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The WINNER's Circle!!!!!!!!!


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*shakes head and goes after Dar and catches up, putting an arm around her shoulders*


Now darlin..I know it was frustrating..but actually there are quite a few of your fellow sashes that need to have that pass besides Sam as real life hammered them the last few weeks!  You did a great job and I'm sure the other's really appreciate it!!


psst..if you look closely..because you ARE the only one..you actually got more points personally than the second place sash members too! *winks* 


Now give us a smile and a giggle or I'll have to start a mud pit and wrestle  you in it!!

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*removing my comment because it didn’t serve it’s original, intended purpose*  ;D  I guess I’ll have to hint a bit harder! LOL!

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They will also recieve a Happy Mail surprise from the Council AND a lovely Siggie crafted by our own Elegant Eldest Lor proclaiming them the POET LAURETES of the Kin!!


Wonder what these will be.....

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