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The Trick or Treat Exchange!


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lol *hugs Ursula*  well of course not!!  You're just helping to spread the joy of socks!! I agree too..halloween socks all week..although i can cover almost three...and in december..a pair of christmas socks a day!! WOOHOO!  Nobody can ever have enough socks!!!



I'll keep an eye open!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOOHOO!!  *bounces and grins and snoopy dances, hugging and kissing Jade all at the same time!*


I got my wonderful Happy Mail from Jade!!!  LOL Actually it got here monday..and I wasn't here so the neighbors took it..and they just rememered to give it to me today!  *rolls eyes*


Guess what?  I GOT SOCKS!!  with pretty stars on them!  and another pair with lovely little cat bells on them!!  *grins*  and all sorts of wonderful things!!


Jade also included birthday stuff for me too!!  *hugs tight*  Thank you SOOOOO MUCH!  I loved it all!  especially the really cool cards and the bookmark!!  OH my gosh!  I love that girl in the pic..she has been in many of my siggies and I even found greeting cards with her once... :D  so that is very dear!!


LOL  I bet teh neighbors wondered why that box kept giggling..cause I know it did!  Had to as full of love and Happy mail as it was!!!  *smooches*  thanks love!

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Awwww I am so glad you liked everything. I have been working on getting your bday stuff together for awhile and when I got you in the exchange I was excited that I could send them together. Yup I love his artwork as well so I was excited to make you one from your siggy for the bookmark. *snuggles* You deserve it sweetie.

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