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take this survey and help me with my homework


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I got to get as large a sample size as possible to take this survey I made, so I can analyze the results. I appreciate it if you take it. I won't mention your real or internet names to anyone off this website, I'll just use the results. My class is on satire btw, so don't try and make any inferences about me by the questions I ask ;)


Your Gender:


Your Age:


Your political affiliation (Dem Rep None Other Decline):


Do you think censorship is sometimes ok? yes/no


Is pornography an artform? yes/no


Should pornography be banned from the internet? yes/no


Does art transcend morality? yes/no


Personal Response: What (if anything) distinguishes art from pornography?



Thanks for your time. Feel free to discuss the questions in your response after the questionaire, but only the above will be used in my project.


Your Gender:


Your Age:32


Your political affiliation (Dem Rep None Other Decline):Dem


Do you think censorship is sometimes ok? yes


Is pornography an artform? yes


Should pornography be banned from the internet? no


Does art transcend morality? yes


Personal Response: What (if anything) distinguishes art from pornography?

I don't believe anything does.  Pornography is a form of art.  I'll grant that it's a form of art that should not be seen by everyone, but it is a form of art.  As long as it's being kept away from children, all adults have the choice of whether to look at it or not look at it.  There is no reason to ban/censor it's existence when there is a choice for the onlooker to make.


Your Gender: Male

Your Age: 40

Your Political affiliation: Lean towards Dems but will vote by the person

Do you think censorship is sometimes ok? Yes

Is pornography an art form? Yes

Should pornography be banned from the internet? No, but there needs to be ways to block it against minors at all times.

Does art transcend morality? I think you should be able to see what you want as long as its legal for you to do so.

Personal response: I agree completely with Almearafan.


Your Gender: Male

Your Age: 30

Your political affiliation (Dem Rep None Other Decline): Republican

Do you think censorship is sometimes ok? In very rare cases, yes

Is pornography an artform? no

Should pornography be banned from the internet? no

Does art transcend morality? no

Personal Response: art and morality are both completely subjective.  They're also seperate in a free society, as we cannot subject others to either our own morality or our art. Censorship is acceptable when a criminal attempts to pass illegal acts off as 'art' (especially anything involving the explotation of children).




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