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Serge's mouth dropped open in surprise at the sudden influx of men to the infirmary.  He had heard some ruckus outside, but had assumed it was part of one of the training classes.  Someone must have misstepped badly to have injured so many in training.  He stepped forward to help a man with a wounded arm and delved him without bothering to ask.  He wouldn't be here if he didn't need help.  The arm was his only major injury.  Serge led him to a cot in case he fainted from the shock of Healing.  It had been known to happen.  Cupping his hands over the burn he began the complicated weave of Healing. 


"What did happen out there?  I did feel the amounts of saidin being channeled.  Did it be an accident in the training classes?  Or did some poor fool be taken by the madness?  Be it over?  Or do I be needing to prepare the cup of sleep?"  He spoke in a calm flat tone, resigned to the necessity, while hating himself for becoming so inured to it. 


-Serge Karminov



Martyn sucked in air when the Healing weave began. Though he had prepared for it in advance, that didn't make it any less of an assault on the body when it came down to it. Definitely benificial, of course, but an assault none the less. After a few seconds of getting used to the sudden sensation, he answered Serge's question. He was used to giving casualty reports from his time as a Borderland soldier in active campaigns and patrols, and as such his voice was almost casual as he reported the situation to the Healer.


- "I wasn't there to see it start, but long story short... Brent lost it. Arath and Covai got him before he could do any real damage, but i've counted at least four dead, possibly more i didn't see. I got this assisting Arath, and i heard Ikkiliad was needed to treat Covai."


He moved his arm slightly to indicate that he was talking about the burn. Seeing people go mad was something he never really got used to, nor did anyone else for that matter, but it was something the Asha'men would have learned to live with as a necessary evil. He took a deep breath as he felt the coolness seep into his skin, driving away the heat, and felt much more relaxed than he had heading for the infirmary.






Serge grunted at the news of the M'Hael's demise.  Well, that was a surprise.  An odd choice to take over from Dalinar, but he did well enough.  The madness, though, that could take anyone at any time.  Even the M'Hael was not immune.  He knew enough of that from his experience preparing the cup of sleep.  He did not like to think of the day when he may need that cup for himself.  He finished the weave and let it sink into Martyn's arm.  The raw redness faded to blisters, to smooth red skin, to healthy pink.  Martyn showed little reaction as his arm knitted itself back into shape.  A good soldier. 


Serge rubbed his hands together as he stepped back to give the other man space to test his arm.  "No so bad a wound, all things considered.  You did have no broken bones, only a very nasty burn.  If you do feel too tired, you can be resting yourself on the cot for a spell.  If no, I do need your help to fetch others who may be injured from the fighting." 


Some had come in on their own, so many it seemed.  How many more were unable to bring themselves to the infirmary.  More than his small skill could handle.  "Do you know the Healing weaves yourself?"


-Serge Karminov



Martyn tested his newly Healed arm, putting some strain on the muscles to see how the limb would hold up. Apparently satisfied with the results, he turned back to Serge again, this time shaking his head.


- "Yes and no, unfortunately. I know the weaves, but i still have a block. And trust me when i say that after going through what i need to get myself to channel, the only thing leaving my hands are battle weaves."


He was surprised when a thought struck him, about how casual he had started to talk about channeling. No ten years ago he would have been so filled with revulsion over the very concept of him channeling that he could barely get the words past his lips, but after spending some time among others that could channel he felt the tresholds lowered. It was true what they said about shared pain after all, he had almost forgotten during his solitude following the War.


- "I'll be going back there now and see if they need help carrying some of the wounded, i can do that much at least."




Helps one way or the other.

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