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How do I post here?


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First and foremost, if you haven't done this already, read the following stickies:


Ranks and requirements


Weapon Score



1. Title of Thread: You put in your character's first and last name and mention what rank you're working towards (not the rank you currently hold). Be sure to edit the title as you climb up the ladder of ranks. Keep using the SAME thread. I don't want to see one person with more than one thread.


2. Content of thread: When listing what threads you've done or currently working on: name the requirement, give a link to the RP and note the status of the RP. For example:


Arrival Thread: [insert link] (Complete)




Basic Training & oath: [insert link] (In progress).


I want a clear separation between requirements for every rank. Either by a space between them (like in the example i'm showing below) or separate them by posts.




- Arrival thread: [insert link] (complete)

- Oath: [insert link] (complete)

- Character developement RP: [insert link] (complete)

- Class RP: [insert link]  (complete)






- Character developement RP: [insert link] (in progress)

- Class RP: [insert link] (in progress)



This is just so requirements won't start getting mixed together. If you did three RP classes in a row you just use one to work towards a current rank and then the other two will count towards your next rank. Am I making sense? :P  GOOD!



When in doubt, just look at the example I put with my character Zoe. And if that doesn't help, feel free to PM me or chat to me on MSN and I'll be happy to help you put things in order.



I'll keep an eye, though. And edit it if I see any mistakes. :)


Thanks everyone *hugs*






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Alternatively, you could add a bar, looking like this:


- Arrival thread: [insert link] (complete)

- Oath: [insert link] (complete)

- Character developement RP: [insert link] (complete)

- Class RP: [insert link]  (complete)



- Character developement RP: [insert link] (in progress)

- Class RP: [insert link] (in progress)


The code for this is unlisted in the editor, but it's


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  • 3 years later...

A little note. I realize that upon moving to the new site all the links posted here are broken. I will not be requiring you to hunt down the links and edit them in. :) (though if you want to do it, I won't stop you lol).


So, just leave it as is and add on to it from this point onward.






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