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Guest Thom Merrilin

They might I think. Definately if you balefired the spear thrower, but the way I understand bale fire is that it just deletes one thing from the pattern, then depending on far back it was deleted, it makes events so that they happened as if it were never there from the point it no longer existed on. So, if it were balefired back to before the thrower grabbed the spear, then history would change itself so that all the spear thrower did was go through the motions of throwing the spear, without it.


....Shouldn't this post be under the wheel of time section?


Even more interesting situation:


Let's say, a random person name Steve sliced John's left arm off, and ran off hiding somewhere in the cave. Ten years later, John found out who are Steve's parents, and they are still alive. Even though they never harm John, he has hated everything that has to do with Steve because of what Steve has done to him. So, clouded by hatred, John balefire Steve's parents.


Now, will it bring John's arm back? Since the producers (lol) of Steve has been balefired... does that make Steve simply... gone from existant? If so, does that mean that whatever Steve did to John become "has never been done"? :D


but they are only destroyed as far back as the proportional strength of the balefire. so they can't be reborn, but they still had their lives prior to the blast that killed them. it could only mess up things that had happened in that time.


Ok you see this is a topic even the guys at star trek touch with hesitation. You see no one can be sure about what would really happen. You would be creating a hole or vacuum if you will within the fourth dimension. Now on one hand you could think that yes since the parents were destroyed that the arm would just reappear like it had never been taken...this I think would not be the case because you still have done so after the fact. So what you have done is only create another "reality" or alternate timeline. The timeline that you are on is the same without change..so the arm is still gone.


And to take into consideration..ok for the sake of arguement lets say the arm did reappear...the physical shock to the body of a major body part just simply reappearing would be fatal...you see the body is already used to it being gone so it just appearing like that..means more blood the heart has to pump..the more air your body has to use..not to mention the strain on the nervous and skeletal system.


Ok I'll get off my lecturing kick....lol


Llugh of the Strong Arm

Former Warder

Former Master of Ren'Shai


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