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F and F Tokyo Drift


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Guest Emperor

It was hard to tear myself away from my new TV and Xbox 360, but I could not interrupt my new Friday afternoon tradition of checking out the latest movies in the theatre. Today was the new Fast and the furious movie. I admit, after seeing the second film, I had my expectations set low for this movie. However, fast cars and hot women will always entice me enough to get me into the movie. And let me tell you, I was not disappointed. Such as with the first movie, I immediately wanted to see if I could make my car drift on the way home. However, since I love my car (06 Eclipse) and have respect for others property (mailboxes, telephone poles and houses) I kept it reasonably safe on the way home and resisted the urge to glide around tight corners. I suggest this movie to fans of the 1st film. I enjoyed the setting (Tokyo) which is place I have always wanted to go. My only problems with the movie was the main character, which for some reason, I did not really like nor believe was smart enough to outrace other drifters in the movie.


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