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hey people, new here


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Welcome to our madhouse... where in the UK?  There are quite a few proper Brits here, and a handful of us who immigrated here from the States *grins*


Anyhoo, what's your pleasure upon our home?  Discussion, socialization, roleplay?  All to be had at the Stag and Lion around these parts!



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im in Bournemouth, Dorset. mainly joined for 'Discussion and socialization'. as for roleplay, never really had a go. looks interesting, but i can imagine it being confusing, everyone posting at once and muddling up the storyline. unless its structured (which it probably is, no doubt.) how about you?

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*chuckles*  In real life, I live in Bedford.  Here, I am the assistant roleplay admin.  As for structure to the rp... simple as declaring a thread closed off to passers-by, and RPing with selected people :)  One can make it as structured or unstructured as they wish, I guess you could say.  Myself, I tend to stick to threads that only have one, maybe two other people in them. 




Check it out if you want to, or not.  Lots to do around here, regardless :D

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ooh another member from the West Country.


I'm Exeter personally (well, in termtime). If you're looking for a bit of socialising, head on over to Orgainised Games. Mafia, whilst requiring a fair bit of thought, is a great way to meet people.... and then try and kill them.




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Bournemouth? The West Country??  :o


Anyway, welcome to DM! Another Brit here - this time from the Big Smoke a.k.a. London.


Have a good time looking around DM - there is a lot here. Do have a look at the ORG side as well.

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