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WoT D20 AIM Game.

Hydroc Claw

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So I'm starting a game of the Wheel of Time D20 system. It will be held over AIM, and possibly skype if things get too confusing. I already have a couple of people who are interested so I need a few more players. If anyone is interested either post here or IM me. My SN is hydroc777. I have the books available for anyone who needs them.


how often are you going to have sessions?

how strict to the plot are you staying?

is the dm preparing large blocks of text for description and setup, or is the place just referenced and then individually constructed from what we know from the books?


For starters, I am the DM. I plan on having sessions once per week, as that's the most I think I can plan for in a week, and I'm going to try to stay mostly true to the plot of the books. That said, the players won't be playing as the characters from the books. I'm going to try to make the settings detailed, and I'll certainly borrow as much as I can. However, in the interest of making the game work I'll probably take a couple of liberties, though only when it's necessary for the game to continue moving.


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