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Look What we have Here, Girls! (Attn: Eqwina and Jasmyne)


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<i>"Why do I always get stuck doing the dirty work?"</i> Raeyn thought to herself as she led her new and biddable pet behind her across the Tower grounds.  It had only taken a brush of her talent on the frightened boy-child to convince him to come along merrily, but she had felt that it would be safer to not take the risk of him running off screaming.  There were some on the Tower grounds itself who wished no end of ill will to Aes Sedai, so...


Putting on an expression somewhere between cross and lost in thought, she praised the Great Lord for the relative lack of people around the Library itself.  Most people preferred to come through the great shaft of the White Tower itself, making it much easier to enter the vast storage hallways below with few or no observers.  Drawing deeper on <i>Saidar</i>, she opened the barn-sized door with a flow of Air and gestured her charge down with her.


He stepped through, and she gestured off him off to the side where she could keep an eye on him.  Carefully, she shut the doors behind her, making sure to keep this unknown in her site.  Tapping her foot, she pursed her lips in thought momentarily before gesturing down the hallway again.  A small ball of light bloomed upon her hands.  "With me," the Aes Sedai spoke curtly, leaving no room for argument as she started down the hallway.


Down and down they went, until the chill and stale air told the tale of long neglect and few visits.  In these lower halls, Raeyn selected a door at seeming random and once again pointed for the boy to enter.  He nodded uncertainly, stepping through the dusty entrance gingerly.  With a smile, Raeyn shut the door behind them.


Turning her attention to the boy child again, she slammed a gag of Air into his just-opening mouth.  Drawing deeply upon <i>Saidar</i>, the Black Sister then threw a web of Air at the boy, slamming him upwards and against the hard wall.  A sharp exhalation through his nose and the bulge of his eyes told of the pain before his eyes rolled backwards, and his lids dropped shut.


Nodding, she eyed the globe of light thoughtfully before reopening the door.  <i>"He won't need it down here,"</i> she smiled again, closing the door behind her, <i>"My Sisters will do for him soon enough."</i>  She hurried back upwards as fast as she could while attempting to disguise her passage; Eqwina would be 'remembering' her expertise soon, and she needed to be found in one of her normal haunts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Amazingly, Saeric's anxiety and nerves had just melted away. He was as happy as a cat in a barn full of cows with leaky udders. He didn't really notice much happening as the old Brown led him deep into the tower. He had no idea where he was or how to get back out, but strangely, he didn't care.  She finally indicated a room to him and he went in ahead of her. He was about to ask what they were doing in here when an invisible gag was suddenly in his mouth. Within seconds of that, he flew agaist a hard, stone wall. He grimaced in pain and would have yelled if he could have made a sound. The impact was enough that he drifted out of consciousness. Nap time......


Saeric Talvus

In Trouble

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Night had long since fallen as Raeyn made her way down through the Library, and below. <i>"I do dislike leaving people hanging around, but it was most expedient,</i>" she reasoned to herself as she made her way through the dim and dusty corridors, <i>"But perhaps I should have just finished him myself, orders or no.  I understand  Eqwina wanting to test the mettle of the new girls, but still..."</i>  Sighing to herself, she opened the usual door.


Quickly, she loosed the weave she had prepared on the way down upon her captive.  Smiling brightly, she stood back and suggested politely, "You have been ill.  You fell and banged up your head earlier, and we simply have you secured to make sure you don't do yourself further damage."


Raeyn increased the strength of the weave as she spoke, doing her best to melt away any concern or worry the young spy had in his head.  When a smile began to form on his face, she slammed a gag of Air into his mouth hard enough to knock him out cold again.  "I'm not in the mood for small talk," she muttered to herself, waiting for the others to arrive.  Whatever the others thought, she didn't have all night to await their fancy.


((OOC:  You two take it from here for now.  <3))

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Eqwina dried her hands and patted her hair back into place, looking into the lone mirror above the wash basin in the Infirmary. Touching the sick, no matter how bloody or mangled had never bothered Eqwina, but today she was furious at the need. The infirmary seemed to be trying to burst at the seams with everything from screaming babies, to sick farmers, and trainee’s with limbs barely attached. It was enough to make Eqwina want to scream, she had other work to see to today and the longer it sat the more chance another would complete it for her. No, never that she admitted to herself, certain titles made some things certain.


Leaving behind the sounds of the wounded she walked through the halls in search of Jasmyne, having a fairly clear idea of where the child would be. Eqwina was of the firm belief that people should be tested and found worthy before any trust should be instilled. It was much the way the White Tower had worked for centuries and yet some women still slipped through the cracks. She herself had been one of those until the Red Ajah had set her straight and her new master strengthened her backbone.  Eqwina wanted to make sure that none slipped through the cracks in her ranks, weakness was a un acceptable trait.


Finding the girl, exactly as she expected was no consolation. They were already late and this was not the only duties she had today. A trial would be pending and there was much work to do in that vein.  Their heels clicked on the tiles and echoed through the quiet library as they made their way below. Feeling no fear at the darkened hallways and sure of her footing she didn’t bother making a ball of light. The flickering torches were enough.


Pushing open the usual door she found Raeyn waiting with a grim look on her face. Surveying the room she saw that the child still lived, but was unconscious…but was it again? Or still? “Feeling a touch fussy today Raeyn? Well that’s to be expected with how your day’s been. You may leave us now.” With a slight dip of her head Raeyn stalked out of the room, shutting the door behind them. “Well child?” She turned her gaze on Jasmyne. "the hour waits for no women" was what ran through her head, but she stayed silent waiting on the girl to speak.


OOC: Raeyn, if you wanted to stay in the room I can edit  :D


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OOC:  Nah, totally works. <3



Suppressing a glare and a growl, Raeyn curtsied as appropriate from Council to Ajah head, and walked around Eqwina and Jasmyne without speaking.  While not a personal fan of killing, per se, she generally agreed with Eqwina's policies towards making sure that new Sisters were a good fit, and able to follow orders.  Closing the door softly behind her, she made her way back towards the Library with a sudden grin - at least she'd not have to thump down the dust herself this time!




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Jas looked up from her book when Eqwina came marching to her. Was she that predictable? She glanced at what she was reading, another history book..yep, I am that predictable. She bookmarked her tome and slipped it back onto the shelf, then gathered her red skirts and followed after the little, if not as little as herself, Sedai. She wasn't sure of the specifics, but she knew enough to not ask questions.


Raeyn was waiting for them at the bottom of the library. Jas feel in behind Eqwina as she examined the unconcious Warder lump. How easy they were defeated.  She wouldn't take one. Eqwina turned to her as Raeyn left in a huff.


“Well child?”


Jasmyne looked at the Ajah Head, then to the boy, never blinking, emotions never changing. Without looking back, she asked "Could anyone hear his screams from here?"


Jasmyne Ceres

Baby Black

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Eqwina’s laugh held no warmth and she shook her head. “Almost as important as the kill is learning to cover what deeds you do. So I don’t know Jasmyne, you tell me. Can anyone hear him scream?”  Seeing not even a hint of recognition she embraced the source and wove a ward against eavesdropping around the room. Strictly speaking this deep in the bowls of the Tower it was not necessary, but that would not always be the case.


“This ward will keep his screams in, but it will also keep any outside noises from reaching you. It’s a delicate dance you must learn. Kills can be done quickly and with little noise if you only take time to learn the way.” This time Eqwina’s small laugh sounded positively wicked and a sickly smile parted her lips. There were some secrets this child would not get, and her little discovery of Milking Tears was one of those. Such a weave presented so many new possibilities, but there would be other times for such research.


“So, what is next child?”


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  • 5 weeks later...

Jasmyne figuratively smacked her palm to her forehead. Of course! The eavesdropping ward! She should have thought of that. In her head, she panicked slightly at her misstep. The Black Ajah did not take mistakes lightly. She had to make sure she didn't make any more mess ups.


Without responding, she embraced the Source and wove Fire and Air towards the boy. He rose into the Air slightly as she gradually increased the temperature in his well-built body. As he lay in a coma, you could see sweat beading all over his face and soaking his clothes. His skin was a rather bright red, looking as if he had run across the entire Aiel Waste in the middle of summer.  She increased the amoutn of fire and he started to thrash his arms and legs. Grunts and moans came out of his mouth, followed soon after by agonized screams.


Jas smirked as the boy suffered, but she grew tired and thought Eqwina might be as well. She doubled the fire going into the young Saldean and he gave off a rather loud wail before quieting down. Steam rose from him as she laid the body back on the ground. It must be terribly painful to be slowly cooked alive. She turned to her superior. "Would you like me to dispose of the body?"

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