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Alright, I need everyone's attention here for a few moments. Jokes aside, this is some very big news so I'd like everyone to take it seriously. Please read the following two links.






Quick sumarry though, is the Brandon Sanderson is, in cojunction with Tarvalon.net and Harriet running a charity auction where you can appear in the final book in the Wheel of Time series. Now we've just started off a series of RPs to lead towards our own preperations towards the last battle true, but this is a chance to be part of the REAL thing (at least as real as books are, but you all know what I mean :P)



At the moment bidding/donating ends in April. I've got about $500 or so I can throw in right now, but I reckon I can triple that or so by the time the charity closes. I'd like to see how much we'd be able to raise here as a community though. (Plus I've gotta get paypal set up so I can actually make the donation :P)


For now though I did just want to bring everybody's attention to this big event. Please tell as many people as you can, and donate as much as you can. Please also post here to say that you've read and know about the event (even if you can't donate)


Oh, and before you ask, I've already emailed the organisers about having the Asha'man added to the list of groups to represent the fan base at the Last Battle. Byast and shameful, I know  :-[ But I just couldn't help it. After all, the Asha'man are supposed to be there helping Rand and the Last Battle and kicking the Shadow's butt!!  ;D


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