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VOTING: The Ode & The Limerick!


What is your favorite entry this week?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite entry this week?

    • The Green Sash Girl
    • An Ode to Red
    • The Red Sashes Are!
    • An Ode to the Wonderful Kin!

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Welcome Everyone!  *grins and bounces*  To the Kin's


Second Annual Challenge of the Sashes Poetry Contest!!!


The members of each Sash group have been working together to write poems of four different types this month!  This third week is the choice of a Limerick or an Ode.  Then as a group, they choose the one they feel is the best to be posted in the vote against the other Sashes!  The vote is open to anyone who visits our boards! Kin members are asked to post that they HAVE voted..but not WHO they voted for.  This is important if you want credit for participation in the Challenge to share in any points your Sash group wins! ;)  You are welcome to post compliments and comments as well!


The Voting


~The vote will last from today, April 21th to April 27th.

~The winners will be announced in the Winner's Circle thread, along with all the poems written for that type of poem!

~Poems are posted anonymously!  No author or Sash revealed!

~The vote is HIDDEN!  *grins*  I love the anticipation!


The topic this week was anything about the Kin!  Here is a description of each type of poem:


A Limerick is a rhymed humorous or nonsense poem of five lines which originated in Limerick, Ireland.   

The Limerick has a set rhyme scheme of : a-a-b-b-a with a syllable structure of: 9-9-6-6-9.




An Ode is a poem praising and glorifying a person, place or thing.


and the choices are:




#1 The green sash girl

There once was a green sash girl,

She joined the Kin org,so she could chill,

But she got to involved,

Sent happy mail to the world,

And now she sends post to all.



#2 An Ode to Red


Red, is passion burning bright

A flame lit to contrast the night

Red is a dress made of silk

It is a sword with rubies on the hilt,


Red is the blood rushing through our veins

It is the color that on our cheeks does stain

Red is a heated word, and an angry shout

It is the color of anxiety and doubt.


Red feels like anger turned to fire

It is the feeling of walking a trapeze wire

Red is life and its all around

From taste to touch and even sound


The red is the top, the pinnacle of the kin

the are easy to talk to and quick to make a friend

their sash embodies the qualities above

and all its members are filled with love



#1 The Red Sashes Are!


The Red Sashes are, of the Kin,

The Wisest and Fairest of them.

They’re smart and they’re pretty,

And really quite witty,

And quite apt to act on a whim.


The other sashes aspire to be,

Red Sashes like my fellows and me.

They work and they strive,

Till they finally arrive,

Then to dance and to sing gleefully.



#4 An Ode to the WOnderful Kin


I wandered over Dragonmount

Looking for a home

I didn't know what I sought

Just that it would end my roam.


I saw a group of people

Gathered all together

They looked quite happy, it seemed

Pulling through all kinds of weather.


I walked up and said hello,

Wondering how I'd be received

They welcomed me with arms open wide

And I felt peaceful, and relieved.


I soon came to realize

That I had found the place

Where everyone is welcome

And there's joy in every face.


The Kin has been a support

When I was down and dreary

I learned that I should come here

When I'm feeling weary.


I'm amazed at how much love there is

How much fun there is too.

To sum it up in just one phrase:

"We most definitely want YOU!"



Good Luck Everyone!!  The Race is on...encourage EVERYONE to vote!



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