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What do librarians do all day? (from one librarian's perspective)


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I have been asked a few times what it is exactly that librarians do all day (aside from reading). By way of answering this question to a degree, here is my current to-do list (and you can see that there are additional items further down which you'd have to scroll to see):




You can click on the image if you actually want to see what is on the list ;)


I will just add that probably 85% of what's on this list is stuff I've added myself.


And there are of course daily processes I have to run, but they aren't on this list!


Of course, my job is very different to some of the other Librarians' jobs, as I am a Systems Librarian ;)


yeah same here. That looks really impressive, Taya, and I must say, I've wondered it all my life too. Quite interesting. Do you also go out and rescue prized legendary artifacts with a dashing adventurous cuty at your side?


ok, bad Librarian (movie) joke...


Myst, if only! ;) There aren't really many babely man-librarians, sadly. *g* There are a few though. ;) I've noticed there are a LOT of hot med students though... the lawyers aren't bad either. to look at anyway ;)


But we're talking library here!


We also get paid during our afternoon naps... ;) under the desk


it's great having your own office and a boss who rarely checks in on you *G*


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