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an old hand returning


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Wow, it's been a LONG time since I was here last...  7, 8 years at least.  I joined Dragonmount around it's 1st aniversary, but left to go about other things.  At the time there was an org called the Freelanders, and I was their leader for a time (if you call herding cats leading  ;D ).  I've recently picked up the series again (though I've yet to read books 10 and 11) and along with it came memories of this place.

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Yeah, I'd noticed the Freelanders were gone (though Great Schism?  I missed that obviously)  You may not remember me Emp, but I do remember you...

I had a couple of handles but I really only used 2.  My Freelander was Vagabond (whom I didn't really RP much with), and my Band of the Red Hand was Antar D'Moeth... user to be Archer Sub-Commander back in the day.  I actually think you joined just before I left Raeyn... at least your name sounds vaguely familiar.  anyway, I probably won't RP much, I'm mostly back for discussions etc. as well as for pure nostalgic reasons

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By schism, he means the rp/comm split.  It wasn't... it wasn't a pretty thing.


And I'm flattered that you might remember me... I was busy being a pain in the ass newb.  Now I'm just a pain in the ass admin. ;) 


And since Empy was a good boy and didn't point it out, I'll point out that the Seanchan Org (his Org) is sort of the DM Oldbies Retirement home, where we can grumble and snark at each other.  It even comes with a handful of newbies to abuse, like our staff whipping boy (and one of the mods of this board), Barmacral.


If you do want to wander down into the rp, however, feel free to get ahold of me via method of preference (email, pm, msn, whatever) and I'll talk you through anything that needs explaining!



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At the moment I'm just wandering about the boards as I used to (the name says it all really)...  I've been seeing what's changed, what's the same, that sort of thing.  If I do RP I'll probably pull out the old mystic Peddler routine (my character was kinda a combination of Thom Merrilin and a Tinker).  I am curious to hear more about what happened during the Schism, though I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place for it.

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Welcome back to DM! :)


Much has probably changed since you left...but hopefully for the better.


You are more than welcome to visit the Band of the Red Hand ORG for some fun and games...and maybe spread some light on the old days (i.e. before the Band was removed as an ORG and I took over 4+ years ago when it was reborn).

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