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Getting RP started...

Dovan Panrael

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The title is something I would love to do, but I can't start a new thread and I don't really know where to start. Should I start with the physical training? I've sent off my OP breakdown to ... whomever it was. It was via email so I don't think they had their DM sn. Do I have to wait for that to get processed? So many questions from so quixotic a newbie, I know, but please someone humor me.


Dovan Panrael


Well, the rules of DM state that there are no RPs in the Commounity side of DM. Kathana would have our heads if we tried. If you wish to RP check down the page further and you'll see all the RP sections.


This I know, but I can't post any new topic on the RP boards, so I have to seek counsel on this board as it is the next best thing (as far as RP'ing is concerned, at least). And I was wondering if there was a thread on the RP board to which I had to post in order to get started or if I had to wait to be assigned a mentor or something else like that. Again, pardon my ignorant little soul.


zou should ask that on division boards, theyre for non RP posting but connected with RP... just scroll to the bottom and youll find it *nods*


O_O I think I just bothered Skechid with a problem that wasn't his responsibility! My apologies.


And of course, I'ma gonna stick around here! I've only begun to post! Ba hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *gasps* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!


Ye RP boards are all down the bottom.


The community boards are seperate and are based around people who just wanna have fun anf mess about

Guest TheDemigod

us in other words


*messes about*

Guest TheDemigod

*gets hit by something blunt and passes out*


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