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Dressed for pratice Atten Eqwina

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OOC: Sorry it took me so long to get to starting my Weapons training schools just been killer! *winces* But anyway I hope this is alright and if not let me know and I'll fix it..I'm a little out of my element here *look* LOL One more thing this is gonna be done in reto..I think is the word..Rasheta is supposed to be an Accepted when she first comes to learn of weapons if that doesn't work I can change it totally no worries.




Rasheta had a bit of free time and she knew where she was going to spend it. Ever since she had come to the tower she had wanted to learn how to use weapons, she had known for some time that she was going to join the Green Ajah when raised but that was still some time away she had to focus first on simply learning whatever she could.


Rasheta was a little worried about coming to the Warders yards to learn, she knew it would be just as hard as her training from the Aes Sedai but she was resoulute and she would become at least semi-decent with the weapons, what good would she be to the Greens if she couldn't use a sword or bow to complement the one power. As she stared out over the yards she felt intimidated again at her lack of knowledge and she shook herself she would do this. She walked up to the first person she saw and said. "How do I learn?"

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Thera whipped her head around ready to filet the interrupter of practice, but the words froze on her tongue and she quickly moderated what she’d been about to say.


“Pardon me Accepted, but this is not the place for you.” Grabbing the girl gently by the arm she led her a short ways away from where her students were sparing.  “It is dangerous to walk up to the practice ring unannounced.” Trying to keep one eye on the spar and one eye on the child she went through the rules. “I am assuming you have received permission from the Tower or you would not be here. So, if you wish to train then I can see to your training. I have trained..yo…Accepted before.” She had been about to say your kind, meaning future Green’s, but not wanting to seem insulting she rushed passed her slip. “I do not have time to begin today, but if you can report here first thing in the morning we can begin.”


“My office is just over there.” She pointed through the trees. “I am Thera Trakelyn, Mistress of Trainee’s”


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“Pardon me Accepted, but this is not the place for you.” Grabbing the girl gently by the arm she led her a short ways away from where her students were sparing.  “It is dangerous to walk up to the practice ring unannounced.” Trying to keep one eye on the spar and one eye on the child she went through the rules. “I am assuming you have received permission from the Tower or you would not be here. So, if you wish to train then I can see to your training. I have trained..yo…Accepted before.”


Rasheta knew she shouldn't have marched up to the training ring unannounced but it was really the only way she could have done that. She would have been to scared to otherwise. She nodded slowly when the woman made the comment about getting permission to train from the tower. Well she hadn't exactly gotten permission but the Mistress of Novices hadn't told her she COULDN'T go. The Accepted were allowed to do more or less what they liked when they were not learning from the Aes Sedai or teaching the Novices.

“My office is just over there.” She pointed through the trees. “I am Thera Trakelyn, Mistress of Trainee’s”


She did the only thing she knew to do and curtsied to the woman. "I am Accepted Rasheta Ardashir, Thera Trakelyn." She wasn't sure if she should address her as Thera Gaidar or something else so in the way of not knowing she simply called her by her full name. "I have come to learn whatever I can of weapons. I am not sure where to get started and I am sorry if I interrupted something on the training yard." She curtsied again not knowing what else to do and asked. "When can we start?"

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Thera stomped into her boots and threw on her cloak, but didn’t bother with a sword. Today would be about picking weapons and how to care for them. There was no doubt that she would be handling every weapon in the armory while the girl made her pick, and her own weapon would only get in the way.


Walking the short distance to her office she saw Rasheta already waiting for her. The child was obviously eager, but Thera was willing to lay bets that when it came time to teach fitness she would not be so prompt. “Good Morning Rasheta, follow me please. We will head to the armory so you can select the weapons you would like to learn.” Leading the way across the yards Thera unlocked the door to the weapons shed and watched the girls mouth fall open. Truly there was no place else where you could see weapons of every shape and size and type, lined from floor to ceiling in a room the size of a palace.


OOC: RP meeting Thera and arriving at the armory. Tell your reactions to her, if you have any and to see all the weapons for the first time.


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Rasheta woke earlier then usual and went down to the offices of Thera, she waited as patiently as she could till she saw the Thera coming toward her and the woman said.


“Good Morning Rasheta, follow me please. We will head to the armory so you can select the weapons you would like to learn.


Rasheta curtsied and tried to hold back her impatience to be training. She walked slowly after Thera wondering about the woman would she be a good teacher or would she expect more from Rasheta then Rasheta could give. She really was out of her element and things could get bad if Thera didn't at least try to be understanding of Rasheta's lack of weapons training. However, Rasheta was also determined to be a member of the Green Ajah when she was raised and to that end she would do everything she could to win over the woman in front of her and the warders yards in general. She would learn she promised herself.


She followed Thera into the armory and took a breath the weapons lined the walls and she stood for a moment in shock she hadn't guessed there were so many weapons ever. She saw a set of swords near the wall a staff, some bows as well as some crossbows and various other weapons she didn't know the names of. She went right to the nearest sword and picked it up. She glanced over her shoulder at Thera and asked "Can I start with this?"


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Thera’s lips pursed and she struggled to control her smile. Apparently trainee, accepted, or Aes Sedai..whenever they saw the shiny weapons for the first time they couldn’t help but touch. Gently Thera took the sword from the girl’s hand and replaced it on the rack. “You may begin with which ever weapon you choose, but I must ask you refrain from touching them until I have time to teach you.” Her mind flashed back to the last trainee to cut himself in this room, all because he could not wait to handle the weapons.


“While many of the blades in here are not fully sharpened, most are still enough to cut flesh and I would not want you to hurt yourself.” Smiling to take any string from her words Thera led them to the center of the room. Well away from the weapons racks. “Much like Saidar, you must have patience and care when dealing with weapons.” Thera had never known the joy of Saidar, but being bonded for over 10 years had shown her as much as someone who couldn’t channel could learn. “If you take care your weapon will never do more than you intend.”


“I will allow you to talk the room and select three weapons. After which we can begin to talk about them, and their care. I will suggest that you choose a long range weapon as well as a short. The last choice I leave completely to you.”


OCC: RP selecting your weapons of choice.


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You may begin with which ever weapon you choose, but I must ask you refrain from touching them until I have time to teach you.”


Rasheta nodded and felt a trifle foolish for picking it up in the first place. She really had no idea how to use it and she could have hurt herself or Thera if she had actually tried to do more then hold it. She was just a little to excited to start training and the sword had made her think of all the stories of legend she had heard.Thera spoke again and Rasheta listened closely.


“While many of the blades in here are not fully sharpened, most are still enough to cut flesh and I would not want you to hurt yourself.” Smiling to take any string from her words Thera led them to the center of the room. Well away from the weapons racks. “Much like Saidar, you must have patience and care when dealing with weapons.”


Rasheta nodded she could understand that, she would just have to learn and pratice more. She had done much pratice in the Tower with Saidar and she had even more to do if she was ever to become an Aes Sedai in the tower. She listened as Thera told her to walk the room and pick three weapons. Rasheta already had an idea of which three she would choose so as soon as Thera allowed her she went back to the sword looked at it and said "This one for the first." She saw the staff across the room and the Bows as well she nodded to both "Those two as well." She waited to see if her choices would be considered strange or if she would have to pick again.

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It was a common triad that the Aes Sedai chose, and she suspected that while the girl may love the idea of the Blade dearly. It would be the staff and the bow that would see more use.


“A sturdy combination you have picked, they are similar to what I would have picked for you myself.” Walking over to the far wall she grabbed down a staff that was near a hand taller than the girl and as big around as her wrist. Then she took down three bows, and set them all on the bench. Crossing the room she took the sword from the Accepted’s hands and took down two others as well. The weapons made a formidable force lined up in the row.


“You see how each of these bows are just slightly different?” she waited for a nod. “and each of these swords? Some are two handed weapons and other one handed.” A traditional trainee would have already read the manual, but it was not something given out to Accepted.


Taking a large book from yet another rack on the wall, she handed it to Rasheta. “Look up each of the weapons I have chosen down. You should be able to match them from the pictures, and then choose the one you think would be best for you.”


“ I would also have you tell me about the weapons and why you choose it” Taking a seat on the floor Thera leaned back on her hands to wait, knowing that the searching could take some time.


OOC: Check this link and pick out which sword and which bow Rasheta will use. Have her tell Thera why it is the one she wants


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OOC: I am SOOOOOO sorry this took me forever to get to *wince* School has been trying to eat me or something. Jade poked me back here and I apologize again for it....moving on. The link you gave me doesn't work. :( I get an error. With a little googling I picked up some stuff about weapons so hopefully *crosses fingers* this will make sense and if not. Let me know and I'll change whatever needs to be changed. :)





Rasheta took the big book Thera handed her, she began to look through the book memorizing the pictures and putting them with the sword, staff and bow and then she tried to figure out which one of the swords, staffs, or bows she would actually want to use. She nodded to the Katana and said. "I think I'll use this one first Thera Gaidar. I can learn to be fast with it."


She settled in and said "I picked the Katana I like that you must learn to use it and be fast in order for it to work. I can learn to move quickly on my feet. It seems as though it wouldn't get tangled up with my legs while I walked either." She paused and studied the book and asked. "Could you use this from horseback?" Before Thera could answer she went on to the bows.


"I like a short bow better then the longer ones. It may not have as much distance or power as the longer ones but if I needed to I would simply use the one power to help me speed my arrow a long. Plus" She added smiling. "I think I could use this easily from horseback She realized she probably sounded weak so she tiled her head up and said with a glint of fire in her eyes and a hint of defiance in her voice.


"I am not weak mind you and I learn quickly." She realized that could be considered rude and would probably net her a trip to the Mistress of Novices but she didn't care. She wasn't weak she would be Green Ajah and she was going to prove it to everyone. She did add a "Thera Gaidar" after her statement before turning her eyes back to the book and pretending to study more while she waited for the impending lecture.



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OOC: Perfect  ;D



Thera nodded at her choice of a Katana, it was the very weapons she carried and she could teach the girl well with it. As it was will all trainee’s she fired off questions and moved on before Thera could form an answer, though she made a note to answer them when she was done.


“The short bow is a good weapon for you Accepted Rasheta” Thera said, hiding her amusement at the girls quicksilver temper. She was young yet, still learning how to be a Green. While they were none for hot blood and short fuses she knew that this girls’ would grow longer with age. “You will make a fine Green one day.” She said quietly as she took the book and set it aside.


Moving on before the girl could make mention of her complement she picked up the staff any began to explain about its care. About how to polish the wood and too keep it free of splinters. She moved on quickly to the bow and sword which take more concern.


“You will never want to leave your bow strung for too long, and you will want to shelter it from harsh conditions. Nothing is worse for a bow string than the damp of early morning, or the rain. As for your sword you will want to keep the blade clean and oiled, and keep it sharp. That is very important or you will damage it.”


Picking up another bow Thera strung it in one quick motion, and then undid it and demonstrated again more slowly. “Grab your bow and try. I will show again if you need.”


It always took a few tries to master the motions, and even a quick study would have trouble, but Thera watched until she'd done it perfect. "Now I want you to do it just like that ten times in a row."


OOC: RP out learning to string the bow and any troubles she may have. Also RP cleaning the sword with the oil.  ;D

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Rasheta watched Thera string the bow in one quick movement she knew she wouldn't make it look that easy for many, many years to come, or at the very least many months. She watched closely as Thera restrung it slower for her benefit. She watched closely and then tried and tried till she got it right once then Thera told her to try to restring it ten times in a row. Rasheta nodded and went about trying to do just that.


Rasheta had no idea how a person could make this look as easy as Thera did. She had hurt herself a few times trying to restring the bow, although she would never cry out or show her frustration she was a little frustrated with the bow. After what seemed like days she finally got the bow to string the ten times Thera wanted from her, she brushed some of her hair off her face and then picked up the sword and begin to oil that as Thera had taught her. She gave  herself a cut once but let that go she would bandage it later or she would go and request help from one of the yellows. When she was done she picked up the staff and looked it over as Thera had showed her trying to remember all the care that went into that as well. She hadn't been asked to clean the staff but she figured that she may as well look into it. She was going to see if she could borrow a bow from Thera to practice the stringing while she wasn't here on the yards learning. She wasn't sure if the Mistress of Novices would allow the weapon in the Accepted Quarters or if Thera would allow her to have it but it was worth a try. She looked up and asked if she could borrow one of the bows for her string practice.

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“Yes you may take this with you to practice as I will expect you to be better the next time we meet.” Taking down a smaller bow she handed it to the girl with extra stings. “Do not feel bad if it takes some time to learn, everyone learns at their own pace.”


Three Days Later


Three days later she met Rasheta again and this time she went over the basics of sharpening her sword. “In time you will be able to do it without thought, but in the beginning it is best to go slow or you may lose and finger. Not even the Yellows could give that back to you.” She laughed as if to say it was of no worry and went over the steps to sharpening her blade.


"I am afraid you will have to leave the blade with me, but it will be hear waiting for you. Now please demonstrate how to string your bow ten more times and I will allow you to take leave for the day.” She watched and kept a strict count, making her start the ten over every time she missed.


“I will see you again in three days and we will begin your next set of lessons.”


OOC: First one done 


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