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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall....


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It really is!!  I mean there are some that are just right for a certain mood or feeling..and Beauty and the Beast is just perfect for housecleaning!  LOL!


But there are two I can usually watch no matter what..


Hocus Pocus and Bedknobs and Broomsticks!

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Hocus Pocus I watch all the time (I mean, c'mon, look to the left and check my quote... *arches her eyebrow* It's been there since Halloween and I'm just not inclined to change it. *laughs*). I bought it on DVD so I don't have to wait on someone to show it, too. *grins*



I got on a Cinderella kick with my kids this year and I can't seem to get off of it. Oddly enough, the boys liked that movie more than the girls did. Is that breaking ghetto stereotypes enough for ya? *grins*

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