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New Division Leader Needed (Deadline for Apps: 23rd May)


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As you guys have probably noticed, Joce has kind of gotten eaten up by real life.  And even though we love her lots and think she has been a great Division Leader, we're going to have to make with finding a replacement, as the Division deserves active leadership.


To that end, we're putting out a call for applications for her replacement.  If you are interested, please fill in the following form and email it to raeynsedai(at)yahoo(dot)com and owen.glendawr(at)gmail(dot)com:







How long have you been RPing? 


How long have you been RPing at Dragonmount?


Why do you want to be the Black Tower Division Leader?


What do you think you can bring to the Black Tower and to the DR PSW as a whole?


How would you deal with a problem member?


In a conflict with another member, be it staff or one of your members?


What would you say your strengths are?


How much time can you dedicate weekly to the job?


Anything else you'd like to add?

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Has anyone applied for the position Rae? I was hoping to avoid applying for it as I am still reading about the DIV but if you don't have any apps yet then I can give it a shot. ;D


I do agree with Jehaine, Arath would be the best choice IMHO. :D ;)

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We've had more than one, and less than 100 as far as applications go.  However, anyone is welcome to apply, as long as they have a real interest in doing a bang-up job for the Division and the PSW as a whole, and have the time to dedicate to it :)


I'll add that if anyone else reading this wants to apply - the more information you can give myself and Owen, the better.  Whether that be references here or elsewhere online, experience with program and programming languages, whatever.



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I Have been considering coming back to the BT as RL has eaten me up as well lol IF ARATH DOESNT BECOME DL I QUIT FOR GOOD! lol Seriously though. Arath would do a FANTASTIC job for the Div. i second the motion. Good to see you guys again...sorry it took me so long to post, between my new job, moving, no internet etc. things got kinda hectic. Yes my son is born and healthy for all those that were wondering! Ready to cause some madness with my Dedi lol

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Yeah . . . whipping boy sounds about right.  Jocelyn was pretty handy with a whip . . .


Come to think of it, I redesigned our Bonus Strength Point system too.  And we still haven't given out a point.  :(  I think I've earned one, but the DL vanished and I could never talk to her about it.




And good news on the computer front.  I managed to steal back my laptop from my mother (she kidnapped it from me so she could do 'school work' while I was out of the country, and I just got it back), so I have a computer again!  Bad news, I still don't have internet at home.  But now that the bigger problem is fixed, I can worry about that.

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