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Ibram Mizra...Trainee(WS 2 to 3 pending)


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Okay, let's set this up as well, then...


1) WS 0 to 1: Arrival Link to Thread: "White"- Complete - Approved by Eqwina


2) WS 1 to 2: Evaluation Link to Thread: "Welcome to the Yards" - Complete - Approved by Sieve


3)WS 2 to 3: Elective I Link to Thread: "Basic Forms" - Complete - Pending




I. White

Weapons Score 0 to 1

Name of Req: Arrival

White Complete


Ibram Mizra arrives in Tar Valon and is pointed to the yards by Eqwina Sedai


Edit 1: Sieve

Latest Edit: Myself, to bring this into accord with the newest report-format.

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DhaiMon check this thread for how to post your progress.


It should look something like this:


WS 0 to 1 - Arrival Req - White - Ibram arrives at the Tower.  (You can elaborate if you wish describing anything you think is significant.)



Only 1 Req should be submitted at a time.  Once that one is approved you can submit another.


So your second one would look like this:


WS (current WS) to (Next WS) - (Name of Req) - (Link to thread) - (Description of RP, what your character accomplished)


If you have any questions let me know.  ;)


Edit: WS 0 to 1 is good!





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Thanks, Sieve...Ibram should indeed not remain the random peasant that manages to kill the beast after hundreds have died. :D

Here goes


II. Welcome to the Yards

Weapons Score 1 to 2

Name of Req: Evaluation

Welcome to the Yards Complete


Ibram Mizra is situated by and receives training from Sandre Kaldun


Edit 1: Me.


Edit 2: Sieve.


Latest Edit: Me. Reformating.



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DhaiMon you have to list it as I showed you in my post.  I fixed them for you.   ;D


WS (current WS) to (Next WS) - (Name of Req) - (Link to thread) - (Description of RP, what your character accomplished)


You have to list the Req the are using from the Warder Advancement page on the website.


From reading the thread you can choose either the Evaluation Req or Basic Fitness as an elective Req.  The RP is fine, just edit your post above so I know what Req you are using.  Once you add the Req I will stamp it so you can move forward.




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