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Welcome your new Master of Intiates


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Aplication been in for one of our staff positions, and so we now have a master of intiates


He will be handeling promotions and req aprovals for intiates


please be patient in the begining while he setle in and get oversigth of rules and regulations, it may be that he can not give at first an on the moment answer but need to look up things on the site or come talk to me about how we deal with things...as is perfectly normal when new in a position ;)


However from now on questions regarding req's and basic intiate things will go through him, if it need my attention he will be the one to bring it up as per usual structure, it dont mean i can not help give you a pointer and help answer questions, but aprovals of req's and the like, bring it to him first, it will only take longer if i have to pass it on




































so without further ado, please welcome Sylvirci

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oh and sylvirci the main nsw we do use for training intiates is named michael and liadin, we prolly do have a couple other usables, would need to look on the bio archives


had a look myself both lacked, found liadins and posted that, michaels seems to be lost so i resent a quick summary of him to the adm and will post it (this is why everything should be archived at once :P) as soon as got the ok there ;)


otherwise all NSW is really posible to use they are divisional owned by staff asignment/aproval, exception main char nsw who got players or writers

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Well I need to look at Liadin's bio real quick, then if Ata has no objections I can play our NSW Dreadlady. I would say go ahead and post yourself arriving at the Fortress and Ata or I will RP Liadin. Remember to put Attn: Ata or Syl. :D ;D


Welcome, again ;), to the Dreadies! ;D



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