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A small hope...((Attn: Kabria, Jerinia, and Selene))


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When Perivar and Kabria stepped out onto the porch neither were surprised to see the two Accepted waiting impatiently.  He could not blame them.  Now that he knew the purpose of their excursion, he was eager to get underway as well.  It was a small hope that they would discover anyone who remembered him, yet it was better than no hope at all.


Perivar offered each a respectful nod and a smile.  "It is more than likely that if anyone remembers him it would be a soldier.  So I figured we would start there.  I know a Shienaran Lancer who may be able to help us spread the word.  If he hears anything then he will know how to contact us, even after we have left Fal Dara.  Perhaps your father signed on as an armsman for one of the Shienaran lords."  There was always a chance.


Perivar glanced at everyone for a moment then said "I know it is chilly,"  To everyone but a Borderlander it would seem downright cold but to him it was merely cool.  "but no hoods and don't linger in any shadows, if there are any.  You do not want to be mistaken for a fade."  Perivar waited for each of the Accepted to nod or respond before continuing.  "Shall we go?"  In the blink of an eye they were walking down the paved streets of Fal Dara making their way to the King's gate.  Dangar would be on post there.  They had merely gone a few paces before the conversation began.

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Jerinia nodded as Perivar mentioned the Shienarian rules again. What she found more disturbing however was that she did feel a bit cold, and pulled her cloak closer around herself. Malkier had been colder than this, and by all means it shouldn't have bothered her that much, but after spending some thirty-odd years in Tar Valon, located in the midlands, her body was trying to remember what it was like to walk around in thick snow again. Not to mention get used to the temperatures.


- "Hmm... I don't know if he'd sign up for one of the lords here, but we could try. He's never turned down a request for training a new recruit that i know of, so he might have stuck around here for a while regardless."


Jerinia waited until Perivar introduced them all to the guard named Dangar, who touched brow and heart respectfully at Kabria, and even to Selene and herself. It seemed Shienarian custom didn't take chances. Upon noticing her ki'sain however, he avoided looking her in the eyes and remained silent as if waiting for something. Jerinia couldn't help but grin as a glimmer of hope surfaced, the man knew Malkieri customs!


- "Good evening, sir. I'm looking for someone, and Perivar told me you might be able to help..."


Though there was nothing wrong with her choice of words, her voice trembled with nervousness, and she felt about ready to explode. She tried taking calm, steady breaths but it didn't seem to be successful at slowing her racing pulse down. According to Malkieri custom, Dangar would not speak to a woman of Malkier without being spoken to first, but now that she had asked him he would be free to reply. It felt... odd, falling back on custom that she hadn't used in quite a long time, but was surprised at how easy it came back to her now.




No stranger to custom

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Selenessin had both hands on her hood preparing to lift it as Perivar spoke.  She colored a little, embarassed, and smoothed her hands across her fur-trimmed cloak's edges instead, glad Rasheta had advised them to bring clothing for the cold.  Selene had rather fancied herself as one of the hardier girls, having spent most of her life outdoors and no stranger to working in the snow, but the chill in the borderlands for this time of year was so much more than she thought it would be.  And after her years in the Tower, where even shoveling snow was a chore that was rarely given to the Novices, she'd grown accustomed to the life indoors.


She followed closely behind Jerinia as they walked the streets, more unnerved than she would care to admit by the darkness in this town where Myrdrraal could happen.  She'd never seen a Trolloc, much less a Myrdrraal.  She tried to convince herself that the fluttering she felt in her chest was fear and not excitement, but the truth was that it was a little bit of both.


She wondered if Jerinia had a picture of the man she was looking for, no matter how long it had been since the days it had been taken.  She very nearly asked out loud, too, as the silence stretched for a moment while the Langer wouldn't meet Jerinia's eyes.  She shot a confused look to Perivar, but the man didn't seem to see her.  Just when she worried something might be wrong, Jerinia spoke and Selene reminded herself that she was training to be an Aes Sedai.  Serenity, girl.




Serene Selene

Mostly, anyway.


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After the meal Kabria and Perivar excused them selves to their room and instructed the girls to meet them outside in a few minutes. In the confines of their private space Kabria muttered a little as she slipped a few of her knives up her sleeve, catching a look from Perivar she only arched her eyebrow. Her temper about the girl’s might not be as hot as it was before, but she was still not looking forward to an evening of escorting them around the city.


Leaving her cloak thrown back Kabria and Perivar headed down the stairs and out into the night. It was colder than she’d remembered, but ignoring that fact had become as easy as breathing. In case there was an issue she did not want her arms restricted in the least.


A smile quirked on her lips as Perivar suggested the Lancer, that was not something even she’d considered. But who better to know of a solider than another solider himself. “A good notion my love” she said approvingly, but for his ears alone. Flanking the girl’s on either side, Kabria close to Selene and Perivar to Jerinia they headed up the street and out into the night. Since no doubt Perivar knew these street better than she herself, Selene and Kabria stayed a few steps behind allowing the Warder to lead them through the night.


Even knowing how safe the streets of Fal Dara were at night, did not keep her eyes from darting to the Shadows. She’d seen too much in her short time in the Borderlands to be anything less than cautious.


Surprisingly, or perhaps not, since he was a Borderland solider Dangar was just where he’d been left days before. Kabria gave him a warm smile at his salute. “Good-evening Dangar, Peace favor your sword.” She caught Selene’s strange look at the interaction between Dangar and Jerinia, but this was not the time to shed light on the situation. So instead she just gave the child a reassuring smile, hiding all her jealous behind Aes Sedai eyes.


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Dangar apologized, he could not recall seeing Jerinia's father but he ensured them that he would make inquiries on her behalf.  He made the proper courtesies to Kabria, then to the Accepted, and finally to Perivar.  "Peace favor your sword Dangar" he said to the man who excused himself and returned to his post.  It was an odd custom, there was no peace in the Borderlands and he doubted that there ever would be.  There was hope, maybe one day there would be peace. 


He thought for a moment of living with Kabria in peace.  Raising a family together.  The thought made him smile at her.  What would he do to provide for his family.  Since being sworn to the Tower he had not spared much thought for his life before he arrived in Tar Valon.  All he knew now was life of a Guardsman and now a Warder.  Could he pick up with his family where he left off?  He supposed he could be an armsman for his father.  Would that provide enough for a family to live comfortably?  He had been taught all the duties typical of a Lord's son but would that get him anywhere?  A foolish thought he scolded himself, there was little hope of peace. 


Kabria's consternation brought him back to the present.  He realized that he had been staring off into the distance at nothing in particular.  He knew she could tell that he had been deep in thought.  "Where to next?  Dangar will take care of asking the soldiers so we should move on.  What or who is the next likely person to know?  An inn perhaps?  An innkeeper might have some information or remember a patron that meets the description of Jerinia's father." 

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: Sorry, forgot about this thread for a bit. Then things got busy :/




Jerinia felt a bit disappointed when she heard Dangar couldn't remember seeing her father around, though none of it was aimed at the Shienarian himself. It had been thirty years since he would have passed through Fal Dara, it only made sense that he couldn't recall seeing someone that far back! Still, she thought about Perivar's question for a while, trying to guess where her father would most likely have been.


- "Umm... Well yeah, it's possible he'd have gone to an inn, but with the amount of people going in and out every day i don't think they'd remember unless he ended up doing something really important."


Still, she kept on thinking, the effort starting to become visible as she bit her lip, frowning as she tried to remember something. There were the soldiers, he liked being on the battlements and in the barracks but they had that covered already. Now, if she were to go to a city, where'd she have gone? There'd be an Inn, of course, probably some of the sights but she had the impression he wouldn't be allowed into the castle without proper authorization. If she'd enter a city, what would she do? If she'd enter a city...


Suddenly, her face lit up, and it was an effort to keep from grabbing Perivar's arms -- though Kabria standing next to him might have something to do with that -- as she enthousiasticaly tried to explain what she had just thought of. It was pretty obvious once she had thought about it, but it was also one of the things that were easily overlooked.


- "Hey waitasec! The roster! Everyone going in and out of a city would need to report there, right? I mean, we just did an hour ago! They'd keep logs of that, right?"




Got an idea

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