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Training Harder....A Wake-up Call


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Kabria's words eased his mind, her words and the fact that there was no doubt of her love for him.  The bond allowed him to be certain of the latter.  The feel of her lips on his gave him a tingle that resounded through the bond.


“ I think dinner in our rooms sounds like a fine idea. Perhaps a quiet evening with you will help me relax.”  "As you command, my love. A quiet evening."  With renewed energy he flashed a mischievous smile as he left the room with a spring in his step.  He felt like a boy who just received his first kiss from a beautiful girl.  Taking the steps two at a time he made it to the kitchen in record time.  In moments the arrangements were made and he was making his way back to their room.


It seemed like he had just returned when a rap came at the door.  He called for whoever it was to enter.  A serving girl with a tray of food entered followed by another with a tray of assorted refreshments.  Perivar gave them a smile, a word of thanks, and a coin each before they left indicating that they would return with more food when it was ready.


As the door closed he turned his attention to Kabria.  Perivar grabbed her hand gently guiding her towards one of the chairs which he held for her.  "What would you like to drink?"  He said as she sat and got herself situated.




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As soon as he left the room Kabria pressed her hands to her stomach and had to take several calming breaths. She felt as if the room was spinning and as if she was going to be sick, but if Perivar caught even a hint of that her secret would be lost. Stumbling to the night stand she splashed water on her face and took a few more deep breaths. The world slowed and some of the nausea began to fade.


When her beloved returned to the room Kabria was already curled back up in her chair and had a small book open in her lap. As always when she was reading Perivar didn’t bother her, he simply sat and watched until the food arrived and was served. She was happy to see Perivar smiling so openly at the serving girls, once he would have shuddered at the thought of grinning at another woman in her presence. It seemed that for every downfall she found with the bond there was good to counteract it.


Closing the small book and tucking it away she allowed Perivar to lead her to their small table, and pour her a spiced wine. During the meal she hardly touched the wine, as they ate and talked of plans once help from the Tower arrived. Really the decision was none of their concern, but the planning helped to pass the time and to make some of the fear subside. All four of them knew that even with extra help getting the children to Tar Valon would be a life threatening task. “I think it should only be a few more days at most. With such urgent need, help will travel as fast as the Sister’s can manage. Still I think it is best to prepare for the worst and plan on at least another week more.” It grated to think that they would be giving the Shadow a weeks time to prepare, but from where they sat there was little they could do.


With the subject well and truly changed to the children, and of returning home Kabria’s stomach settled further and she was almost able to forget her secret.


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