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Background Reading!


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A few years ago the Red Ajah did an RP called "My Brother's Keeper", which then became the basis for the Watcher's RP.  I thought y'all might like to have a look at the background story.  In particular, at least read the post where the ter'angreal is activated, as the Amyrlin will be showing this ter'angreal to the group who shows up from the Black Tower.  I wanted to give y'all the opportunity to look at the post and think on your character's reactions. :)




Shevara, the Amyrlin, will be providing the translation during our RP.  The message of the ter'angreal makes her very sad at the manner of it's coming, and at the same time immensely proud that the Red Ajah has kept to their charge.  All of the Reds in the RP will be assumed to have already been shown the message, and have been present at the original meeting.

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RP had been started and 'kinda' completed. The only character in your Black Tower that knew of this is Brent Enos. He chose not to pass on the information as he did not feel the BT was ready for such knowledge....



How right he was. >.>

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