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Looking for RP partners

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Guess I'm posting a return too. Exams have been pretty motivating, considering. I currently play a Bander private named Tristram and am in the process of getting my Aes Sedai again. If anybody's interested in writing RPs together I'm more than happy to co-operate.



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Too long, I think! :)


You know my old character list. If any of those strike your fancy i'm sure I can pull them out. :) (if you don't, you probably know where to find them).


*hugs her better behaved daughter*

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I do and I don't. I have a full ranking one, but not one for here, i'm afraid. :s

Not unless someone is willing to bend a few things to get some higher ranking officers to train the younger ones. *shrugs* I doubt Jain will make it over.

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Well, i have Beatrice in the FLs. i'd have to get her re-approved and all.. Lovely little flighty ex-thief. Um.. There is Arie, but that gets complicated. *thinks* who else do I have running around... I have a Kin that wanders a lot. And there is Suu, but she would be a b*tch to get approved as i'd rather not bring back another WT character..



what do you think?

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Beatrice or Kin, which one do you feel like playing with more?


Let me know and I'll start a thread and that's that ;D


So, what do we do to get old characters re-approved anyway? I've only been trying to bring back my WT char (which I know how) but am considering others (I am unsure how). Thank you!

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Beatrice will be funner. She's young and swears. I'll try and get her bio submitted in the next day or so.


Re-email your character in for approval for the WT. If you've been gone more than 6 months your talents are gone, as well as the ranks. Also you will have to do a char developement rp of some kind approved by the staff.


It's gotten all horribly complicated but as minor players who are we to argue. *shrug*

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One of the things I actually like about the Band is how it, unlike CoL or TG, has no weapon forms. Makes for a series of RPs that involve using our weapons in different characteristics and gaining more experience out in the world no matter where we are, as opposed to strict weapon training. Or at least, freeforming is how it could get creative. (As a wonderful friend Sam points out, Baldur's Gate)

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