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Everyday Angels


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September in the Kin is Disaster Relief Month.  A time when we talk about and encourage our members to involve themselves in reaching out to help the community..world, regional, city, or neighborhood in a time of crisis.  Although I'm not sure about the Kin's history...I'm pretty sure this came about around the time of 9-11.  But, when you think about, in the US..September is also the hieght of Hurricane Season.  We just saw Ike hit the Texas coast, and it was September when Katrina did her damage too and the terrible tsunami in asia!


This year, I'd like to look at Disaster Relief from a bit different perspective. There is no doubt of the need for giving and help, volunteering and reaching out to our fellow man in times of crisis..like wars, natural disasters such as the hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis,and flooding that destroys homes and lives, change peoples dreams and even challenge thier very hope of survival. Some people emerge as heros and we even call some of them angels that give that little bit extra in those times.  In those times.


But you know what?  I think those people are always there..and it is only in those extreme times WE focus long enough to see them!  They are there everyday.  Everyday reaching out, helping, giving, serving and we are just blind to them!


This month, I'd like to stop and focus on those everyday hero's and angel's!  Who are they? Do we really need them everyday? How can we be like them?  Do you know any?  How can we support them and thank them? What can we learn from them?  Are you an Everyday Angel?


The following words are to a song called, Everyday Angels as you read it, think about the questions above, and about the big diaster's.  What thoughts crossed your mind?


Everday Angels


Miss Laura fed the hungry in the church house basement,

After she retired from teaching school.

She'd pick my son up in her arms on Sundays,

To teach him all about the golden rule.

I heard those stories about Selma and Tuskeegee:

How she helped Martin fill the jails.

All I know is she had the strength of ten grown men,

Even though her hands were small and frail.


She was an everyday angel, the kind without wings.

Walking around in this world, just like you and me.

Angel, living out love.

The kind of people we could use a lot more of.

Just an everyday angel, everyday angel.


Marilyn was waiting outside my old man's office,

Trying to hide the bruises on her face.

He said: "You don't have to get knocked around anymore,

"You can come and live at our place."

I didn't know till I had kids of my own,

But I learned a big lesson that day.

What you do means a whole lot more,

Than anything you have to say.


Go be an everyday angel, the kind without wings,

Walking round in this world, just like you and me.

Angel, living out love.

The kind of people we could use a lot more of.

An everyday angel, everyday angel.


Dave was gonna meet his wife at a coffee shop in Brooklyn,

When he heard the alarm sing out.

911, he was running up stairs that he never got back down.

Down, down.


He was an everyday angel, earnin¹ his wings,

Trying to save people who are just like you and me.

Angel, living out love.

The kind of people we could use a lot more of.

An everyday angel, everyday angel.

Everyday angel, everyday angel.


Everyday angel, yeah.


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Actually, the Kin's focus on Disaster Relief started with Katrina. We're not quite old enough for 9-11. ;)


As for people I think are heros, I think anyone who takes that extra minute to do something is an angel. It doesn't have to be anything big, it doesn't have to be anything physical, it just has to be that breath that you desperately need and someone comes along to give you.


We have angels right here.


Twinny: senses when people need something to smile about, sends folks socks (among other things. :) )

Jhae: Never says "Hey, I gotta go" when someone needs to talk.

Sam: He's taking the time to make bookmarks for people because it'll make them smile.

Kyn: reads my e-mails and replies to things so I don't get banned for being a bitch.


I could go on, but I'm sure you see what I mean.


In my home world (love StarGate terms, don't ya?), people who watch my class and let me go to the bathroom, DH handling laundry so I can watch my show, my friend Ann closing the door to my room so I can rant and not worry about who's hearing me, the woman who watches Alex and doesn't charge me out the wazoo for it...


Some of these things don't sound like much, when you pile all of it on top of each other, it becomes overwhelming. So, even if all you do is post in the spam thread, you're my angel. And don't you forget it!



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*nods*  excactly what i was thinking of Lor!!  and thanks!  I try to reach out to folks...


You know all of us have "every day" angels we know...take a moment and think about them, and if you want please share with us!!


*smiles*  I think of all of you as my angels!!  In so many ways!!  Lor who keeps me in check on my online emotions and makes me smile and has let me be Auntie to Peanut!


SunDae who challenges me to use my brain and willingly enters into arguements with me about things we think about the world!


Jade who has let me jump into the crafting board with ideas and encouraged me to be involved!


I have to tell you though, that it's a very important and special thing to make someone feel needed and wanted!  Not just for what they do..just beccause!  Here, with my Kin family I am given that all the time!  Like Lor..each of you are my angel!


there are lots of angel's we never actually meet or know out there!  The driver that let's you into a busy lane of traffic, the cashier who actually listen's after they ask how's your day! 


Do you think we are momentary angels?  ...and if we act often enough in those moments is that when a person becomes an EVERY day angel?

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You know..yesterday i had my second epideral done..


and in thinking about the Everyday Angel type thing..you'd think that nurses, policeman..etc would automatically fall into that description...but I don't think so!


Certainly one of the ladies who was caring for me was wonderful and really gave that extra bit to ease my nerves..but for the most part...these people were more concerned about paperwork and when lunch was and thier new schedule to show much attention to patient care.  Maybe I just was there on an off day..but at this particular hospital, this is the second such experience I've had. 


If a person is in a service career....should one of the prerequitsites be caring, giving, and a sense of selflessness? 

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For some it begins that way, but the bad parts of the job wear them down until they seperate themselves and treat those they deal with as just that.....another bout of paperwork....another report to write. 


I just played counseler the other night to a pair invlved in a minor Domestic(No hitting/yelling) and got way more info than I needed, but talking showed them how they really felt about each other. 

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