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The name "Rand"


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For other readers out there, how do you think RJ chose the hero's name; Rand?


My only speculation is that it's a tribute to Ayn Rand, who wrote the novel Atlas Shrugged among others.


For those that have read Atlas Shrugged, you know it's a book about men contending with the concept of either embracing self-interest and turning their back to the needs of civilization(morality), or doing the 'right' thing and carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.


Just an interesting tidbit, the title Atlas Shrugged is a bit of an allusion to Atlas, the Greek Titan who apparently literally held the world on his shoulders. Similar to the character Rand, no?


Your thoughts?


I see nothing in the novels that indicates that RJ was a fan of A. Rand's "Objectivest" philosophy. RJ's protagonest is a bubbling hero who often succeeds inspite of what he belives instead unlike the "individualistic" heroes of A. Rand.


I'd like to think it was a tribute, because I'm a big fan of Ayn Rand. The name itself always reminded me of the programming function "rand" for random. I don't think it was what RJ had in mind though :)


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