to his dismay.  Still he felt a strong desire to serve her faithfully.  Hopefully she would return soon, then he could relax a bit. 

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For so long she had felt pain at Corwin’s death, she had toiled over the things she’d done wrong, and wished she could have changed the past, but now that he was alive…..


Looking into his eyes she wanted to weep. It was his face and his voice, but somehow he was not the man she loved. He had to know that every word he said cut her and yet still he pressed on, tearing out her heart… Lashing out violently with air she gagged him, not caring if she broke his jaw. Even as she dealt out death as the head of the Black Ajah, she could not fully shake the desire to heal, but not here, not for him.


She had to struggle to get to her feet, but she didn’t want to be seen as cowering in his eyes. “You are wrong Corwin, and you lay the blame falsely. True we fought, but those fights were as much mine as yours. You claim I was cold hearted and never showed my love, but ask yourself how you showed yours?” Walking towards him she knelt down so she could look into his eyes. “We both made mistakes and I am saddened that you cannot see yours. I long ago came to terms with my own.” With him bound from ankles to neck he couldn’t move, but she was still careful as she leaned in. Kissing him lightly on the lips she pushed herself back to her feet. “I think our largest obstacle Corwin, was that you could not settle with what I am. You claim to have loved me, but I know you never loved my Black heart. The Black Ajah is who and what I am, and who I will be until I die. I serve the Great Lord of the Dark, and yet I can still love.” Shaking her head she had to turn away for him not to see the anguish on her face.


She was who she was, and knew that she would never change. Often she wondered what could have been for them if they had met when she was still a young Aes Sedai. Fresh faced and scared of what she had lost and afraid to be alone. Perhaps then their fates would have been different? “Because I loved you Corwin, I will let you live, but do not follow me or next time I will not be so kind.” Picking up his katana’s she looked at them sadly. “I am afraid I will be taking these with me, but I left you enough coin to have others made.” Riding out of his camp she gripped the katana’s hard. Eqwina did not know if she was trying to hold onto her past or forget her future, but she was still clutching them with one hand as she found Kennar.


“We leave now, and ride hard.” With no other explanation she used Saidar to help him pack up their camp. Corwin had not listened to her when he was alive and they were bonded, she could see no reason he would listen to her now. The bonds of air she tied off would dissipate in a few hours, giving them time for a head start.


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Kennar heard Eqwina approaching, rather he heard someone approaching and prepared himself.  He eased a little when he saw her then tensed up as he saw the look on her face.  What had happened and why was she carrying a pair of Katanas?


“We leave now, and ride hard.” With no other explanation Eqwina helped him pack up their camp using the one power.  Eqwina would not entertain any questions and he did not push it especially when she was wielded Saidar.  She had used it to beat him often enough that he knew better than to push.


With everything stowed they mounted and sped away from the camp.  Kennar wanted to know where they were heading but know was not the time to ask.  Like an obedient dog he followed.  It stung his pride a bit but his future and his service to the Great Lord was tied to her, for now.

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