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So I've met you all OOC...


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but how about IC? I want Arath, my character, to get to know as many people as he can IC. I don't care what their relationship ends up being (sometimes it's good to have an enemy or two hehe 8) ) If anyone's interested, just give me a PM or post here!

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Huh . . . well this is interesting.


I don't have a warder character, but my Asha'man is named Arath ... would be an interesting encounter if they ever met.


Come to think of it, I don't think there are any other doubled names at DM ... we're special!


More special than me, but only just - there's a Raena in the comm Brown Ajah (two Rae-people, oh lawd!), and there used to be a Rayne in the WT Div (and ironically, we had the same birthday IRL).


I'm not likely to be helping out in training for anyone (unless your DL pouts a lot, twists my arm, or other things that shouldn't be mentioned in polite company), but I'm sure we'll find a way to have our characters touch base ;)

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*grins* To further clarify - Mariasha isn't likely to interact with trainees on a social level, with the notable exception of giving some friendly advice to Shendare as he was incoming :)


But once you're a proper Tower Guard, I'm sure they'll cross paths over a pint or three :D

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Could always meet in the Yard itself, you know maybe everyone gathers after practice/training.


BTW I agree, you are moving a touch too fast for others to keep up. Most can't post every day, and some have trouble every few days. Why most NSW PC's, like myself, give a week or two for others to post. I love your enthusiasm and by all means post until your hearts content! I will try and keep up if you start a thread. ;) :D

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Oh, I don't expect others to keep up at my speed, but I figure, if I find someone who can, why should I hold back ;D


And Eqwina, I would love to RP with your Accepted. I'm not looking to make friends IC, just meet people, there's no problem with making enemies. However, I'm not in a rush, but if at all possible could you post on my arrival before we make another thread? :)


And Selene, if you want to work something out, that's fine with me.

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It's no problem, you're a buisy woman, take your time. (Although it would be strategic if I can get in another post by friday or saturday, then you have a month of freedom from me before I come back demanding for posts =P )

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