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The Feast of the Seven Deadly Sins....


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What’s cooking in the Kin?

The Feast of the Seven Deadly Sins!

They will delight all of the senses,

But beware!  You’ll need all your defenses!


An appetizer of Anger or glass of Pride,

Have some Gluttony and Sloth on the side!

Perhaps a bite of Vanity and a slice of Greed,

Then for dessert, Lust should finish the deed!


Enjoy the Feast of the Seven Deadly Sins,

When you finish you’ll belong to the Kin!!!



Are you intrigued?  Tempted?  Wondering what in the world this is all about yet?  LOL!  Wonder no more! 


The Feast of the Seven Deadly Sins is a contest during the month of February pitting the creativity of the members of each Sash group and Council agaist each other to prepare the best menu representing the Seven Deadly Sins!  You will work in your Sash boards creating your feast, then on Wednesday, February 18th, they will all be posted here on the main board to be voted on! 


Anyone that reads the Kin boards can vote on the menu they like the best!  The only restriction is that you may NOT vote for your own menu!!!  Also the vote will be secret!  ;)  Then on Fat Tuesday..MARDI GRAS...the winner will be announced!  That is February 24th!!  The winners will recieve one of Lor's incredible siggies declaring them the best and a food themed Happy Mailing!


BUT WAIT!  There is also a second part to the contest!  This is for the individual!  We think that Lustmay be one of the most inspiring sins to play with!  Everyone is invited to create a Lust themed taste tempting dessert! Please PM those submisssions to Twinnie.  They will also be put into a voting thread at the same time and duration as the Menu voting!  Winner's will recieve a siggy from Lor and a lusty bit of Happy Mail! LOL!


Ok the seven sins are:

1.   Greed

2.   Anger

3.   Sloth

4.   Vanity

5.   Lust

6.   Gluttony

7.   Pride


Some ideas for courses for dinner are:


1.   appetizers

2.   hor's Dourves

3.   soup

4.   salad

5.   side dish

6.   meat course of poultry

7.   meat course of red meat; or fish

8.   dessert


and here are a couple things to consider:


there also would be drink, perhaps fruit and cheeses, the sorbet between courses to cleanse the palatte, an option of pork, and bread.   I also think that the setting or ambiance of the dinner is important..you may want to include a table setting, or the room...


Ok there you have it!  Now it's up to you guys to gather your sashey members and get to cooking!  Brainstorm, play, and HAVE FUN!   If you have any questions ask them here or pm lor or twinnie!!


Good Luck everyone!!


*PS...a thread will be set up in each Sash board for the contest. There you will find the seven sins and a brief definition of each, and also the options for the courses!*

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here are a couple sample seven course dinner menus:


#1  Prime Rib Dinner


1.  Appetisers:

Walnut, Arugula and Gorgonzola Crostini and..

Fresh Shrimp served on ice with Cocktail sauce



2.  seated appetiser:

Baby Artichokes


3.  salad:

Arugula salad


4.  sorbet:

Grapefruit and Mint Sorbet


5.  main course:

Prime Rib

perfectly roasted prime rib served with flavorful Au Jus and Horseradish sauces

Small New Red Potatoes

Julienne Snow Peas and Carrots

Cherry Tomato flower - Garnish


6.  dessert:

Ice Cream Chocolate Nut Timbale


7.  Lattes:

in glass cups sitting on paper doily

served with chocolate covered Starbuck crepe cookie





First Course

Gorgonzola Polenta

lemon-basil & sun-dried tomato butter sauce

suggested wine: La Ina Dry Sherry


Second Course


Wild Mushroom Soup

rosemary, merlot, cream, crostini

suggested wine: Viogner, Mc Dowell


Third Course


Northwest Wild Greens

green apples, goat cheese and raspberry vinaigrette

suggested wine: Chardonnay, Chateau Ste. Michelle


Fourth Course


Lemon Sorbet

with fresh mint


Fifth Course


Chicken Amore

almond crusted with blueberries, peaches, & Grand Marinier

suggested wine: Conundum, Caymus


Sixth Course


Salmon de Provence

horseradish crust, orange beurre blanc

suggest wine: Pinot Noir, Rex Hill


Seventh Course


Macadamia Cups

passion fruit cream and fresh berries

suggested wine: Late Harvest Sauvignon Blanc, Kiona


As you can see there are a variety of ways to serve up seven dishes!  So pull out all the stops folks!


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Gonna kick this up a notch!! ;D  and some A's in the offing 8)


1. pride...thou shalt not have pride in thy neighbor.

2. coveting...thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife.

3. lust...thou shalt not lust after his neighbors wife.

4. anger...do not be angry with your neighbors wife.

5. gluttony...do not eat thy neighbors wifes ........popcorn.

6. envy...do not envy your neighbors wife.

7. sloth...do not be a sloth.


A picture's worth a thousand words just ask a cameraman

And its no sin to stop and look, I do it when I can

But you have to purge that urge to merge

You have to keep your head

Or trouble is what you will find .. inside some strangers bed

~ Jimmy Buffett ~


Ya'll reckon there's a ATM machine for The Bank Of Bad Habits?

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I'm sure there is somewherre!!!  LOL  thanks love!!


Hey y'all!!  If you're having a bit of trouble wrapping your head around this..here is an example..


Suppose for the first course..the appetiser you choose to have it be sloth...*grins*


well...you might through out a bag a chips on the table, and a tub or sour cream and tell folks to have at it!


or sloth as a  main course....when they arrive give them some raw meat..tell them the grill's out back and to call you when the steaks are done!!  Or if it is really bad...*winks*  you might give them a knife and tell them the cow or pig is just ready for butchering outback!



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