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Theory about he who is dead yet lives and more...Maybe i could say complete AMoL

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Sorry for my very bad and very insufficient English. I hope you can understand my English.


Actually i will sent my theory this topic, but i think my theory more extensive. If wrong i apologize.



* Several SPOILERS alert (including KoD)*


*(A Crown of Swords)(Lord of Chaos)(The Dragon Reborn)(The Path of Daggers)(Knife of Dreams) etc. *


My theory is little bit complex.


I think Lion Sword is not Elayne. Dedicated spear is not Aviendha. She sees beyond is not Min. And "and he who is dead yet lives" is not Rand.


Gawyn is First Prince of the Sword. For this reason Lion Sword is Gawyn.


Aiel mean Old Tongue is dedicated, but no longer Aviendha is not relation with spear.


I think dedicated spear is Mat. Because of Aelfinn answers, and Egwene's dreams...

"To give up half the light of the world to save the world!"

"Mat, placing his own left eye on a balance scale. "

"Mat, weighing two Aes Sedai on a huge set of balance scales, and on his decision depended...She could not say what; something vast; the world, perhaps." (One of them Moiraine. Because of Min's vision: "What good to tell him he would almost certainly fail without a woman who was dead and gone?")


Possibly "she sees beyond" is Min. Possibly... Maybe someone else... Another one Egwene.


"She's strapped to a block as a headsman swings. Somewhere, someone is running and if they run fast enough the axe will stop. " (I think one of Gawyn.)


If Mat chosen rescue Moiraine or save Egwene's life... I think Mat will choose Egwene.


Maybe Mat fail to go Ghenjei Tower with Thom and Noal. If third man is wrong man then everything failed.


Maybe "he who is dead yet lives" refers to Mat, maybe Rand, maybe just Luc or just Isam (not Slayer).


"After Luc rode north, never to return, whispers said Gitara had convinced him that his fame lay in the Blight, or his fate. Others said it was that he would find the Dragon Reborn there, or that the Last Battle depended on him going."


"Luc came to the Mountains of Dhoom.

Isam waited in the high passes.

The hunt is now begun. The Shadow's hounds now course, and kill.

One did live, and one did die, but both are."


Gitara's sent Tigraine to Aiel Waste for reason her prophecy. For pregnancy it The Dragon Reborn. What Gitara's prophecy about Luc?


Slayer to go Ghenjei Tower (The Shadow Rising, chapter 28). Maybe one of many times entering Ghenjei Tower and world of Aelfinn and Eelfinn...


"It also may be that you and Mat Cauthon and another, a man I do not know, will try to rescue me."


I think third man is not Noal (Jain Charin or whoever). My idea third man is Luc (not Isam, not Slayer). Because of The Shadow Rising chapter 28 and Dark Prophecy and Gitara Moroso's prophecy and Min's vision about Moiraine, and Elaida's foretelling about royal line of Andor (House Mantear and/or House Trakand)


"This Slayer is not old, archer, but his evil is ancient."


My idea Slayer is inhuman creature. Slayer is not Luc and not Isam, but both are. Maybe Isam is a can Darkfriend. But this unimportant. I'm sure Luc is a not darkfriend. My idea old guys replaced young guys, but Slayer constant. In that way immortal. But what if tie is broken? Luc or Isam to get the kick than Tel'aran'rhiod, similar Birgitte, by Egwene. I think then tie is broken.


My version of Nicola's foretelling:

Gawyn, Mat, Egwene. Three on the boat, and Luc. The great battle done, but the world not done with battle. The land divided by the return, and Asha'man balance Aes Sedai. The future teeters on the edge of a blade.


My idea great battle is not Tarmon Gaidon. Before Tarmon Gaidon around Tar Valon (similar siege of Gondor). After tied Daughter of the Nine Moons by Rand (with Mat's help in Ebou Dar). Between forces of The Light (Band of The Red Hand, Gareth Bryne's forces, Perrin's forces, Ever Victorious Army and Aes Sedai, maybe Dedicateds and soldiers of The Black Tower)  and forces of The Dark One (Trollocs, Myrddraals and other shadowspawns, darkfriend Tower Guards, Black Ajah, and maybe Mesaana, maybe Taim's Asha'mans and with tied Aes Sedais, maybe Graendal and Sharan forces with female Ayyads, maybe new body with Sammael and with male Ayyads).


Mat enter The White Tower help with Teslyn. Egwene rescue Luc (maybe help with Perrin, Rand and Siuan in Tel'aran'rhiod for knowledge about Luc). Gawyn and Mat rescue Egwene and Luc together escape Tar Valon. After great battle Mat, Thom and Luc to go Ghenjei Tower for rescue Moiraine.


You say what about Seanchan woman in Egwene's dreams.

"She had dreamed of the Seanchan, too, of women in dresses with lightning bolts woven on their breasts, collaring a long line of women who wore Great Serpent rings, forcing them to call lightning against the White Tower. "

"Egwene walks a ledge on a cliff. The ledge collapses leaving her hanging by her fingertips. A Seanchan woman climbs down the cliff and offers to help. "

"A golden female hawk touches her and they are tied together. "


My idea The White Tower controlled by Darkfriends during great battle. For reason Seanchan Army attack with other forces of The Light on Tar Valon.


Usually everybody think Seanchan woman is Tuon and golden female hawk is Tuon or Berelain. I don't think... Why tie between Egwene and Tuon? Tuon serve The Dragon Reborn. Seanchan Army led by Mat. Tuon underestimate and hate them channeller womans. Egwene hate Seanchans. Practically not any reason. And Berelain is a unimportant and weak character.


Alivia... She is over four hundred years old. An important character for Min's vision about Rand. Her One Power is great. More power than Nynaeve and Moghedien. Maybe important for her age...


Before Luthair Paendrag, continent of Seanchan controlled and divided by Aes Sedai. War between for centuries Paendrag line and Aes Sedai. The Consolidation end before two hundred years. (Path of Daggers, chapter 22)


I think conventional army cannot resist against damane. Damane against can damane, or damane against Asha'man, or damane against Aes Sedai (not bound Three Oaths). Seanchanese Aes Sedai not bound Three Oaths.


To be completed The Consolidation of continent Seanchan during Alivia is two hundred years about. Maybe older.


Possibly Alivia is captured and leashed Seanchanese Aes Sedai. More...


Nothing proof, but you can say a sense or speculation...


Discover they could channeller Paendrag womans, then names removed from records (Winter's Heart, chapter 14). Possibly similar leashed other channeller womans.


If Rand or Mat free damane (sooner or later), then old damanes and sul'dams can led by Alivia. Tie between Alivia and Egwene, can rise up Aes Sedai strength in Seanchan and can influence of The White Tower to Seanchan.


"Rand confronting her, and the women with her, and one of them was a Seanchan. "


After great battle... I think Rand confront stubborn, conservative channeller womans, inside Alivia.


Take control saidin Lews Therin in house of Lord Algarinin Tear, but Lews Therin not take control Rand's body. What if Lews Therin captured saidin both Rand's body?


For now Lews Therin is a dead, and Rand is alive. Personality of Lews Therin only voice in Rand's mind. If Lews Therin captured saidin both Rand's body then Rand is a dead and Lews Therin is alive (symbolical and practical).


I think Rand symbolical killed by Egwene with Alivia's help. For reason take control Lews Therin in time Rand's angry.


"If you would live, you must die." Why? I don't think for war abilities and knowledge about saidin of Lews Therin.


"Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed.

Once for mourning, once for birth.

Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the rock of Shayol Ghul.

In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the Shadow."


My idea Elayne kidnapping by a Forsaken (personally think Demandred). Blackmailed The Dragon (similar blackmailed Paul Atreides in Dune Messiah). If Rand is alive then blackmail successful, The Dragon return Shadow's side. If Lews Therin is alive then blackmail unsuccesful. Elayne and her babies killed. (dawn for mourning).


I agree theory of Aviendha's Gateway to travel in time. (http://www.wotmania.com/theorypostdbtheory.asp?ID=1334&Category=RandLadies). I think Aviendha's new weave of Gateway back on the time. Also Aviendha's old weave forward on the time. (The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 31, 32)


Aviendha feel she's death through tie between her and Elayne. She Travel with Birgitte and dull dagger ter'angreal for revenge to Shayol Ghul her Gateway. But just now Elayne is alive. Aviendha kill Elayne's kidnapper (Forsaken or whoever) and rescue Elayne. Elayne birth her babies in Shayol Ghul. (dawn for birth)


I think The Dragon on Shayol Ghul face of Moridin and Shaidar Haran. I'm sure not chance The Dragon, against Shaidar Haran. Shaidar Haran kill The Dragon. One Power (and probably True Power) useless against Shaidar Haran.


"It can't be the Last Battle. Even if the Dragon Reborn seals the Dark One's prison again as well as the Creator made it. Which I don’t think he can do. He isn’t the Creator, you know, whatever they say in the streets. Still, it has to be sealed up again by somebody. The Wheel, you see." (Lord of Chaos, chapter 18)


I think The Dragon on Shayol Ghul face of Moridin and Shaidar Haran. I'm sure The Dragon against Shaidar Haran not chance. Shaidar Haran can kill The Dragon. One Power (and probably True Power) useless against Shaidar Haran because of his Stedding effect.


"It can't be the Last Battle. Even if the Dragon Reborn seals the Dark One's prison again as well as the Creator made it. Which I don’t think he can do. He isn’t the Creator, you know, whatever they say in the streets. Still, it has to be sealed up again by somebody. The Wheel, you see." (Lord of Chaos, chapter 18) How? I think Padan Fain similar role Gollum of LotR. The Dragon fight against Moridin. Padan Fain fight against Shaidar Haran. Padan Fain kill Shaidar Haran and restore Dark One's prison. The Dragon kill Moridin, but himself badly injured, probably on death bed. Somehow Padan Fain die, maybe Aviendha kill Padan Fain, maybe other way...


Healing useless for Rand's body. His eyes, two scars on side, left hand etc. Rand's body will go to death. Nynaeve cannot heal Rand, or Flinn cannot heal Rand. Entire world go destruction and wars because death of The Dragon similar Trolloc Wars and War of the Hundred Years. Because many Armies bound The Dragon in Westlands. If Car'a'carn is a dead then Aiels fight against wetlanders. Seanchans fight against anybody. Nations fight against nations. The White Tower against The Black Tower. And imprison of The Dark One not meaning death of the darkfriends and the shadowspawns.


The Eye of The World created by Solinda Sedai and company on the time of The Breaking, because of Deindre Sedai's foretelling. Maybe The Stone of Tear created by Solinda and company later or after The Breaking. What about Deindre's foretelling?


"The Eye of the World was made against the greatest need the world would ever face." (The Eye of The World, chapter 52). Greatest need is killed Aginor? Or destroying an Trolloc army? Or injured Ishamael? Or hiding and saving Horn of Valere? Maybe both... Maybe more...


The Eye of the World is a ter'angreal Well (similar Nynaeve's jewelry set). It can be filled with saidin. And I think different principle of working other ter'angreal Wells.


During creation of The Breaking saidin is foul for that reason saidin should filtered before fill The Eye of The World. But for now saidin is pure. The Eye of The World not demolished, just empty. I don't think The Eye useless when existing Callandor and/or Choedan Kal.


I think The Eye of The World is unique ter'angreal. The Eye itself weaving saidin for need. During in The Eye of The World Rand not know use saidin. The Eye give impossible healing for need of Aginor. The Eye give kill Aginor for need of Rand. Destroy Trolloc Army of Ba'alzamon for need of Rand etc.


The Eye of The World can successful healing for Rand's body, but a problem... Who can know is place? Who can know is unique function? I think just Moiraine.


I think Moiraine's role similar Gandalf in Return of The King. Moiraine rescue Rand's life.


"Who draws it out shall follow after,

What hand can grasp that fearful blade?"


"A man lay dying in a narrow bed, and it was important he not die, yet outside a funeral pyre was being built, and voices raised songs of joy and sadness. A dark young man held an object in his hand that shone so brightly she could not see what it was."


I think dark young man is Jahar Narishma and in his hand Callandor. Use Callandor for reason fill The Eye of The World. For reason healing The Dragon. My idea The Eye healing Rand except for scars on side and left hand (similar Frodo's scar and his finger) including heal two personalities in one mind. Lews Therin is gone, Rand is alive.


Rand use key ter'angreal of Choedan Kal with same weave during against shadowspawns in The Stone of Tear for kill shadowspawns on entire world.


Yep. Aginor does die by drawing too much of the Power. They both link to the Eye of the World, and Aginor gets angry that Rand is also drawing from the Eye. He says it is his and he begins to draw more and more in his anger. It eventually burns him out and destroys him much in the same way that Lews Therin killed himself.


Suddenly he felt something, saw it, though he knew it was not there to see. A glowing rope ran off from Aginor, behind him, white like sunlight seen through the purest cloud, heavier than a blacksmith's arm, lighter than air, connecting the Forsaken to something distant beyond knowing, something within the touch of Rand's hand. The rope pulsed, and with every throb Aginor grew stronger, more fully fleshed, a man as tall and strong as himself, a man harder than the Warder, more deadly than the Blight. Yet beside that shining cord, the Forsaken seemed almost not to exist. The cord was all. It hummed. It sang. It called Rand's soul. One bright finger-strand lifted away, drifted, touched him, and he gasped. Light filled him, and heat that should have burned yet only warmed as if it took the chill of the grave from his bones. The strand thickened. I have to get away!


"No!" Aginor shouted. "You shall not have it! It is mine!"


Rand did not move, and neither did the Forsaken, yet they fought as surely as if they grappled in the dust. Sweat beaded on Aginor's face, no longer withered, no longer old, that of a strong man in his prime. Rand pulsed witht he beating of the cord, like the heartbeat of the world. It filled his being. Light filled his mind, till only a corner was left for what was himself. He wrapped the void around that nook; sheltered in emptiness. Away!


"Mine!" Aginor cried. "Mine!"


Warmth built in Rand, the warmth of the sun, the radiance of the sun, bursting, the awful radiance of light, of the Light. Away!


"Mine!" Flame shot from Aginor's mouth, broke through his eyes like spears of fire, and he screamed.




And Rand was no longer on the hilltop.


I can't really comment on Assunbata's theory. Just felt like helping lordofsoup out.


Sorry. I've just always known the most about the events in The Eye of the World because the Eye itself was the subject of my first thread on Dragonmount some 5 years back. My previous post was also just a copy-paste of a previous post of mine from some months back.

It eventually burns him out and destroys him much in the same way that Lews Therin killed himself.


We don't actually know that it burns him out--indeed it seems unlikely.

I think dedicated spear is Mat.


Slayer to go Ghenjei Tower (The Shadow Rising, chapter 28). Maybe one of many times entering Ghenjei Tower and world of Aelfinn and Eelfinn...
Strictly speaking, we don't know if he has ever been in the Tower. He might just have gone near it and disappeared, hoping to lure Perrin inside.


I think third man is not Noal (Jain Charin or whoever).
Considering he has already agreed to go, why not?


My idea The White Tower controlled by Darkfriends during great battle. For reason Seanchan Army attack with other forces of The Light on Tar Valon.
The Seanchan have reason enough to attack. Indeed, plans are already underway.


My idea Elayne kidnapping by a Forsaken (personally think Demandred). Blackmailed The Dragon (similar blackmailed Paul Atreides in Dune Messiah). If Rand is alive then blackmail successful, The Dragon return Shadow's side. If Lews Therin is alive then blackmail unsuccesful. Elayne and her babies killed. (dawn for mourning).
Impossible. They will be born healthy. So she cannot be killed.


I agree theory of Aviendha's Gateway to travel in time.
It is wrong. No time travel.

Elayne birth her babies in Shayol Ghul. (dawn for birth)
Elayne is months away from full term. It is doubtful there is that much time before the Last Battle starts.


If Car'a'carn is a dead then Aiels fight against wetlanders.


The Eye of the World is a ter'angreal Well
No, it's a pool of saidin.


The Eye itself weaving saidin for need.
It doesn't.
The Eye give impossible healing for need of Aginor.
No, it doesn't.
The Eye give kill Aginor for need of Rand.
No, Aginor overdrew.
Destroy Trolloc Army of Ba'alzamon for need of Rand etc.
No, Rand did that himself.

Firstly again

Sorry for my very bad and very insufficient English. I hope you can understand my English.


I imagine a ter'angreal Well used a kind of stored power source. Channeller men absorb in a power source (True Source or The Dark One or ter'angreal Well), but himself within limitations. Pool or Well same way.


"Men gain strength by fits and starts"


Most powerful channeler males is Lews Therin, Ishamael and Aginor. For example: If Lews Therin and Ishamael is 100 points than Aginor 98 or 99 points. How much point Rand in time The Eye of The World? I think between 5 or 10 points. Maybe maximum 20 points. Anyway Aginor much powerful than Rand in time The Eye of The World.


Aginor saved madness and foul of saidin by tie between himself and The Dark One. Why Aginor need The Eye, if The Eye just a kind of power source? The Eye stored so much saidin, but (if The Eye is a standard Well) should work similar The True Source. My idea standart ter'angreal Wells works of not similar angreals or sa'angreals. Men or women can keep saidin or saidar within limitations of him full potential when use a Well. If my idea is correct and if The Eye is a standart ter'angreal Well, then Aginor do not need The Eye.


Aginor do not heal by himself with The Eye or The True Source. Because of anybody don't heal by himself. But Aginor healed by himself.


The Eye useless for similar works of angreals or sa'angreals.  And The Eye used similar way of sa'angreal by Rand. Rand can use tiny part of his full potential in times The Eye of The World. He use huge weave for destroy the Trolloc army in Tarwin's Gap. I think he can't, even if he use full potential without powerful angreal or sa'angreal. Because i think massive destruction needful great volume of The One Power. Otherwise i think Lews Therin not use the fireflowers and the deathgates for destroy The Trolloc army in house of Lord Algarin. Basically he use can same weaves of Rand in Tarwin's Gap.


And Aes Sedais of Age of Legends create all sa'angreals with barrier, but except Callandor. Old Aes Sedais should create The Eye within barrier. Aginor not burn by himself if Aes Sedai create The Eye with barrier.


Aginor is a veteran Aes Sedai and works with saidin along centuries. Even Rand not a novice for works with saidin in time The Eye of The World. Rand not burn himself, but Aginor burn himself! I agree Aginor is a greedy but not stupid and not clumsy. I think if he want using The Eye by only himself then do not try blow up whole saidin in The Eye, basically he kill Rand.


I know two example for burn yourself cause keep overpower. One of them Lews Therin, one of them Eldrene The Queen of Manetheren. Both are cause of massive destruction on miles around. Aginor is not.


For this reasons i think The Eye is a nonstandard ter'angreal Well and Aginor not burn by himself.


For Time Travel Theory:


Egwene and Moghedien use same weave for The Gateway. Little bit different weave open The Gateway for between The Real World to The World of The Dreams. And maybe use little bit different weave open The Gateway for Skimming. Rand use the male version The Travelling. And he use different weave for open the deathgates.


Different weaves for different functions.


Aviendha use different weave for open The Gateway in time The Fires of Heaven. What is function Aviendha's this Gateway?


Aviendha open the Gateway in Eianrod. I marked approximately geographical location of Eiandrod red point in this map.


Gateway open other side in continent of Seanchan. We don't know geographical location. But we know just is a east coast of an sea or ocean.


I mark theoretical points of geographical locations of Aviendha's gateway in Seanchan in this map. Maybe opened The Gateway in blue point marked location.. maybe yellow point... maybe green point. All way unimportant.




I think same or very similar planet the earth and The World of The Wheel of Time. Same size planet. Same size of moon. Gravity etc.


Than Wikipedia:

The latitude of the equator is 0°. The length of Earth's equator is about 40,075 kilometres (24,901.5 mi).


The Fires of Heaven, chapter 32:

"The sun was rising. Less than half its golden ball stuck above the ocean." (In Seanchan)


"I want to talk with Natael. I don’t suppose there is much time left until dawn . . ."

"Two hours, maybe," Asmodean put in. (In Eianrod)


I use for reference the map of The Wheel of Time. And i use for reference the world map in this site: http://www.worldtimezone.com/datetime.htm. And i mixed.


The sun is rising in green point marked location:



The sun is rising in mark yellow point marked location:

width=640 height=297http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/7817/pos2.jpg[/img]


The sun is rising in blue point marked location:

width=640 height=297http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/1200/pos3.jpg[/img]


And two hours before sun rising in Eianrod:

width=640 height=297http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/5328/pos4.jpg[/img]


Do you see my point? If sun rise any location in Seanchan and two hours before sun rising in Eianrod then Eianrod in continent of Seanchan or maybe in Morenal Ocean. Do you say impossible? Then Aviendha should open The Gateway in the time. Or maybe you say Robert Jordan's big mistake. You choose...


A uncertainty: Ok, Aviendha's original The Gateway work time travel, but we don't know Aviendha's The Gateway forward in the time or backward on the time. I don't know. If not a mistake and my theory is correct then i think anybody don't know. except Robert Jordan and others.. But...


If Aviendha slightly mix Elayne's The Gateway and herself original weave then she open The Gateway backward in the time in Ebou Dar and open The Gateway forward in them time in Eianrod. Maybe The Gateway into Ebou Dar is a classical The Gateway and just opened location to location. But maybe Aviendha's original weave open backward in the time.


About Seanchan:

The Seanchan have reason enough to attack. But not enough strength.


Tuon not bargain with Rand. Because she believe The Seanchan prophecy. The Seanchan prophecy is wrong. Probably The Seanchan prophecy manipulated by Paendrag line. She is a superstitious and proud. She want controlled The Dragon Reborn.


The Dragon Prophecies not say bargain between The Dragon Reborn and Daughter of The Nine Moons. Prophecy say: "shall bind the nine moons to serve him."


Damanes not know Travelling. To'rakens can carry soldiers and damanes, but cannot carry enough food and others. I think bad logistic. And i say again, i think The Seanchan is not enough strength.


Already have possibility of two great war. One of in Illian and one of in Arad Doman. And keep an army in border of Murandy. And soldiers busy keeping the invaded lands Altara, Amadicia, Tarabon and other lands.


And other enemies of Seanchan... Children of the Lights around in Altara. The Band of The Red Hand around in Altara. Masema in Altara and Perrin should find Masema cause Rand give this goal.


I think establish an alliance with Whitecloaks and Mat and Perrin and, maybe and Ghealdan Army and Murandy Army.


I think Mat casting the dragons and eggs and firstly use against Seanchan. But should time. Maybe weeks or months. Do you think Mat casting the dragons? How much time? I think cause of this alliance meet Morgase and Galad (or Morgase and Thom, or Morgase and Mat). Anyway Morgase fade in.


Alliance commanded by Mat and win over Seanchan. Cause main strength of The Seanchan Army in Illian and Arad Doman. And leader of Seanchan in Ebou Dar. Conquest Ebou Dar, captivate Tuon, take over The Seanchan.


Mat greet ambassadors of Rand in Ebou Dar. Rand to go Ebou Dar cause tie Tuon before begins war in Illian and Arad Doman.


Gholam hound Mat. But more great objective Rand than Mat. Gholam attack Rand. Maidens not save Rand than gholam, or Asha'mans or Aes Sedai not save Rand than gholam. Just Mat save Rand with himself ter'angreal foxhead. Mat kill gholam but loose himself one eye. (Ok, maybe loose one eye in world of Aelfinn and Eelfinn cause of save Moiraine).

Why not Noal:

Firstly.. Why Noal? Why not another one?


I think Birgitte can say 'Slayer is not in The Ghenjei Tower' to Perrin, but not say.


Secondly.. Gitara's prophecies always is important. Moiraine and Siuan search for The Dragon Reborn, cause Gitara's prophecy. Tigraine birth The Dragon Reborn, cause Gitara's prophecy. I say again, what Gitara's prophecy about Luc?


I think everything tie The Dragon (Lews Therin or Rand) and destiny of all people tie destiny of The Dragon. I think saying 'save the world' mean 'save The Dragon' or 'destiny of the world' mean 'destiny of The Dragon'.


If sayings in Andor about Luc is correct then Luc should to play a role in The Last Battle. Why dark prophecy say "One did live, and one did die, but both are." about Luc and Isam  in The Great Hunt. Mat ok... Rand ok... But, do you not think of 'possibility' "he who is dead yet alive" is Luc.


Noal is a suspect character. And he can agree to go Ghenjei Tower, but this not meaning should to go Ghenjei Tower. Mat agree to go Illian for diversion of Sammael, but not to go Illian. Change the plan for Mat to go Salidar. The plans can changing.


And maybe (Really i say maybe) Noal is agent for Graendal. I read several theories about this subject.


Summerize i think Luc is good alternative than Noal.


For Min's vision about Elayne and her babies:

So do i say they will be born healthy. Also Min say. I know Min's visions everytime right. I don't say before Elayne and her babies die, but after reborn or healing death. I don't say her souls sojourn new body. I don't say two alternative reality.


I say Elayne and her babies kill by darkfriends. Aviendha to go back in time. She saves Elayne and her babies. And kill action to come not true. Elayne give birth. To be verify Min's vision.


About dedicated spear:

If Aviendha may dedicated spear then Elayne may lion sword.


Title of Gawyn is First Prince of The Sword. Of The Lion Throne. Bassicaly Gawyn good alternative than Elayne for lion sword. And Elayne not relation with an sword. Well,  Aviendha any relation with spear... Yes is a former Maiden of The Spear. And Aiel mean dedicated. Then Aviendha is dedicated spear cause Nicola's foretelling. But if gawyn is lion sword! And Aviendha broken relation with spear.


And other Aiel characters is minor. Even Gaul, even Rhuarc and others...


Egwene's dreams and Aelfinn answers say about sacrifice of Mat.

Maybe maximum 20 points.
We have no reason to set it that low.


Aginor saved madness and foul of saidin by tie between himself and The Dark One. Why Aginor need The Eye, if The Eye just a kind of power source?
Week 20 Question: Why was Aginor so interested in the Eye of the World? He could channel clean Saidin anyway so it shouldn't have been an issue?


Robert Jordan Answers: He was able to channel clean saidin, true, but only through the "filter" which had been provided by the Dark One just a short time previously, which meant the Dark One would be aware of him channeling wherever he was. Remember, Aginor was the creator of the Trollocs; he is quite able to reason things out clearly, at least in a scientific sense. Also, he wasn't certain whether or not the Dark One also would know what he was doing when he channeled, too. For someone as secretive, competitive, and generally untrustworthy as the one of the Forsaken, the Eye of the World amounted to a valuable asset if it could be secured. To put it simply, Aginor saw a means of channeling without the Dark One looking over his shoulder, and maybe a way to increase his own power at the expense of those who didn't have that advantage. Balthamel might well have been for the long drop, administered by Aginor, if things hadn't worked out differently.

(if The Eye is a standard Well)
It isn't. It is saidin in liquid form, something we have not seen elsewhere.


Aginor do not heal by himself with The Eye or The True Source. Because of anybody don't heal by himself. But Aginor healed by himself.
He de-aged. Channelers slow, and old channelers de-age. Aginor's was just very rapid, but he was also incredibly old.


And Aes Sedais of Age of Legends create all sa'angreals with barrier, but except Callandor. Old Aes Sedais should create The Eye within barrier. Aginor not burn by himself if Aes Sedai create The Eye with barrier.
The Eye is not a sa'angreal. We do not know it it would be possible, or if they would know how.


Aginor is a veteran Aes Sedai and works with saidin along centuries.
Who hadn't touched the Source in millennia, and was desperate to get his hands on the Eye, which Rand was using up. He overdrew and destroyed his body. Fact. We see it in the books, quite clearly.


Egwene and Moghedien use same weave for The Gateway.
They use the same method, doesn't mean the weave is the same. There could be any number of ways. All we know is that they made a similarity in the Pattern.


Different weaves for different functions.
Different weaves for same functions as well - more than one weave for fireballs.


Aviendha use different weave for open The Gateway in time The Fires of Heaven. What is function Aviendha's this Gateway?
Traveling. We know this because she Travels. Also, note her later Gateway, using the method she learned from Elayne as she cannot remember her own. This is smaller, as a result of the second-learned weave limitation. She already knows Traveling, so using a different method is less effective.


Or maybe you say Robert Jordan's big mistake. You choose...
Little mistake, maybe. Wouldn't be the first time.


The Seanchan have reason enough to attack. But not enough strength.
Yes, they do. And they are planning an attack, we see that quite clearly. If they haven't already launched it.


Probably The Seanchan prophecy manipulated by Paendrag line.


Damanes not know Travelling. To'rakens can carry soldiers and damanes, but cannot carry enough food and others. I think bad logistic. And i say again, i think The Seanchan is not enough strength.
They have more than enough. Considering they are planning it, they seem to think they have enough. And of course they can carry supplies. It might be difficult, but it is possible. I'm not getting in to a discussion of logistics though.

Why not Noal:

Firstly.. Why Noal? Why not another one?

Because he has already agreed to go.


Secondly.. Gitara's prophecies always is important. Moiraine and Siuan search for The Dragon Reborn, cause Gitara's prophecy. Tigraine birth The Dragon Reborn, cause Gitara's prophecy. I say again, what Gitara's prophecy about Luc?
What prophecy? She might not have had a Foretelling, just got rid of him. Also, even if there is one why should it be relevant to this situation? There could be any number of reasons that required Luc to be sent north, why should he be involved with this?

Summerize i think Luc is good alternative than Noal.


So do i say they will be born healthy. Also Min say. I know Min's visions everytime right. I don't say before Elayne and her babies die, but after reborn or healing death. I don't say her souls sojourn new body. I don't say two alternative reality.
You said she would die. She can't. No death. No time travel. Doesn't work.


I say Elayne and her babies kill by darkfriends.
She can't die.
Aviendha to go back in time.
She can't time travel.


And other Aiel characters is minor. Even Gaul, even Rhuarc and others...
So what?


Egwene's dreams and Aelfinn answers say about sacrifice of Mat.
So what? What does this have to do with him being the "dedicated spear"? Just random.

Thank you for question of week. Now i agree Aginor have a reason.


I feel not enough tell my point, because my deficient English. I tries my best.


I don't read channelers de-aged. I don't see like this phenomena, example Flinn and Sharina Melloy. Do you show any passage? Additionally i think de-aging a kind of healing, because regenerated all cells of body.


We don't see and don't know ter'angreal Wells in time The Eye of The World.


The Eye not only in liquid form of saidin. It in liquid form saidin stored pool. It rest empty. But yet it is The Eye. Loaded or not, i say it...


Do Aes Sedai store liquid saidin in a stone (or concrete or metal) pool? Pool may should made of heartstone. Or maybe pool is a kind of ter'angreal (or maybe other special creation).


I know you says The Eye is not Well, it is a pool. Forgive me, for my English. If i wrong then you correct me. Do you want see any passage 'about The Eye is ter'angreal Well' wrote by RJ?


RJ display The Eye to us. And he display ter'angreal Wells to us. Nynaeve's jewelry set not shape a well, but it is a ter'angreal Well. The Eye shaped pool, not well. And I agree, RJ no say us it is a ter'angreal.


We know this pool, store liquid saidin. We know ter'angreal Wells stores The One Power. Pretty similar functions. And this is a theory.


Do you think Rand use full potential of The Power in The Eye and Tarwin's Gap? Do you think Aginor cannot easily kill Rand in The Eye? Do you think Rand use huge volume of saidin in The Gap?



For a example:

Sample sa'angreal: As powerful as Callandor, made with itself barrier.

Capacities of saidin is approximative.





RJ don't display us Rand's use volume of saidin. We just can look effects. Rand kill maybe hundreds of thousands or maybe tens of thousands Trolloc in The Gap, with just two weave.


I see used huge dose saidin by Rand. I don't sure know because RJ not wrote.


But i can say Rand not use angreal or sa'angreal in The Gap, but he channel pretty much saidin. Nature of The Eye should suitable. Logically should an security precaution. I think should a barrier similarly sa'angreals. So i don't say The Eye is a sa'angreal. And if become a barrier then Aginor not burn by himself. And RJ tell The Eye of The World chapter 51 Rand's POV. We don't clearly know Aginor's overdrew. And we don't know when free Aginor. Maybe free for weeks or months.


Early you say "It is wrong. No time travel." For now you say "Little mistake, maybe." Maybe your idea mistake. You see my point. If you mark any passage in the books or RJ's answers about no time travel, then i agree. Do you know or think no time travel?




Prophecy or foretellings say about 'fox' for Mat. Why? Because his foxhead medallion and maybe additional his ring. Mat carry his ashandarei. And Mat is major character than all algai'd'siswai.


All people think Nicola's foretelling about Elayne, Aviendha, Min and Rand. But exactly spoil Gawyn. If not Aviendha and an algai'd'siswai, then who? Do you say dedicated spear is Aviendha? Or Who?


Remember anybody don't know Gitara's foretelling about Tigraine in Andor. Just Aiels know. Andoran people just know sayings about Gitara and Tigraine. But we know true. We just know sayings about Gitara and Luc. Very similar.


Egwene as good as alternative Min for 'she sees beyond'. We know already Egwene's dreams about between herself and Gawyn. We know Moiraine should for Rand's success. We know Mat to go Ghenjei Tower for save Moiraine. Luc and Mat to complete puzzle for Nicola's foretelling.


And remember Elaida's foretelling about Andor royal line. Elaida think only House Trakand. Already Tigraine birth The Dragon Reborn.


Already i know coming your answers. Isn't, can't, doesn't etc. Whatever...

I don't read channelers de-aged. I don't see like this phenomena, example Flinn and Sharina Melloy. Do you show any passage? Additionally i think de-aging a kind of healing, because regenerated all cells of body.
Regarding Sharina' date=' and other women who learn to channel at age, she will indeed grow younger in appearance. No, she will not achieve an Aes Sedai face without the Oath Rod, but where she has previously looked, say, sixty, she will look perhaps thirty-five, with accompanying changes in hair color. Think of it as analogous to slowing, which older women also do.[/quote']Not Healing. Aginor seems to simply be an accelerated version of the same effect.


Do Aes Sedai store liquid saidin in a stone (or concrete or metal) pool? Pool may should made of heartstone. Or maybe pool is a kind of ter'angreal (or maybe other special creation).
Well, you've got to store it somewhere. But a Well is completely different. For one thing, Wells don't normally kill everyone involved in filling them up, and all those who created the Eye died in the attempt.


I know you says The Eye is not Well, it is a pool. Forgive me, for my English. If i wrong then you correct me. Do you want see any passage 'about The Eye is ter'angreal Well' wrote by RJ?
No such passage exists. The two are different. The Eye is not a ter'angreal, it is a unique phenomenon.


RJ display The Eye to us. And he display ter'angreal Wells to us. Nynaeve's jewelry set not shape a well, but it is a ter'angreal Well. The Eye shaped pool, not well. And I agree, RJ no say us it is a ter'angreal.
Shape is irrelevant. The two are different.


We know this pool, store liquid saidin. We know ter'angreal Wells stores The One Power. Pretty similar functions. And this is a theory.
The Eye is the saidin. The Eye is gone. It was used up. It is not a well.


But i can say Rand not use angreal or sa'angreal in The Gap, but he channel pretty much saidin. Nature of The Eye should suitable. Logically should an security precaution. I think should a barrier similarly sa'angreals. So i don't say The Eye is a sa'angreal. And if become a barrier then Aginor not burn by himself. And RJ tell The Eye of The World chapter 51 Rand's POV. We don't clearly know Aginor's overdrew. And we don't know when free Aginor. Maybe free for weeks or months.
We know Aginor and Balthamel went straight to the Eye, we know Aginor overdrew, we know the Eye isn't a Well or a sa'angreal, or any sort of ter'angreal, it is not an object of the Power, it is the Power. The Power doesn't have a barrier to prevent overdrawing.


Early you say "It is wrong. No time travel." For now you say "Little mistake, maybe." Maybe your idea mistake. You see my point. If you mark any passage in the books or RJ's answers about no time travel, then i agree. Do you know or think no time travel?
Know. No time travel. "EVEN I CANNOT STEP OUTSIDE OF TIME." LoC Prologue. Also, Aviendha cannot be using time travel unless every Aes Sedai is also using it. All of them. If you learn a weave one way, trying to do the same thing in a different way is less effective (for example, if you learn to throw fireballs with a throwing motion, it becomes part of the weave, and if you try a method without the throwing motion it will be less effective if it works at all). We also see that Nynaeve's new version of Healing is sufficiently dissimilar to the traditional AS way that it is possible to learn both. Aviendha learns Traveling one way, then tries it a different way with less success. So she must be trying to do the same thing in a different way. This is all well established in the books. Avi learnt from Elayne, who got it from Egwene, who is the source of the weave for all the rebel Sisters. So, they all travel in time, or none do. That's a lot of time travel to never be even hinted at once in the books. If it crops up, it's deus ex machina. Bad writing. So it is impossible given what we know, and will only happen if RJ went crazy before he died.


Prophecy or foretellings say about 'fox' for Mat. Why? Because his foxhead medallion and maybe additional his ring. Mat carry his ashandarei. And Mat is major character than all algai'd'siswai.
How major a character he is isn't relevant. He doesn't carry a spear, and there are any number of "dedicated" characters, so why should he be considered for the dedicated spear?


Already i know coming your answers. Isn't, can't, doesn't etc. Whatever...
Maybe if you tried reading them, you'd learn something. And not just something about english.


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