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The Kin's FLower Market! (Spring Exchange)


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Oh Spring is here!  Flowers..at least some of them are blooming even!!


The Kin always celebrates Springtime with a Plant/Seed/Bulb swap or a springy thingy! 


This year, due to the economy concerns I thought we might tweak this a little bit and make it a




*bounces and claps and twirls*


Now here's the scoop! :D ;)

Packets of flower/plant/vegetable seeds are pretty cheap!  You can even get them in some stores at 10 for a dollar!  Of course some can cost up to $5, but you don't have to choose them!  The other thing is..you can stick a packet of seeds in an envelope with a card or a note...put a stamp on it and throw it in the mailbox!!  WOOHOO!!  That's simple enough!  Of course if you are worried about the postage you can add a second stamp.  But over all..you have an exchange that costs just at one dollar..maybe two!  And hopefully...most anyone that wants to will be able to partipate without ruining your budgets!!!  *grins*


Ok ok..there is the consideration of our overseas and out of country members...*grins more*  Same thing will work!  I know from Oklahoma a letter overseas is around 85 cents and to cananda 75 cents!!  So maybe a minimum of two dollars or three?  Same for them to send to us.  At the most I would seriously doubt it would be over five dollars!


The other very cool thing about seeds..is that you don't NEED a garden!  You can put them in a pot, a plastic cup, or even just a little bitty patch of earth and they will grow!  So even the apartment dwellers and renters can give thier green thumbs a whirl!


Ok kiddos...sign up here!  Sign up is open until April 18th!  As per normal..please indicate if you DO NOT want to have an overseas partner.


**HINT**  You can find out what everyone's favorite flower is in the APril checkin thread...whic is also the April Kin News thread at the top of this page!

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Mystie just reminded me that for the most part...seeds and plants cannot be sent from country to country!  Dang..


So if anyone that isn't in the USA wants to play...we will have to be creative!  *grins*  and send maybe artificial flowers or gardening gloves and tools or some kind of Spring..like a slinky or pogo stick....*giggles*


But, since nobody has signed up anyway...prolly won't be a problem.



actually I think the only folks this affects would be Myst, Tay, May, Tigara...Aleita, Danya and Horn..*nods*

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lol, *mutters*





Alright, how's this one, then. It's called a Star Flower and it's freakin' huge! The bloom grows as wide as 10 inches across! However, for every up there's a down. This flower is also known as a "Carrion Flower" because the fragrance it uses to attract insects is that of...



...ROTTING FLESH! *gags*


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