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TG Ceremony


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Master of Arms:  Bryon Greigor- played by Matalina
From the Division info thread


DL/MoT- Eqwina

ADL – Talavin

MaA/Commander- Matalina

RP Coordinator- devon

From the New ADL thread


I just assumed since Mat was listed as the Commander that it was Bryon.

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*blinks* Your great! I thought I posted that! *faints* I already started the thread for you guys to begin your raising. Sorry hun! Feel free to slap me.


I'd be tempted to take you up on that, but i have a feeling i'd get in trouble with Talavin and Quis if i did :D

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You guys are lucky I found a moment of lucidity in the middle of this rather fast-descending cold.  On Saturday I was perfectly healthy, and then yesterday I spent all day huddled up in a blanket with a fever and sneezing.  I have my second part written, but Loraine and Kynwric get a chance to write before we move on to the actual ceremony, right?


Talavin, are you going to write a post before/during the ceremony as well?

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*smiles* You can wait for them yes..Or post the next and have them arrive then. Though the nice thing to do is wait. *smiles* I have Kabria's parts all written and Thera's are close to done so all I have to do is copy and paste :)

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I haven't even started on my third part yet, but hopefully when we get to that one I'll be feeling posty.  Shaun's first day of school was today but tomorrow school is canceled because they're using the schools as shelters for those who are in more danger from the tropical storm than we are.  So this week is going to be all kinds of wonky for me, but I'll make sure to prioritize the raising so no one else has to wait on me.

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Do you think the get-together after the Ceremony (since we were going to make a new thread for it anyway) would count for this req?


In the Town - TG will be required to organize a RP in Tar Valon with one other PC (must be another player). TG will reminisce about there trainee training. Minimum 10 posts total.


Right after being raised would seem like a logical point for us to reminisce, and if Matalina has her Jesse TG join in on the party (which is perfectly welcome as far as I'm concerned :) ) she'd be able to get that req out of the way as well.

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Talavin this is definately after the Caemlyn trip...not sure if we are coming back before heading on to Amadicia but it is definately after Caemlyn.


@ Everyone else......Did anyone PM Kyn or Lor to tell them the Ceremony had started?  If not we might as well post our 2nd part, since we have just arrived at the Glade, Kyn and Lor can add their thoughts to the beginning of their post if they wish.


@ Jehaine....you are right...Perivar will be over WS 8 and Bonded moments after the Ceremony :)


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Heh, Melenis has the Ceremony (WS 7), In The Town (WS 8), Roll Call (Amadicia, WS 9) and Social Call (WS 10).




....Anyone up for a joint promotion to Defender rank? ;D


Yeah at this rate we are going to hit defender rank as soon as we finish this ceremony.

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