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Escort Service? This Ain't No Escort Service!


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Maldrin sat down beside a tree and yawned. True, he was supposed to be running. But running in circles lost it's appeal after twenty laps. Particularly when you had thirty more to go. And at the hottest part of the day. He figured his legs were strong enough as they are, so they didn't need to be strengthened. If you can outrun people that want to chase you for alleged thefts, then that was plenty strong enough.


Maldrin grumbled under his breath, "Bloody lying peddler, saying I'd stolen two sweet meats. I only took the one, the money grubbing goat kisser." That was still a sore point, after six months. He'd never taken well to punishments. Maybe I should stop doing things that cause me to be punished? He pondered. He began laughing at that ridiculous idea, and soon began trying to get enough breath not to pass out without stopping laughing.

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Talyn was wandering the Training Yard before moving on to his own Wall duty, when he saw Maldrin shreking his practicing. He was suppose to be running laps, he was surely not done yet, he'd just been dismissed to carry them out. Talyn sighed and put on his upset face. He really hated to be a pushy fellow, but it was expected of mentors to push their trainees hard. The irony was once again not lost on Talyn. He was unsure why he followed to the guidlines so strictly, he was training his enemies. And even if they were nice enough people, they would never turn from the light to see the greatness of the Great Lords power and the rightness of it all.


"Maldrin, you are suppose to be running. You will finish your laps and and an additional 10 to them, and then you will see Mistress Loari in the Armory to help her with pumping the billows until dinner time bell." Talyn waited for a confirmation. He wasn't about to leave with out Maldrin acknowledging his commands.



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Maldrin wiped some sweat from his face and sighed. He just finished running, and now he had to go to the Armory to help with the billows. Maybe. Talyn had made him promise to run the laps, but he'd managed to be vague about that part of the deal.


Maldrin took his lucky coin from his pocket and started absently flipping it in the air, thinking about the best way to shorten his time at the billows, or better yet not do it at all, and avoiding any trouble.


It all relied on how much Talyn had told Loari. If he told her everything, then he wouldn't be able to avoid anything. But if he'd left out how much time she was to keep Maldrin, than he could get out maybe an hour early. That should give him enough time for some mischief.


That decided, Maldrin headed for the Armory, practicing with his lucky coin. He'd called it right about forty times out of forty-nine flips when he missed it and it went rolling off down the path. He went chasing after it, cursing softly under his breath.

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Guest Estel

'Light, I've got to get out of here!' That thought reverberrated through Estel's mind over and over again along with Sirayn's words. So much had happened since she had last left the Tower and now she was leaving again. She'd be back, eventually, but not for a while. Unconciously she placed her hand on her belly, already beginning to swell with the child she bore.


At over four months pregnant, her belly was evident if you knew to look though she tried to conceal it by wearing loose, ill-fitting dresses. There was no hiding it from those her knew her- her Ajah Sisters knew, as did the Reds, the hated Reds, who had accompanied her back to the Tower. And Sirayn, whom she had told herself. Lost in her confused emotions, it had not yet dawned on her what she had actually done.


Even while thoughts raced through her head as foxes pursued by the hounds, she kept a sharp eye out as she slunk through the Warder's Yard. She was in no shape- if she ever was in a fit shape- to meet Orion. Especially not with the rumours running rampid through the Tower Guards. She seeted as she imagined him with another Sister. Had he forgotten her so quickly? Her heart ached for him and yet she was too stubborn to apologize. Burn her stubborness! Why couldn't she bend her neck for her own good? Light, but that stubborness was all she had left besides grief and pain.


She nearly jumped out of her skin when a young man came hurtling down the path, towards her, head down obviously not seeing her. As he found what he had been chasing- a coin- her face flushed in anger.


Why she did it, she wasn't quite sure except that it might have been to prove she could handle a Tower Trainee. Her 'encounter' with Rosheen had only further shattered her confidence.


So loosing herself in the mask that was Aes Sedai calm, she turned towards the man, tone scathing. "May I suggest you watch whom you force out of your way, boy? I don't believe the Mistress of Trainees will be pleased to hear you have been forcing Aes Sedai to keep out of your way else they end up in the dust." In every way, her tone was condenscending. Light, but she needed to prove herself again.

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Blood and bloody ashes! Just his luck. An angry Aes Sedai comes up right when he loses control of his lucky coin. Maldrin put on his best apoligetic smile and flicked his eyes to and fro, trying to find anything to get him out of this new predicament. "I'm deeply sorry, Aes Sedai. It's just that this is a very important coin to me. My mother gave it to me when I set off for Tar Valon, along with other monies to ensure my travels went smoothly. I kept this one because it's of Tar Valon's make, and it reminds me of my mother's smile. It would devestate me were I to lose it, which was why I chased after it without thinking." Maldrin put on a slightly sad and homesick face, mixed with earnest sincerity, while inwardly wincing. That was the worst story he'd ever come up with. He supposed that encountering an Aes Sedai unexpectedly had just shaken him up too much.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Estel

Even had the Accepted Estel stood where Estel the Aes Sedai stood, she likely would not have given two coppers for the boy's story. Her foul mood only added to her aggravation.


A thought sprung to her mind as she caught a glimpse of banded white in the corner of her eye. "Accepted!" she called out, voice dripping ice. "I need some errands run in the city! You boy, are to accompany her."


In moments, she was scribbling down a list on a piece of paper provided by the Accepted:

-100 crowns from Golden Pearl Bank (under Estel Liones' account)

-pick up riding dresses from Mistress Kelgin's dressmaker's shop

-travel blankets

-horse feed

-hard biscuits

-dried meat


-pick up cloak from Mistress Jornahn's seamstress shop



"Now run, both of you. I want everything on this list before sundown!" The sooner she got her supplies, the sooner she could leave for Bander Eban.

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It was one of those days where everything starts off so well but with every waking hour things just seemed to get worse and worse. As most days did for Evaida, today had started early in the stables. Grooming her stallion Akai was the one thing that took her mind away from the stresses of study and classes, even if she did not have the time to ride just being around the horse was relaxing. It was when she entered the dining room for breakfast that things started to go down hill. She was running late which was nothing unusual and by the time she sat down to eat Evie only had minutes to scoff down the lukewarm porridge if she was to make it in time to meet her roommate for 100 weave practice.


Sitting in a hard wooden seat with sweat dripping down her face Evaida begun the 57th weave for the third time. Normally she could make it to 80th or 90th weave before she really begun to struggle but today she could not make it to 60 without dropping a thread and having to start back at number one. The backs of her legs were stinging from what seemed like a thousand invisible switches and her ears were still ringing from the loud bang that sounded like something exploded inside her head. Evie was so close to completing the weave with one last thread of earth to add, but the thread just seemed to slip away causing the weave to collapse.


Evaida blinked her eyes a couple of times only to realise she was actually starring at the ceiling, it wasn't just her imagination. "I've had enough, I'm going for a walk" she picked herself up off the floor and went outside closing the door not so gently behind her. Perhaps the gardens could help her regain her concentration.


It was well past mid-day when Evie found herself approaching the warders yards, a place she had been avoiding since her last awkward encounter with Leawen. That trainee seemed to bring her nothing but trouble and she was not about to jeopardise her studies for a young man with little respect for boundaries and no manners. Pausing only a second to glance in the yards Evaida walked briskly in the opposite direction. She was almost around the next corner when a sharp "Accepted!" brought her to a halt.


Oh this was just what she needed, an Aes Sedai in a bad mood. It was not hard to tell that Estel Sedai should have perhaps gotten up on the other side of the bed this morning, the temperature seemed to drop the moment her voice rang across the yards. Evaida hurried over and curtsied, she did not even get a word out before the Blue began her instructions."I need some errands run in the city! You boy, are to accompany her." handing Evie a list. Reading the list she could have groaned, it was going to take the rest of the day to get all of this done and having a trainee tagging along was only going to make it slower.


"Now run, both of you. I want everything on this list before sundown!"


“Yes Aed Sedai, right away†Evaida bobbed a quick curtsey and scurried in the direction of the town. Looking over her shoulder she saw the trainee a few paces behind her “Well come on we don’t have all dayâ€, slowing just a little to allow him to catch up.


“I’m Evaida†she gave a brief smile “and we are going to be in big trouble if we don’t get all this by sundownâ€

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As Maldrin began walking behind the Accepted, he glanced back at the Aes Sedai and saw that she was leaving. It occured to him, as he flipped his lucky coin one time with no calculation of which side, that the Aes Sedai was familiar. He had probably seen her around the Training Yards, or maybe in the city.


Catching the coin, he looked at which side was up. The Flame of Tar Valon gleamed at him as the silver caught the day's light. As the Accepted slowed to fall in step with him, he grinned as he thought to himself, I have a feeling you're right, my friend. My luck has turned good. Beautiful company and a walk through the City.


“I’m Evaida, and we are going to be in big trouble if we don’t get all this by sundown.â€


Nodding his head in greeting, he said with a grin, "I'm Maldrin, and am already in big trouble, as a matter of fact. At the moment I'm supposed to be pumping the billows at the armory. But instead, I'll be going to the City as planned, and with a beautiful companion to boot. Now then, what have we here..."


Glancing to the list in her hands, he read it quickly. "Ah, this should be easy. The only snag in it I see is Jornahn's shop. I've been banned from there for reasons as unlikely and ridiculous as an Aiel with a sword. You'll have to go in there alone. And we should get the brandy last. I know a great place." No fights, great food, great brandy, perfect for taking a woman. He laughed as they crossed the bridge to the City. "Perfect! You notice how the list specifies no places to go for the supplies and such? That means that she doesn't have an agreement for a certain amount of goods or money with any of the shopkeepers, excepting perhaps Jornahn and Kelgin." Giving his companion a wicked smile, he asked, "How about a couple drinks when we're finished? Estel Liones' treat."

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That grin was all Evaida needed, to know that this was not going to be one ordinary straight forward trip into Tar Valon. Why was it that she always got mixed up with trainees like this, they were nothing but trouble. It did not surprise her in the least that Maldrin was already in trouble, shirking duties was not exactly a rare occurrence in the warders yards. Such behaviour from Novices or Accepted would only end in a visit to the Mistress of Novices leaving you unable to sit for a week at best.


Maldrin seemed nice enough but with the luck Evie had been having lately with trainees perhaps she should consider the Red Ajah… dismissing that thought as soon as it came she focused on the quickest route to the bank. The faster they got these things done the less chance there was of landing themselves in hot water.


"Ah, this should be easy. The only snag in it I see is Jornahn's shop. I've been banned from there for reasons as unlikely and ridiculous as an Aiel with a sword. You'll have to go in there alone. And we should get the brandy last. I know a great place."


Evie raised an eyebrow at the last comment, no this defiantly was not going to be straight forward. Scanning the list again she considered whether they would need a pack horse, looking at Maldrin again she smiled to herself No need for a pack horse when you have a trainee at your beck and call.


"How about a couple drinks when we're finished? Estel Liones' treat."


Almost stumbling over her own feet, it took a split second for Evaida to regain her composure, this young man really had a death wish. If they were caught using Aes Sedai money to buy a pint in a tavern not being able to sit down for a week would be the least of their worries. Then again, with her new found bargaining skills Evie was confident she could get a more than decent price for most of the items on the list, Estel Sedai would not even know if they did…borrow some coin for a refreshment or two. “How about we focus on the items on the list first†she said as they turned down the main street with the Golden Pearl only a few doors away. Dismissing the boy’s ridiculous idea outright would only have him pestering her for the rest of the afternoon and even hinting that she considered the idea was out of the question.


Starting up the stairs to the entrance of the bank, Evaida looked at Maldrin sideways “Perhaps I should do the talking†if he could get into trouble in a Seamstress shop – the light only knows how he managed that – there was no telling what might happen should he say the wrong thing to a banker. Negotiations were coming more naturally to Evie now with her sights set on the Gray Ajah and the great serpent ring circling her left middle finger helped a little too.

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As Maldrin opened the door for Evaida, he laughed. "That's fine with me." He said as he went through the door and closed it. "I can't stand bankers. Worse than leeches, they are. And they don't even have the decency to act like it, instead they're all puffed up with their own self-importance." As the banker coughed angrily, Maldrin looked over at him and smiled. "Hello, sir. My friend here will be handling our business today."


After a long process of getting the money, which Maldrin was certain the banker took so long out of spite, they left the bank, Maldrin carrying the money in a rather sizable chest and grumbling about Aes Sedai, bankers, and money. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed Evaida shooting what he could only ascertain as an annoyed look in his direction. After looking behind him to find no one there, he gave her a confused look and asked, "What? I didn't do anything!" He was very used to being blamed for things, it was an instinctive response.

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Has she been a whit quicker Evaida would have woven an invisible gag of air for the boy. Maldrin did not seem to know when to keep his mouth shut, nor the meaning of subtlety. The banker was painstakingly slow in retrieving the funds - no amount of waving her serpent ring seemed to make a difference - and Evie had no doubt it was because of Maldrin's comments. If this kept up they wouldn't even get half of the things on the list before sundown.


Evie thought perhaps carrying the money might keep the trainee quiet for awhile only to find it made him whine all the more. Making no attempt to hide her irritation as they made they way to the next port of call Evaida shot him a glare that could not be mistaken for anything other than annoyance. How could he be so blissfully unaware of his runaway mouth? Things were becoming clear as to how he got himself banned from Mistress Jornahn's shop, she certainly would not tolerate ignorant rudeness.


"What? I didn't do anything!" he protested with a confused look


Evaida rolled her eyes, did he really have no idea? That invisible gag was looking more and more inviting “It is not what you did Maldrin, it is what you said†she tried to keep the bite from her voice “Perhaps it might be best if you did not say anything at all! Unless of course you can learn to control that tongue of yours.†That seemed unlikely but at least it may make him think about what he says before he says it.


Approaching the dressmakers shop Evaida slowed “It may be best if you stayed outside†Mistress Kelgin was a formidable woman and one wrong word would cost them.

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Straining slightly under the weight of the chest, Maldrin kept shooting Evaida uncertain glances. He really couldn't understand why she was upset. Sure, he'd called a banker a leech. That's like her being mad that he'd called her an Accepted. He apparantly had made a bad first impression. Frowning, he thought about that. Would that constitute as a bad first impression? I'm pretty sure that's the first five to ten minutes of a first meeting. But maybe she has a slower inner clock, so it's longer to make a first impression. In that train of thought, he stopped paying attention to their surroundings, following Evaida and absently stepping out of people's way.


Maybe it wasn't first impressions at all? Maybe she's just not used to people calling a spade a spade? In that case, does that mean she would be offended if I called her an Accepted? Maybe that's an Accepteds' thing. And I wonder why I'm spending so much time thinking about why she's upset? The fact remains she's upset, and that means I'm in danger of losing that chance of a free drink and meal. That means drastic actions must be taken. As Maldrin thought all this, something unfortunate happened. He slowed. Now that, in itself, is not neccessarily bad. But when combined with Evaida not slowing, there came the bad part. Sighing resignedly, he looked around, without much hope of finding her. So much for that chance of a free meal. This won't help things at all. Glancing at the chest in his arms, he shrugged mentally. I could always make a run for it. Chuckling a little at that thought, he thought over the time when he'd been in his thoughts, bringing to mind whether she'd said anything or not as to the next destination. No. She hadn't talked to him at all, after lecturing. Nothing came to mind as to where she might have headed for first. Not even where he was, since he may have gotten turned around at some point.


Narrowing his eyes, he decided to try a different tack. They were buying things from a list. Most people, when following a list, did it in order. Hoping that she'd follow it that way, Maldrin brought to mind the list in his head. Kelgin's shop right after the bank.


Looking around to ascertain where he was, Maldrin realized that he was very close to her shop. Running quickly, he headed for the dressmaker's, hoping he still had a chance at getting a free meal, courtesy of Estel Liones. Grinning when he saw Evaida standing outside of Kelgin's shop, he stopped in front of her and put down the chest, gasping lightly. "Um... Sorry?" He said, smiling at her.

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Standing outside Kelgin's shop Evaida tapped her foot impatiently waiting for Maldrin to catch up. Had the boy even listened to word she said? Evie doubted it, she could have been talking about the weather for all the effect it would have. When he finally appeared through the crowd, Maldrin put the chest of money down "Um...Sorry?"he grinned, it was entirly infuriating!


Evaida merely arched an eyebrow, looking suitably unimpressed, she was still working on the Aes Sedai serenity sometimes she wondered how Sister kept themselves calm under such circumstances. Taking a small bag of coins from the chest "Wait here" she instructed before disappearing into the shop. Perhaps she shouldn't be so hard on the trainee, he was trying, however poor his effort was, but then again how else was he suppose to learn how to behave, he would have to learn self control if he was to become a warder. That aside Evie wandered to the back of the shop where Mistress Kelgin was bent over some needlework. At least this should be straight forward...


ooc: Sorry I took so long, computer keeps having a fit, this was actually my third attempt posting :? Oh well third time lucky :D

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