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Like Mentor like Mentee? (Mors and Orion)


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Lavinya was restless, a feeling which consumed her often, of late. She needed to get out of the Tower, away from the haunted shadows that plagued her. But loathe to take a Tower Guard with her, it seemed she was trapped for the time being, her Ajah Head looking down on any sisters leaving on their own. She sighed as her navy skirts swished about her legs as she walked. Duty. Light, but she hated it.


Irritated with her mood, she had set out towards the Warder's Yards, hoping to find a distraction from her thoughts for a time, watching the well formed men as they trained. The sun was bright over head, and already she was glad she had left the quiet coldness of her quarters, the light playing of the vivid red of her curls as they tumbled down her back, setting them aflame. Her dress was of a style she usually wore, considered scandalous by most, the cleavage displayed enough to make most men look twice, though she had grown acustomed to the garb years before entering the Tower as an initiate.


Smoothing the fitted silk over her hips, Lavinya slowed as she made out the forms of two training, a guard and his student, by the looks. She paused, admiring from a distance the liquid flow of the sword forms, the masculine grace of the teacher. Squinting, a small smile tugged at her full lips as she recognised the teacher, the memories of their last encounter coming to the fore and stirring her blood once more. Pleasant memories, indeed.


The other face also tugged at Lavinya's memory, startling her somewhat when she recognised him as one she had toyed with some years ago, when he was a green new trainee, young and unsure. It seemed he had matured some also, no longer the boy she remembered, but instead a young man. Ripe for the plucking too, it appeared. How very interesting.


Walking a little closer, she leaned on the the wooden fence surrounding the large cleared circle, where the two continued their training, pleasantly diverted, at least for the moment.



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(This is taking place shortly before my New Roads to travel, meaning Mors will have been a Mentee/Trainee for awhile.)


Mors had awoke to practice yet again today, and Mors groaned. Training with Master Orion was a chore, for despite his apparent blindness, Mors could swear on the fact that the man had eyes on the back of his head. Nothing Mors tried could get around Master Orion's defenses, and no amount of defense could keep Mors from being struck with a lathe. At least, for quite some time it was that way.


After a few months at the Tower, he had eventually learned some of Master Orion's habits or quirks, through sheer repetition, he'd learned to be more efficient at parrying. However, hitting Master Orion was still a chore. He could sense everything Mors tried, and his blade was nearly as fast as lightning, in Mors's eyes. However, training today, Mors noted a rather blatant distraction.


An Aes Sedai, most likely, by the fact that Novices and Accepted usually are not to be in the Yards, and in fact even Aes Sedai are frowned upon for entering the Yards. Mainly, Mors thought, because it distracted the Trainees. However, this Aes Sedai distracted Mors for quite another reason. She was beautiful. That is expected of a Domani, but Mors never dreamed an Aes Sedai would ever wear traditional Domani style garb, and it drew his eye every time he tried to look away.


Thankfully, he avoided gawking, but his attention was still gone, his head tilting ever so slightly towards Aes Sedai, taking a peek. He vaguely remembered the woman as an Accepted, but he had been not so drawn, as it was a more relaxed atmosphere with games and laughter, but some months ago he had seen her in the tavern common room, getting drunk.


She was even more beautiful now than then. Mors tried his best to keep his eyes off of Aes Sedai, but it was difficult. Especially since he racked his brain, trying to think of her name, until he realized he had never got it.


Well, it's too late now, you wool-headed farmboy! He chastised himself silently, insulting himself, despite having never worked a farm in his life. But Light, she is lovely. What is her name? Ahhh... Aes Sedai wouldn't want anything to do with me, even if I had met her before. Aes Sedai don't associate with Trainees...

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Orion breathed in the fresh morning air deeply and a smile grin found it's way onto his face. He loved the morning, the quiet, peacefulness of it. Though most of his students hated the fact that they had to be up so early. Though if ever they voiced their opinion Orion would just make them get up earlier.


Today though Orion was slowly growing irritated with his mentee. He was usually an apt student but today his attentions were wandering and what Orion had taught him wasn't being used. Never a good thing when your teaching was holding a lathe in each hand.


This small spar Orion had ordered was going very badly and Orion was going to show his mentee just what he thought of his attention diverting itself. Orion shifted his stance and brought his lathe in his left hand to connect with Mors' stomach, turning so his other lathe could connect with the back of the boy's head.


To top the whole thing Orion swept his foot around and took the back of Mor's feet out from under him, dropping him with a loud umph to the ground. Orion didn't get irritated with his students often, but when he did they learned to not hurry and do it again. "Concentrate. Do not let your mind wander even if this is just training. One second of hesitation in battle and you are dead." Orion sighed and shook his head. "I think perhaps an hour of running after your training has finished will teach you how to concentrate."




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Still distracted, he felt the two lathes connect, he grunted in pain, and landed upon his back. he shook his head, trying to get his mind off of the Aes Sedai. Because, gawling at a pretty woman was no excuse for lack of attention to his teacher.


"Forgive me,Master Orion... I will try harder." He rose, continuing his attempts to strike Orion, his lathe swiftly moving from form to form, block to block, strike to strike. He was no match for Orion, but he was rather good. Except for today, as his eyes still occasionally slipped to Lavinya.


Now, he had been training with Orion for a few months now, and had always been a good pupil. Determined, focused, swift and hard. However, today, he seemed scattered, almost dazed. Surely Orion could tell something was drawing Mors out of his element. But then again, Mors realized it was no excuse, and tried his bloody best to not let the woman distract him.

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Lavinya smiled to herself, arrogantly assuming it was her presence that had diverted Mors's attention away from his spar. Orion, however, seemed oblivious to her presence, no doubt due to the fact that his eyes were unseeing, and she hadn't moved close enough to be heard thus far.


She watched silently for a little longer, appreciating the litheness of the teacher, and the clearly distracted nature of what would seem a proficient student, despite the blows Orion delivered to him when he lowered his guard. Not for the first time, she found herself admiring the extent of his skill, given that he could not rely on what he saw.


"Forgive me, Master Orion... I will try harder." Lavinya smiled, impulsively ducking under the wooden barrier and slowly sashaying her way closer, mirth playing about her eyes as she say the eyes of the student stray to her swaying hips. There was something infinitely satisfying about being able to hold a man's attention, simply by the flutter of an eyelash or the curve of a hip. Though with Orion, it had been entirely different, two souls seeking escape, teasing and baiting with soft words and touches.


"I I don't remember you as such a harsh teacher, Orion." Lavinya drawled softly, approaching the two as Mors picked himself up off the ground for a second time. "Especially when your student is so clearly distracted..." as we were. She added silently, aluding to their last encounter, though her eyes remained fixed on his pupil, silently assessing and weighing up, looking for a sign of the boy she had met and flirted with so long ago, or at least a flicker of recognition.


"I wouldn't believe him when he tells you he is blind, Mors." She said lightly, with a smile. "He has no trouble finding his way around...or thwarting a trainee, it would seem." She purred, alluding to how blindness had proven no hinderance to their encounter, or indeed anything he put his mind to. He was certainly a determined man, though for now her attention was diverted to the more pliant appearing young man in front of her.

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It was well Orion was blind, for of all people, he would be the most likely to detect the hint of a flush in his cheek it was faint, but it was there. Her purring did not help. Light, but it was atractive. Quite unlike an Aes Sedai too.


"Master Orion... isn't harsh..." He said, still breathing a bit heavy from the strike to his stomach. Mors felt her eyes on him, and it made him feel as if he were under a spotlight. It had a dual effect on him. One part of him wanted to curl up and die, because he felt he'd be found wanting, having not proven his worth yet, yet another part was quite pleased, that he held her attention at all, after all this time.


"It is an Honor, Aes Sedai..." he said, bowing slightly to her as she came. He never had caught her name, though he certainly did recognize her. And she had only gotten more beautiful. Light, but he needed to get ahold of himself! He felt as if he was gawking, mouth wide agape! In reality, his lips were turned slightly upwards, but it was not hanging open.

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Orion's head turned slowly at the soft sounds of approaching footsteps, diverting a small amount of attention to the newcomer using the rest to slow and eventually stop the small fight. "I I don't remember you as such a harsh teacher, Orion." Orion could not help the small smile that escaped him as he straighened up and let his two lathes drop. He should have known that Mors had been gawking at some pretty girl, though he would never has guessed it would be Lavinya.


"Especially when your student is so clearly distracted..." Distracted. It seemed that both mentor and mentee had a bad habit of becoming distracted when Lavinya was around. "I wouldn't believe him when he tells you he is blind, Mors. He has no trouble finding his way around...or thwarting a trainee, it would seem."


Orion chuckled lightly to himself both at Mors' stumbling words, his tone giving off how uncomfortable he was feeling, and Lavinya's words. He ejoyed the compliment immensly, as well as some of the hidden meanings behind the innocent words. There were some situations that having to use touch more than sight worked to your advantage.


Orion waited until Mors finished before speaking, though he was much less honorific in his words. "I should have known what was distracting my student, and you are one of the best Lavinya." Orion sighed on shifted both lathes to one hand, already giving up on the rest of the day's training. He knew to well what a pretty woman could do your mind from his training when he still had sight. "You will run tommorow Mors, since your distraction is a valid one."




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"As you say..." He said, frowning. He disliked running, because it was one exercise he would do himself, on his own time, simply to keep fit. He wanted to be training with his combat skills when training with Master Orion.


He felt inadequate, but he didn't really know how to mkae himself more worthy, short of washing up and returning, which would appear even worse... He was mentally unprepared for this situation... it seems he was more girl crazy than he originally thought... That was disturbing. But he also couldn't help but watch Lavinya, she seemed to almost ooze appeal... which could be dangerous, but could also be quite delightful... excepting that Aes Sedai cannot associate with Trainees.


And that fermented in Mors' mind to work harder to become a Tower Guard, to be worthy Warder material to draw the eyes of Aes Sedai.


"To what do I owe the honor, Lavinya Sedai?" Mors asked, again politely, as he had just gotten her name.

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"It is an Honor, Aes Sedai..." Lavinya inclined her head slightly as Mors bowed, eyes twinkling as she took in the fumbling youth, quite different from the man smiling slowly before him, one she knew somewhat more intimately than others.


"I should have known what was distracting my student, and you are one of the best Lavinya." Lavinya smiled brightly at the comment, at the hidden meaning behind the words. Her mind strayed back to a starry night in the ogier grove, a pleasant night of escape and pleasure, for both of them.


Lavinya tsked softly as Mors frowned. "Do you always send your students out running? It hardly seems fair, making them work while you are free to pursue more relaxing activities." Lavinya's voice was soft and lyrical, the words aimed at Orion but her eyes focused on the youth before her, the way his eyes kept flicking back in her direction.


It was amusing, noting the fascination he seemed to have of her, something she had not paused to relish in sometime. She had always been one who drew eyes wherever she went, and once she had revelled in it, leading the enraptured ones further into her web of enchantment. Yet of late it was as though she barely had time to recognise the stares, the admiration. Clearly she had been missing out on plenty of entertainment.


"To what do I owe the honor, Lavinya Sedai?" Lavinya smiled to herself, the words were flowery and honourable, his eyes anything but as they roved her frame. Amsuing, indeed. "I found myself in need of distracting." She said airily. "And I must say, watching the two of your train proved to be a most impressive diversion." She drawled softly, sultry smile curving her lips.

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"I see..." It was the most Mors could do to prevent himself from blushing profusely. He resisted the sensation,averting his eyes. He really didn't want to seem a common stable boy.


"I am glad my training could provide entertainment, Lavinya Sedai..." His eyes now meeting hers, and in the moment she could see the flame of his resolve. He now knew his path. This meeting had hardened it, set it into his mind as stone, as if he were born and reaised to it. He would become a Warder, and not even the Dark One could stop him. He smiled, his lips curling in a fashion that indicated he noted her interest, which only made him smile more broadly.

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This entire situation was widely entertaining, mostly because of how Mors was reminding him as much as what he had been like during his time as a trainee. His first meeting with Estel had gone much worse than this one was going for Mors, and Estel had only been an Accepted. Time, expiriences, had slowly driven out his youthful bashfullness though.


"To what do I owe the honor, Lavinya Sedai?" Orion crossed his arms over his chest, as much interested in the answer to that question than Mors seemd to be. "I found myself in need of distracting. And I must say, watching the two of your train proved to be a most impressive diversion."


Orion shook his head softly. Distraction. That had been the reason behind the two of them meeting at the Tower Gate. "I am glad my training could provide entertainment, Lavinya Sedai..." Orion burst out laughing at Mor's words.


"Yes, I am also glad our.....training helped your mind to wander Lavinya." Training. Orion was very sure that their sword work was what Lavinya had in mind to help her mind wander. He continued to chuckle, a large smile on his face.

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"I am glad my training could provide entertainment, Lavinya Sedai..." Lavinya's dark eyes twinkled with amusement as Mors met her gaze, his words so formal in response to her light teasing, which clearly hadn't been missed on Orion, his laughter causing her grin to deepen.


"Yes, I am also glad our.....training helped your mind to wander Lavinya."She laughed softly, a pleasant tinkling sound, and barely resisted the urge to give Orion's shoulder a playful swat. After all, she was Aes Sedai, and that would not do, out in the open, and in front of his mentee. She did have some sense of propriety. Should she not be out in the open...well she would guarantee touching, but doubted it would be anything akin to a playful slap. Likely something far more enjoyable to them both, not unlike the last time.


"You both served to distract me admirably...thus far." She purred in response, her eyes once more studying the serious young man before her. He was still a youth, on the verge of manhood, a proper and respectful young man, yet there still seemed to be a fire in his eyes. Perhaps with the correct guidance, he would be most suitable...she gave her mind a mental shake. She was not about to start dabbling with trainees, not whilever there were other such handsome men on hand to keep her occupied. But she decided not to discount him.


"I must say, watching you two train, I'm almost inspired to try my hand at sword work myself." She smiled to herself, not mentioning just what kind of sword work she referred to, but hoping the comment had sounded innocent enough. "Perhaps one of you would be so kind as to teach me someday." She continued airily, her tone thinly veiling the possible meaning behind the words. Likely there was much more she herself could teach, but she kept that thought to herself with a small smile.



Always on the prowl...

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Mors smiled, he wished to maintain proprieties as he was taught... but this woman did make it difficult... Light, but she had a way of making a man's blood boil with desire... and so simply too... she's only improved with her Raising... Perhaps there is some truth to the sayings about Domani... perhaps they never do lose their touch...



"Perhaps one of you would be so kind as to teach me someday." He smiled. That had sounded slightly less innocent than he had expected... or was he imagining these things? Women... everything became complex around them....


"Whenever you wish, and I am free, Lavinya Sedai, I would be honored to teach you what I know..." His formality would continue until he was asked to cease.

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This was all turning into a rather amusing afternoon, even if Orion found himself feeling like he was only in the conversation because he was standing there. He had been taking in the words and trying to divine the words behind them. When you could not see their faces peoples words gave way what they were thinking.


Lavinya seemed to wrapping Mors around her little finger even if she wasn't intending to. Her words thinly vieling rather explicit suggestions, along with small jokes between the two of them. Sword work indeed.


"Whenever you wish, and I am free, Lavinya Sedai, I would be honored to teach you what I know..." Mors was the brunt of amusement for Orion. His words were innocent and he seemed to miss the hidden meanings. Well, he would grow quickly. Orion had.


Orion shook his head. He bit his tounge to stay what he was about to say, he had a sense of propriety and still some Shinieran ideals. "I would suggest finding a more secluded area for your class Mors. You might be suprised by how good Lavinya is...with a blade." Orion contiuned to shake his head with his small smirk.




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"I would suggest finding a more secluded area for your class Mors. You might be suprised by how good Lavinya is...with a blade."


So... it wasn't as innocent as he had thought... intriguing. What interest could an Aes Sedai have in him? He would have to explain his behavior to Master Orion later. He watched the Aes Sedai closely, Orion might notice his eyes held a less innocent look, and one more curious, like a kitten to a ball, or a wolf to a new form of prey. He would find out more about Lavinya Sedai, and he would learn what interest she could have in a Trainee...


"I will teach Lavinya Sedai where she chooses, as it will be her decision, however skilled she may be. If she chooses to embarrass herself with a blade, that is her decision." His eyes twinkled at the suggestion, his own words now indicating an innuendo of his own.

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"Whenever you wish, and I am free, Lavinya Sedai, I would be honored to teach you what I know..." Lavinya couldn't help the soft tinkling laugh at Mors' response, such innocence, though clearly Orion was not so easily fooled as his student, picking out the hidden suggestion in her words. Or perhaps it indicated a mind as lewd as her own. She smirked. She knew his mind was as sharp as hers in that regard, if his actions in the past were anything to go by. Most pleasurable.


"I would suggest finding a more secluded area for your class Mors. You might be suprised by how good Lavinya is...with a blade."Again Lavinya's light hearted laughter rang out, accompanied by a light pinch to Orion's forarm for his teasing. Something in Mors eyes as he studied her caught her gaze once more, as he caught on with what the banter was really about. Something about that gleam interested Lavinya, like a cat enjoyed watching a mouse play before making its final pounce.


"I will teach Lavinya Sedai where she chooses, as it will be her decision, however skilled she may be. If she chooses to embarrass herself with a blade, that is her decision." Lavinya coughed, very nearly choking on her laughter. Had he understood her hidden meanings or not? She couldn't quite tell, but the words were extremely humerous, when looked at in the light of what she had been implying. Light, but there was much she could teach this young one about wielding a blade.


Eyebrows raised, her dark eyes took on a devilish tint. "I assure you, boy, that I know more than enough about blade work to save myself from embarassment." She folded her arms beneath her breasts, ignoring the amount of cleavage she had on display. "Likely I would be able to teach you a thing or two." Her tone was somewhat harder than it had been, though mischief still danced about her eyes. "I'm sure I was able to teach Orion a thing or two." She flashed a wolfish grin, her eyes focused on Mors. He would soon learn how little she appreciated being insulted.


"I do thankyou for your distraction, Mors, Orion, but I should be taking my leave. Perhaps I shall encounter you again sometime." With a small nod she turned on her heel, hips swaying as she crossed the yard, smiling to herself as she felt Mors gaze burning into her as she walked. She would indeed encounter that one again, she would make certain of it. He could prove most interesting.

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"I assure you, boy, that I know more than enough about blade work to save myself from embarassment."


He smiled at this... and at her next statement...


"Likely I would be able to teach you a thing or two." And her third statement got him a chuckle, as the boy was very amused, especially knowing she very nearly choked when he spoke up.




"I do thank you for your distraction, Mors, Orion, but I should be taking my leave. Perhaps I shall encounter you again sometime."


"I look forward to our next meeting, Lavinya Sedai, with whatever blade you choose to toy with..." he said with an equally wolfish grin, returning the banter as she swayed away, turning back to Master Orion.


"Are all Aes Sedai that forward?" he said, grinning to his Mentor.

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"Are all Aes Sedai that forward?"


Orion smirked and shook his head turning his ears to his mentee from Lavinya's reatreating steps. "Very few. Most are rather arrogant and beleive they are above normal people. A select few are tolerable. Though you shouldn't listen to me on this subject perhaps, I would not want to crush your opinion." Orion could not help his harsh words, Estel's desertion had cut deeper than he would have thought possible. So far only Aramina and Lavinya were Aes Sedai he could say were in his good graces.


"But that tounge of yours is going to get you in trouble one of these days if you tell a woman that. 'Whatever blade' indeed. You are lucky that it was Lavinya Sedai standing there and not any other Sedai." Orion hefted his lathe and raised it up in front of him. "Let's go, back to work. And do try and concentrate this time, you already have enough running to do."




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"Of course, Master Orion..." He said, grinning.


"Were it any other Aes Sedai, she would not have been so forward with me, which is why I replied in turn... my response s dictated by my audience..."


He prepared his lathe, his mind becoming a fully focused razor as he prepared for the lessons to come now. He had a new inspiration, and Lavinya Sedai was the spark that ignited his desire to achieve.


"I hope you will find me a better pupil Master Orion, as I aim to become a Warder now, and that means I must hone my skills beyond others to catch the eye of roving Aes Sedai..." he said, resuming his practice... ready for a rigorous regimine, and if he felt Orion was not working him hard enough, he would work himself.

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