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Darkfriend track, and dreadlord rank / help with req (meet the NSW)


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all the chosen been loose since around 990 NE, about 10 years before mainplot


DF tracked and dreadlords who need help with their reqs or such, and have an idea on how this can be achived in servance of one of them, or the slayer post bellow with the req you need help with


i know there is few of the DF track or dreadlord up so these players may have problems finding someone to play with to fill their reqs or ws training


also if your idea is not suitable for main char rp, its posible to lend a NSW to be played by someone else in the div, and if we lack a suitable NSW for the rp one can be made up.

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Pointy End Bad – A basic training class with any training master, or retired soldier, you can find. This class goes over the basic aspects of many weapons, and how to use each. This class should raise you to WS 3, enough to handle a weapon with reasonable competence.


My character's still an Acolyte, so i don't think a Chosen would bother with her until she starts making a name for herself, but some additional WS wouldn't hurt in that aspect.

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nods as i said in lack of reason for main char interaction we got other nsw, there is also the aspect of full ranked dreadlords or higher ws DFs can teach this and get credit towards their own req's


i also think we had 1 or two who got raised to adept during the campaign we had, if they want to teach acolytes they can let me know and we can have it count towards their req's

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would have to back Jehaine on this one. If we are shielded or swear not to use OP us Dreadies should be able to join the class. However it is your call on who you want to teach.  :D


Ata will there be a WS class for us Dreadies if Devon doesn't feel comfortable or whatnot about having Dreadies in his class?


Oh, Devon I would promise not to use Saidin in your class if you are willing to let me make a scene (Not involving Saidin of course).


Last one. ;) Ata if Dainin learns it can he do WS classes with an elemental blade?

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last time we had ws class done it was on the farm, bunch of intiates was taken out there under supervision of a dreadlady


2ndly i'd imagine beginers classes to be done with lathes for safety of everyone ;)


i been in contact with devon through pm the descision is his wheter he want to come to the fortress, or if he prefer it more conviniently for char story really there is no reason the class also can not take place elsewhere


for devon in case he havent read the dread system, the intiates can chose a module called pointy end bad where they learn the basic of swordwork which would get them from 0-3 in ws as part of their rank req's

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I'm more then happy to have Sev go to the fortress. He's decently high as darkfriends go, so being called there wouldn't be that much of a stretch. I'll get a post up in the next day or so once I read the new training reqs and we can't get some dreadies trained.

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Pointy End Bad – A basic training class with any training master, or retired soldier, you can find. This class goes over the basic aspects of many weapons, and how to use each. This class should raise you to WS 3, enough to handle a weapon with reasonable competence.



thats the weapon class i know there is some interest in, dont forget when you list it my dear new members in your req report to please list at least the primary weapon bellow, and if you got 2nd or even 3rd as well choises put them in the report as well please so we can make a record on things ;)


http://www.shayol-ghul.com/?page_id=14 here is the direct link to the other reqs if your interested devon, is sure the new initiates will be more then happy to play with you...sadly our later campaigns have not rendered any interest in spawn or DF's though it have had a positive turn out of dreads of late ;) so for now welcome to the fortress...have fun

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Ata accidently thrashed my first ideal for not using weapons. Why I said if Dainin could have a "scene" in WS training, it's my new ideal for why not to use weapons. Besides even if Dainin hates weapons he would still learn at least one as a back-up to Saidin and to make himself more useful to the DO! ;) :D ;D


Should've told Ata what I was doing. ;D No worries, I have lots of back-up plans! ;)

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I might consider having Rendra do that as well, if I ever remember to poke you and Syl on MSN (sorry, been dead to the world and dead busy >__<) to see about rolling out that character development RP I had in mind; I figure if we set our gallies up as frenemies or straight-up enemies, she'd want to match and beat anything your gal could do.


For shizzle, yo.



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Sounds lovely!  I still want to tete a tete with the two of you to hash out some of the babble I've spammed here with, but I can totally work within that framework... just like to double and triple check that everyone is in agreement about the end-product of things ^__^

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Heh sure, sounds fun ^_^


The Rivalry thread will take place after the Pointy End one though, since Dainin and Rebecca have yet to meet, and given the nature of their rivalry that's the most likely place for it to develop.

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Well, it's a good thing I talked to both of you before I got back to this thread! ;)


Seriously, Jehaine and I have talked about this and she knows roughly where Dainin is going so we can RP the Rivalry, and the more the merrier. Ata, and me too!, would like to get as much involvement as we can in the Rivalry once it kicks off. OP vs Real Weapons is an excellent topic to cause rivalry and we hope that more will join that RP and choose a side. :D


I have your MSN Rae and can always talk when I am on. :D


I think if we can get more people involved in the Pointy end bad RP then we can get the seed for the Rivalry RP planted earlier and in more then just Rebecca and Dainin can start having problems with each others views so that when the Rivalry RP starts it can involve more people, and be even more fun! ;D



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i included intro to saidin in your tread to just make it a lil longer then hi and welcome ;) also as you where the only male needing the class and it just was natural


so it cover 1 of the 2 mandatory reqs at your level ;)

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