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Rank The Movies Thread


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None, because inevitably they will screw it up and make it suck compared to the book.  Then I'll go see the movie with false expectations, be completely underwhelmed, and complain like a child for weeks.

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Here are mine...


Ender's Game

Artemis Fowl

The Dark Tower Series

Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk



Err... I gotta think on this more.  I might have picked a category too hard.


How about the Worst Adaptations of Books to film rankings?




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The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

Any Dean Koontz book (The Watchers, Hideaway...)





The Cat In the Hat

A Wrinkle In Time

Kenneth Branaugh's Frankenstein

Time Machine

Total Recall

Johnny Mnemonic




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Hey, hitchhikers wadn't that bad


Maybe that, or I haven't seen it recently enough.


Eragon made me want to die, n' stuff


Oh, OH


Horrible, HORRIBLE, adaptation, albeit from graphic novel(s), From Hell. The movie sucks on it's own, but when compared to Alan Moore's excellent graphic novel, it sinks all the deeper. See also League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

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HG2G wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that good, either. It was okay for what it was, and I still like it, but nobody involved in the final product seemed to understand the material. As I said once before here, too much Disney, not enough Python.


Have any of Crichton's books been treated well in film?  :P Jurassic Park is the only one that came out okay, but it had basically two scenes that had anything to do with the themes of the book and otherwise was a typical Spielberg action adventure film. Sphere had me pretty annoyed at how bad it was, given that it's one of my favorite books.


My absolute favorite book is The Phantom Tollbooth, of which I still hold out hope for a real movie version. Chuck Jones did an animated version of it with the kid from The Munsters that was utter garbage.


Also, the Rankin-Bass version of Return of the King was pretty god-awful. It's hard to take orcs seriously when they sing and dance. Also I declare it non-kosher for the sheer amount of ham in Roddy McDowall's performance as Sam.

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Both The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons were horrible adaptations I thought.  The books were so good and the movies so forgettable. 


The number one on my list was the WoT series, but that's being done now. 


Artemis Fowl would be awesome, but I could see them doing a horrible job by making it too kiddy.  They should make it a PG-13 movie.  And they shouldn't use special effects like they used in Inkheart.  It needs to be darker.


I read this book by Hugh Laurie (yes the House guy) called "The Gun Seller" and I absolutely loved it.  It blended action and comedy in a spy caper that I thought could be made into a great movie if put into the right hands.


I wouldn't mind seeing a movie version of Garth Nix's "Sabriel" or Edgar Rice Burrow's "A Princess of Mars"

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