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Sword-Swinging for Dummies!


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Have you ever wanted to be able to swing a sword without severing your own head?  Do your friends constantly make fun of your for being Trolloc fodder?  Have you ever run yourself through and thought to yourself, "If only one of the greatest swordsmen in the world could give me a pointer or two..."?


If you've answered yes to any of these, then do I have a deal for you!  Mehrin Mahrvon, one of the few WS20's at DM, is available to any who wish to learn one end of a sword from another, and what's better is that he's pretty much free to get to you, if your story anchors you in one place.

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I can make any of those locations work, Tig.  If Jehaine's pirate can show up, all the better (sorry, Mehrin's not going back to the Citadel [former commander and all that]).

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Whitebridge it is.  Let me know if you want to incorporate the meeting into the current RP plan or if you want to set that up in a separate thread.

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They can, me mess around with the timeline a lot. Basically, everything but the RPs labeled as Mainplot take place at an indescript moment in the past, and the only thing you really need to keep in mind is that you can't be 16 in one thread and 43 in another. Aside from that, it's open season ;D

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