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*wanders in*

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You gotta roommate with Del and Ada. They were going to be in an already crowded room, but I think we could just make another room right next door!! *nods*  ;D

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Del is your new trainee?  That seems fairly convenient, you'll be able to pop them in at the perfect time in the thread.  We can even move it to another thread afterwards if you like, maybe even make it a conflict req for all three of us.  Like I said before, despite what you may have seen, Davel is usually hard to get along with at first.  Also, I'm ready to start wilderness survival whenever Thera is.


*wanders off to read up on the twins*

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*grins evily* Mwahaha!!! They are all too afraid to defend you!


*puts on her other hat(aka the other voice in her head) and uses clubs of air to throttle the newb and steal back the rum*


Bad Trainee!! BAD!! Do not steal the rum!!


*runs off to find her whip* ;)

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My favorite is the delicious AND nutritious vodka and cranberry, preferably Skyy brand vodka.  Rum and coke a close second, with JD and anything waaaay down the list.  Although once I get a few shots in me I'm likely to drink anything you put in front of me.  No antifreeze, please.


And yes, Visar, feel free to share the rum.  Just keep in mind, once you've had some, you have to protect me from the Wicked Woman of Many Dangerous Hats (Eqwina.)

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*laughs* dangerous voices in her head is more like it! *ducks*


I prefer Irish Creams, myself. Carolan's is my favorite and I can do some serious damage to a bottle of that stuff in one sitting. *smirks* I'm sorta sad to say I only have one story of relative drunkenness to go with any alcohol and it's only because I tossed up some Carolan's once. *grins* Who says the Kin is a bad place to sit and chat... *coughs*

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