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Blood on Shayol Ghul


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This thread is to talk about what the prophecy means.


From Dragon Reborn Chapter 5:

"The blood of the Dragon Reborn on the rocks of Shayol Ghul will free mankind from the Shadow."

The prophecy in full (Great Hunt Chapter 26):

"Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed.

Once for mourning, once for birth.

Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the rock of Shayol Ghul.

In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the Shadow."


blood part:

-Rand's death at the location.

-Rand's literal blood spilled at the location.

-Rand's offspring being born or sacrificed at the location.

Death seems most likely.


Twice dawns:

-A literal eclipse around the time of Rand's death.

-Rand being resurrected same day he dies.

-Rand's offspring being born same day of his death.

-World's rebirth at the time of Rand's death.

Not sure if there would be an eclipse, though it would be likely.

If Rand gets resurrected, I would guess that it would be like 3 days after.

Elayne would give birth in Fall 1000 NE.  Not sure if Tarmon Gaidon would be around that time.

World's rebirth kind of seems obvious (being cleansed of the Shadow).


The world being cleansed of the shadow seems to indicate that the Dark One would either die or be permanently sent away; and that there would be no more darkfriends in this cycle.


This thread is to talk about what the prophecy means.
No. This thread is to talk about manimals. Manimals are cool. Wouldn't you be a manimal if you could be? All you need to do is eat, and sleep, and mate, and roll around in your own filth, and eat, and mate...what's not to like?


Death seems most likely.
Why? Given that it mentions blood, and he does have a habit of bleeding everywhere (and if anyone thinks Rand has a hard time of things, spare a thought for the poor people doing the Dragon's laundry. Every morning they have to change his sheets because he's been bleeding everywhere, and his shirts. Have you ever tried getting bloodstains out? And you don't see them going as mad as he is. They must have the patience of saints), why isn't bleeding most likely? Timing seems doubtful for birth of Elayne's babies. TG seems close, and they aren't ready to pop out just yet.


Now, back on topic: manimals. If you had to be some sort of human/animal hybrid, what would you be? I think perhaps some sort of bird. An owl. Yeah, I'd be an owl. They can see really well at night, and their wings are silent.


Twice dawns the day his blood is shed doesn't necessarily mean there's two dawns in one day. It could mean it'll be a long fight spanning two days.


His blood staining Shayol Ghul I take to mean the destruction of the Aiel - who are his blood.


Elayne giving birth there is a possibility. She could sense Rand is in danger and take her dagger ter'angreal (the one that makes her invisible to shadowspawn) and go try to help him. I suspect she might pull a hobbit on Shaidar Haran and hit him in the back distracting him just long enough for Rand's victory. Being close to labor paired with the effort involved, she might find herself giving birth. Which I hope isn't in the books because I've never heard a pretty description of it.



On topic: I would have to go with a fox. Ever see Disney's Robin Hood? Foxes are cool.


The blood part will definitly not be Elayne giving birth. In case you have managed to not pick this little piece of information up, during her pregnancy Elayne can barely channel at all, and she has no control over when she can seize Saidar, and when it just slips away. She will not come anywhere near SG. At most, her involvment will be ordering the armies of Andor around.



Twice dawns the day...I can not let go of the feeling that it might be a volcano erupting. There were hints in KOD that Dragonmount might do just that.


"Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed.

Once for mourning, once for birth.

Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the rock of Shayol Ghul.

In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the Shadow."


"Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed." could also mean his blood is shed on two seperate occasions or two seperate events on the same day.  I would think the Aiel fighting and their wholesale deaths as a people would fulfill one occasion. 


"Once for mourning, once for birth." could indicate how the blood is shed.


"WH,Ch12 - Min has a viewing of Aviendha - Aviendha would have Rand's babies, too. Four of them at once! Something was odd about that, though. The babies would be healthy, but still something odd."


Maybe Aviendha gives birth at the last battle and he is mourning her death due to complications at delivery or injury sustained before delivery.  I also believe that Elayne giving birth to healthy babies and her beleif that that makes her semi invincible until delivery has been mentioned way too often not to be some kind of indicator that she will die or at least almost die.  Heck, if either were captured and taken into Shayol Ghul the foretelling would be easily fulfilled.  I do not think that Rands death is as simple or straight forward as it seems.  It could be but I just don't see it that way.



"The Shadow shall rise across the world, and darken every land, even to the smallest corner, and there shall be neither Light nor safety."


To me this indicates that there is still some time involved before the shadow will "darken every land, even to the smallest corner", Things just aren't that bad yet.  Yes, the battle draws near but there is time, IMHO, for the children of the Dragon to come into play.  That and the fact that this book, possibly two books, is absolutely huge.  There is much to happen before the last battle.




For that matter, A Memory of Light implies a prolonged and harsh war. There won't be a fight right when Rand breaks the seals, not with the Dark One at least.


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