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I want to get back to advancing my wolfkin, so I need some help. I think I got Dreams Lessons but the guy doing it got banned before we finished it, so I am thinking I need to start with 3 and 4 again. I also need Herb Lesson which everyone left and so I need to take it again and I also need Intermediate Weapon Training. Is there anyone who can help me get moving again??

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I know Owen is currently doing a Senses class starting tomorrow i think, unfortunately my wolfie is still on his way to the Stedding or I would help you out  :( good luck!


I will mention it to Taymist as well, see if we can get another class going, still kinda new to all this  :P

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Ok had a quick look at your training just now to refresh my memory.  :) You and I are the only two who are active at Wolf Cub level so we have a couple of options.


Herb Training


1. I've done mine and since Rhya and Rena have met, Rhya could teach her.

2. We can ask Owen to do the lesson with you (he just loves Herb classes *snickers*)

3. We can ask Kara to use the NSW Sage (or I could if she's too busy), Aislyn, to take the class


Dream Lesson (Parts 3 & 4)


1. We can ask Owen to do the lesson with you and make him earn his keep.  ;D

2. I can do it with you using the NSW Sage, Aislyn ( I won't ask Kara as she's not done any Dream lessons herself with any character yet)


Intermediate Weapons


Owen or Nyn could take this as they're both Rangers.


Intermediate Senses Training


Owen's starting a class tomorrow for the Basic level but I'll have to do the Intermediate level too with Rhya. So once the basic part is finished, Owen can dismiss the class and you could join the two of us and he can teach us both at the same time. Sound ok?


I'm trying not to dump absolutely everything on Owen lol, but he and Nyn are the only active full ranks we have other than using an NSW. It's up to you what you'd prefer.  :)

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Ok that all sounds good with me, I would like to do the classes and such with Rhya if possible. I also like the Intermediate Senses idea with Owen as well and Rhya as well. Should I contact Owen about the weapons training? 

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Yep, drop him a PM.  :)


I'll keep you posted on the Senses lesson progression so you know when to jump in.


For the Herb lesson then, I'll do it with Rhya. I've edited my last post in our current RP with Winter and asked Katrina about her lessons. If she explains about her previous teacher leaving, Rhya can offer to do her Herb training and then I'll start us a new thread.  :)

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Actually Tai you could (IF he wanted to have another along) Since when you look at the class roster Rhya is on it, and she is escorting you to the stedding, I am also assuming this class is after Owen wakes up from being a potato and Rhya mentioned that he was still in that state when she left, so since she is back it would stand to resion that you would also be there? 


But this is all theoretical so I might be wrong :P 

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Yes, Owen will be waking up shortly, he's RPing that now. Rhya and Rahien/Tai have just arrived back at the Stedding. The Senses class is some time in the future... weeks after Owen's recovery... and Tai is signed up for it already.  :)


None of which is relevant to helping Jade as she's already taken that part of her training and Tai's only a Wanderer whereas Katrina's a Wolf Cub.


*puts Winter back into her foot locker* Never mind sweetie, just you stay there and rest.  :D ;)

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