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Mobile Web?


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Hey all. I'm hoping someone here can help me. I have Internet access on a cell phone that is full web capable so doesn't get automatically redirected to the mobile version of websites. This is great most of the time. The problem is that at work my signal is so weak that loading regular DM takes forever because of the images and I can't turn them off in my browser. Now I know that DM has a mobile web version but I ca t remember the URL for it. Can anyone help me out?


PROFILE / Look and Layout Preferences


There should be some options to check "don't show avatars" and "don't show signtures" and those should turn off all the sig and av images, which should help your load speed.


Yeah, Kevin says there is no mobile version, but I've used it in the past.  My old phone had internet but only had mobile web, not full web. When I went to http://forums.dragonmount.com the phone would change the url to something I sadly never paid attention to and it turned into a very stripped down version of the boards.  No images or java, all the boards in collapsible lists, and only about 5 messages per page on a post.  I'm wondering if it might be something that SMF does.


It may be but it's not anything we have control of.  I looked for a link that would direct you to it but I see nothing and I've not changed the basic page.  Can you force your phone to go to mobile mode just to see the url?


I thought about that, but can't seem to find a way to do it. :(  It's an iPhone so I'm not really sure I could even do that.  Maybe I'll check the docs for SMF. Maybe I can find a clue there.


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