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State of the RP Announcement!


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Greetings, boys and girls, cats and kittens (to borrow a line from a friend of mine)!


I bet some of you sit around and wonder, "What is the staff doing there in secret?  Is there anything being done behind the scenes?!  WHY ISN'T THERE MOAR AND MOAR AND MOAR RP?!!!"  Well, fret no more - you're all getting staff board access!




I'm kidding.  Seriously, you're not.  BUT!  Myself and Owen wanted to let you guys know all the juicy (non-pornographic) bits going on behind the scenes that are in works for the fun and bemusement of all.



Cool Stuff!


Firstly, we're currently working on building a wiki for the PSW!  It's still a work in progress, but you're more than welcome to take a peek at what we have thusfar:




At current, only PSW staff have access to it for editing, as we're still in the building stages.  The end product will be the ultimate repository - all your biographies, all your One Power and Weapon scores housed under one roof, as well as all the guidelines and history your little hearts could desire.  And the even better part?  It will be housed on Dragonmount itself once we have it completed and all the little tinkery modifications we need done for it sorted!


Can you guys tell this little project excites me more than it should?  Good...



Staff Changes


Secondly, I'd like to take a second to welcome some of our newest members of PSW staff.  Tigara has replaced Avalonshroud as the White Tower ADL over Aes Sedai, and Talavin has replaced the ever-busy Corwin as the Warders ADL - congrats to both of you, and thanks to Avalonshroud and Corwin for your contributions to the PSW; your service was appreciated, and we're glad for what time of yours we DO get! 


Also, miss Jehaine has replaced Sylvirci as the Congress of the Shadow Division's Mistress of Initiates.  Get better, Syl, and thanks again to Jehaine for being so willing to assist the Division Leaders!


I'd also like to extend a warm and belated welcome to Segurant, who replaced the ever-loved, ever-missed Jocelyn as the Black Tower Division Leader.  And now that D*Con is over and his wife Kathana isn't beating him to a pulp running errands for that, he's back on the warpath getting stuff sorted for the division, so we're all very excited to see that!




And now (before you guys stab me for making you read down this far), let's get to the extra-good stuff: 




At current, the Warders Division has the Murder in the Yards RP going on.  While all the major roles have been filled in, everyone is welcome to join in on the open thread.


Also in the starting phases is the Answering the Call RP, a joint RP between the Black Tower and the Congress of the Shadows Divisions.  In short - One Power battles, explosions.. what more does a girl (or boy,I guess?) want?!  Anyhoo, if you want more information on that, go check on the Black Tower board.


Coming up next week is Dragonmount's 10th anniversary, and to celebrate, the Dragon Reborn PSW is having a party!  Starting Monday, September 15th, the Fire in the Sky RP will open with a bang.  If you are interested in participating in this, please consult with your Division Leader - each Division has four available slots for members, and I'm sure that Jehaine will give up one or two of those if asked nicely ;)


There are two major storyline roleplays currently in the planning and organization phases.  Firstly, the Cleansing of the Taint and the events leading up to it have been under discussion between Segurant and Elgee, so delicious progress is being made on that matter.  There is not currently a fixed date for when this will be starting, but have been assured that it shouldn't be too much further down the line.


Secondly, bits of The Return and the Kidnapping of the Daughter of the Nine Moons story arc are mostly planned out.  There are still some finer points to be honed, but this is going to be a very fun roleplay once that's all sorted out - thanks to Quibby and Swan for their efforts towards this thusfar!



Recommended Reading


Lastly, I've asked the Division Leaders to suggest some recommended reading, some of their favorite ongoing threads.  Here's some that they picked!



Picking your nose with an Axe... Bad bad idea O_O (Attn Jehaine)


(CotS) Your average madwoman Trolloc teaches your average female Fade how to fight... 'nough said.


Girls' Night In [Open to all Novices]


A group of Novices get together for a freeday sleep over in a Novice room. The girls of course get into some trouble as to be expected.


Molding the Clay (Rasheta's Initiation)


Rasheta Sedai of the Green Ajah has been denied acceptance into her ajah. She must go through a series of training to be made a full fledged Green and the first is a tour of the Green Quarters to meet all the Sisters.


I’m coming home……


Taeadra Sedai returns to the Tower, shocks her Warder out of her wits, and spends a lot of time being confused and angry.


Helping a Blonde (attn: Raeyn)


In this case, it really does seem that gentlemen prefer blondes... but why, under the Light, <i>this</i> one?!


Loraine Sedai, Kynwric, Thera and the Merry Band of Trainees Take a Trip



Loraine Sedai, Kynwric, Thera and the Merry Band Finish a Trip



Prank Time



Murder in the Yards Collection





In Closing...


Anyways guys, I'd like to close out with this - thank you for making this PSW what it is.  If not for the members, the writers, this place wouldn't be half the fun it is.  Granted, it's because most of you are absolutely insane, but then, so are myself and Owen! *grins*


But seriously - there is an excellent atmosphere of caring, camaraderie, and <s>cookie crumbs</s> mutual understanding here; it's great.  Thanks from both of us for being so awesome.




Raeyn & Owen






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Well, I'm going to say to not count on these announcements being regular by any means... Owen and I just felt that there has been a lot of awesome going around these parts, and we wanted to make sure everyone was aware of it *grins*


Granted, we know that there are areas that still need fixing and addressing.  We are aware of what these are, and while we might not able to pull magical fixes out of our collective backsides, we're doing our best to figure out optimal solutions for that which needs fixing.  And per norm, we do encourage you to talk to your DLs if you have any concerns, and that everyone is free to contact either myself or Owen if you have a direct query about something on the PSW scale!



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*giggles and gives Eqwina a swot*  Come now, I think almost everyone knows by now that I'm 'open for business', as it were!  I might not be able to like.. sit and chat and be super-social with everyone, but y'all know I do my best to be useful *grins*


Not right now, though... is late, and my poor ickle brain needed some game time after having such a late radio show >__<

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