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A game of stones ((Finished))


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Geirrin entered the tavern looking around for the man who was to be his instructor.  It seemed a fitting place to learn.  Ale, gambling, women, and noise all perfect for distracting a student who was not focused on his studies.  He did not see the other man so he sat at an empty table sitting so he could watch the door.


He sat reflecting on his other training, it seemed non-stop.  He was amazed at all he was learning and hoped he was retaining enough of it.  They were being pushed hard, that was the way here.  He was used to hard work though he was also used to some time to kick back and relax.  There was not much of that here.


A blue-eyed taveren maid with delightful curves approached with a smile taking his order.  She returned placing the mug of ale on the table in front of him.  She made his coins disappear in the blink of an eye giving him a mischievous smile as she watched his eyes follow her hands as they deposited the coins in the top of her bodice.  She gave him a polite nod and another smile as she sauntered off to a answer a hail from another patron. 


His eyes went from her to the door as it began to open spilling the waning sunlight into the room. 

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OOC: Its been a while, but as far as I can remember, The Stones is the same as the game GO. If you want to get a game going OOC for a bit of motivation (and move references as well) let me know. I'm happy to get some started :)


IC: Covai blinked as he entered the Tavern. His timing as way off. By his count he should have managed to beat the mid afternoon rush. Maybe he was getting slow, for things were just changing faster than he could keep up with. Either way finding a table was going to be pain in the arese.


Or not.. Covai's mouth twitched with a grin at the edges. Covai wished he could know how long the soldier had been waiting. He was meant to be the teacher here, and if he was first he could throw off the other player by pretending to be annoyed at having to wait. Still, I supposed I shouldn't count things too far in my favour, this is one of his first games.. Covai mused. But it wasn't the winning or losing that got to him. Truth be told, his was actually impressed if a lower rank could beat him and something unrelated to combat. It made things interesting to have a challange to work on till next time. No...Covai just liked being able to mess the the heads of the new folk.


"Whats happening Geirrin?" Covai greeted the man with a half salute has he reached the table, dismissing the man's return with a shake of his head. "Relax, we're here to have some fun. Save the formalities for outside." Waving for a barmaid, Covai was amused to see a relatively new maid hesitantly come over. He supposed his Rank, and having his personal Quarters in the Inn itself made some of the table hands worried he'd see every mistake they made. Soldiers, Dedicated and Asha'man, sure, he could be harsh on. Only because they may well be the ones covering his back one day and he wanted to know that they wouldn't blow up behind, but as for everyone else at the Tower...... Well it took a lot to stand by friends and loved ones here, even with Jarron declaring his Amnesty. Covai felt they had enough on their plates without having to worry about him, Dragon or no.


"Two fresh drinks and a Stones board please. Go ask Etrina in the kitchen if you don't know where they're kept" Covai added with a smile before the girl could respond. He had done his time in an Inn long ago, and there was nothing worse than not knowing how to deal with the request from a Regular. Some Innkeepers would belt their staff for being so 'woolheaded', but Covai knew things were better than that here. Still, it never hurt to give another a helping hand.


Turning back to Geirrin, Covai stretched a little as he settled down at the table. "So...you play much?"


OOC: Hope that gives you something to work with. Covai's pretty relaxed, so don't worry about too much :P

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Geirrin sighed when he realized that it was Covai who entered the room.  He had hoped it would be his instructor who entered though he would have to wait.  He had not been informed who his instructor was going to be, he was only told when and where to be.


He arched an eyebrow as Covai made his way towards his table, no it couldn't be.  He was certain that his instructor would not be a Storm Leader.  Perhaps he is just going to inquire how my training is going he thought.


Covai addressed him, he was caught off guard only managing a poor attempt at a salute.  The tension eased a little as Covai told him to relax.  Covai waved for a barmaid then gave her instructions to fetch two drinks and a Stones board.  Turning his attention back to Geirrin he asked "So...you play much"


"Me Sir?...no not me.  Alls I know is gutting fish and hauling nets...I do dice a bit."  Geirrin responded, his accent marked him as a common born Tairen.

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Covai nodded. "Fair enough. I haven't been playing stones for a long time either. I've been told I'm a fairly strong player though none the less." Pausing as the drinks and game board arrived. Covai nodded his thanks and handed a drink to Geirrin, setting up the game board between then, seperating the two different sets of stones to either side of the board.


Twirling a stone between his fingers Covai looked at the board and bit his bottom lip as he thought. He couldn't remember who it was who exactly it was who had explained the rules to him in the first place. They were fairly easily to grasp, but the depth of strategy to the game meant you were almost sure to loose your first handful. Covai remembered it was fustrating as hell. Eventually he picked up where some his mistakes were coming from and his strategy and style just developed on their own from there.


Clicking the stone down the the top corner of the board, Covai tried to explain things as best he could. "Basically the aim of the game is to control the most territory on the board by the end. We take turns placing stones on the board until there are no worthwhile moves left, and the winner is decided." Covai demonstrated by alternating between the two sets of stones, playing a mock version of a game as he went along. He'd have to keep things simple until Geirrin had picked up the basics. Then he would allow things to get a little more complicated.


"Take here for example.." Covai motioned to where a group of Geirrin's stones were in danager of being surrounded. "If I were to manager to place stones here...here...and here..." Covai placed a few of his own stones to demonstate the point, "You're are now surrounded and are basically dead, since they've got nowhere to go." Covai paused to sip from his tankard while Geirrin looked at the board. "Its the same as in combat...if you get surrounded on all sides, you're a dead man. You've got to keep at least one or two..." Covai removed a few of his stones from the board.. "options open to you at all times. With these gone, you're no longer surrounded, and can even... " interrupting himself again, Covai took a few stones from Geirrin's side and placed them along the edge of his group "..start to make a counter attack against me"


Leaning back Covai twirled one of this stones between his fingers as the Soldier studied the board. He had kept the two stones fairly clumped together on the board to keep things are clear as he could. Even Covai had to wait until the end of a complex game to get a clear idea of who was ahead. He knew some players could see things clearly throughout the course of a game, but Covai was still far from the level. Still, he had a few techniques of his own that seemed to work, so he had one most of his games. He should be able to show a newcomer a few things at least.


"So, does any one this make sense?"


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Geirrin began to understand the basics of the game.  It seemed simple in concept though he knew it wouldn't seem so when they began to play against each other.  He was rash and carefree though this game required logic and thought.  You had to leave yourself options and try to think ahead of your opponent.  It was kind of like sailing, you had to look ahead and judge the elements making sure to leave yourself options to get out of trouble should the weather change. 


He had no idea how he would do against an experienced player.  "So, does any one this make sense?" Covai said.


He responded "Yes Sir it does"  it makes sense in theory he thought to himself though he would have to see how well that he grasped it in reality.

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OOC: Don't worry about leading the RP in another direction if you don't feel you have anything to write about. Its a two way thread, so don't feel you're constrained by what Covai says/does. I'll pull you back if you get too out of control, so have some fun :P


IC: Covai nodded. "Good. We'll have a practice game then. Basically I'll be setting up pattern and basic moves for you to get a good feel for the game. Think about your move before you make it, but don't stress too much. The first few aren't to win, but to learn."


Covai grinned. "The latter few are different. Looser drinks a tankard for each game they loose. First to three looses has to try and get a date with one of the barmaids, of the winner's choosing." Downing the rest of his mug in one go, Covai slammed it down on the table, making the challenge offical.


"So what do you say? Up for a challange?"

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The mug slammed on the table causing a few of the patrons to stare in their direction.  Covai did not know Geirrin well enough to know that he was always up for a challenge.  His family and friends always remarked that there was no challenge that he would refuse.  Many definately thought that he wasn't right in the head.


"A challenge" He flashed a sinister smile at Covai "Always up for a challenge"


Geirrin stared at the board watching the patterns and following the basic moves that Covai was showing him.  Covai showed him some of the pitfalls and gave him some pointers of what to look for.


The real games began, Geirrin studied the board trying to watch the patterns forming, thinking ahead to attempt to predict the moves that Covai would make in response to his.  Everytime Geirrin thought he had won an advantage, Covai would turn the tables surrounding more of his stones. 


Geirrin wasn't bad for a first timer though Covai was clearly a more experienced player.  Geirrin's major downfall was that he took too many risks, that had always been one of his downfalls.


On the third game Geirrin was convinced that he had one though with a few final moves Covai had taken back the advantage bringing the game to the point where neither could make another move.  They counted the stones and Covai had beaten him by a single stone.


Geirrin laughed out loud then drained his mug.  He had almost one a game, he was so close.  Luckily Geirrin held his ale very well, when not working at home he spent most of his time drinking and dicing.  He placed the empty mug on the table then rose.  "I guess I have to get myself a date"  He looked at the barmaids then back to Covai.  "Well, which one will it be?"

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Covai's eyes scanned the room. He hadn't really been all that serious about it, but a bet was a bet. The conversation had just started to die, so he needed something to have the man refocus. Eyeing most of the serving maids though, he probably thought of something a bit more disheartening that trying to get a date out of one. Not exactly the scariest thing in the world...


That was when Covai got an idea. If the man wanted a challange he had it. Well, he would have nothing to be honest, and anybody watching would be a good laugh. Sophie was easily fifty years old or so, and acted like a mother hen around the tavern. Nobody would seriously attempt to woe her, not just because of an age different, but beacuse her husband was an Asha'man. Old, tough as nails and already spoken for, this would be interesting.


"I choose....Sophie, over there" Covai indicated his choice to the poor soldier. He knew nothing serious would happen, but he was worried about his own hide if Sophie spotted him sending the soldier over. Storm Leader he may be, but Sophie made her mind known to anyone she considered young enough to be her child, and she had enough years of Covai to do that easily.


"Good luck" Covai seemed to suddenly find something very interesting in the bottom of Tankard and quickly busied himself with it, leaving Geirrin to do as he would.

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Light the woman Covai had picked for him could have been old enough to be his grandmother, definately old enough to be his mother.  Well the bet was made and he had accepted.  He could just go over there and talk with her though that wouldn't suffice, he had agreed to the terms.


Geirrin walked over to the bar and shyly introduced himself to the woman, he started with small talk though the woman appeared too busy to care what he was saying.  She cut him off saying that she had better things to do than bandy words with a boy young enough to be her grandson.  She winked at him then said "You tell Storm Leader Covai that I will tan his hide if he ever pulls another stunt like this."  She emphasized his title in a way that said she was in charge in here.  Sophie called another girl named Naris and told her to come to the bar where he and Sophie were.


"Here talk to this young soldier, he seems to think I have nothing better to do" Naris smiled at Sophie as the older woman walked away, stalked was more like it.  The pretty girl turned her attention to him and he shrugged.  Geirrin leveled with her, telling her the complete truth.  "That is cruel she said though he did not know if she meant it was cruel to do to him or to Sophie." 


Geirrin talked to Naris for a while before returning to the table where Covai sat.  "I got a date" He smiled pausing briefly while Covai arched an eyebrow.  "With Sophie" He lied then gave Covai Sophie's message, the shock on his face was well worth it.  Geirrin could not keep from laughing out loud.

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Covai blinked before laughing as he dropped his mug to the table. The old hen had spotted him. Biting the inside of his lip Covai nodded for Geirrin to sit back down. It was the one problem with leaving competent people in charge of in he supposed. They were more likely to catch him when he bent the rules. Damn woman.


Covai waved back at the board and seperated the stones to the containers so they could start again. They'd play a few more games before calling it quits. It was still the middle of the afternoon, and there'd be more classes to fit in before the sun went down. It had been a pleasant enough way to break up the afternoon. Even still, Covai couldn't resist one last jibe at the soldier's expense.


"...you do realise you lost both parts of that bet, right?"



OOC: I'd call this RP done. Unless there's something else you want to fit it, consider it ticked off your list, and we'll get started with the next.


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