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Unfortunate Turn of Events


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I was just informed that Corwin is going to be leaving DM for awhile. :'( As you can imagine (being his bonded) I regret this decision greatly. That being said; real life catches up to us all at some point. I hope that he can get things straightened out and return to us soon.  :)


Until then I, or another member of the Staff will take over any RP’s he was involved in teaching.


As for the position of ADL I am sure I can find someone lying around that will step up to take his place. *eyes Matalina and Talavin*


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Yeah, i noticed his leaving thread but then it got moved to a place i couldn't reply in... Anyway, all hail copy-pasting since i still had it... well, copied.




Sorry to hear that :/


Still, classes with you have been fun, you had some good ideas. Here's to hoping the break you're about to take manages to help you recharge your batteries nice and easy, i did the same last January and it worked wonders.



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