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Attention Yellows


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Ok so this is what I would like done


That page may need updating, what this means is I need to know these things. All Ajah Members please contribute and post info here:

1. Do you want the paragraph to stay the same.

2. The graphic, I would like to see it changed, so can you do graphics, know someone who can, or can you post about it on the siggy request page. It needs to be the same size but all the graphics on the website belong to Andrea. *Sign up here if you want to do this*

3. Who is Ajah Head, her name and her contact info, if there isn't one, we need to get an NSW bio out of the archives or find out who was ajah head last and work with that.

4. Sitters, you need to decide who is Sitter, if you don't have any Sitters than we need to find NSW bios and get those added onto the website. Also need their contact info.

5. Members- who are your members, do you have any and what is their contact info.

6. Do you have an offsite website, do you plan on starting one, do you want to find out if someone can help you do one?


Also this needs changed, contact info for ajah head, do you want it to say anything different?:

The Yellow Ajah

On behalf of the entire Yellow Ajah here at Dragonmount's Dragon Reborn PSW, I would like to welcome you to the White Tower. As a Novice, I am sure you are bombarded with many decisions, including who to prank, which trainees to flirt with, and last but not not least, which Ajah to join. While you still have lots of time to make this decision (and you should definately take advantage of your Novicedom!), I ask you to consider the Yellow. Why? Because not only are we the Healers of Randland, but here at DM we are able to RP more extensively than most people think.


Like the Greens, we partake in battle, usually as field medics and consultants. We value learning like the Browns, particularly now that the Hall of the Tower has declared male channelers available for study. We use this knowledge to help the Reds with their work of preventing another Breaking. Like the Grays and Blues, we try to always help people, and to do what is best for all parties involved. In this pursuit we not only use our knowledge and passion for people, but also learned Aes Sedai logic, like the Whites.


As a member of the Yellow Ajah, you would have the benefits of ALL the Ajahs, not only that of a medical doctor. Although all of the Ajahs are equally wonderful and important, I implore you to think carefully about where your character would most benefit. And while you are pondering, please don't forget the Yellows and all we have to offer.


If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact a Yellow. Welcome to the White Tower and have fun!"


If you think the Yellow Ajah might be the right Ajah for you, contact Taedawn, Head of the Yellow Ajah through PM at Dragonmount.



Thanks guys!

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I was going to email you the Word Doc and I realized I didn't have your email. Since I will be out of town until Sunday, I left the message with Talavin. If you want you can contact him and he will email it to you, Or I will shoot it to you (when I get your email) when I get back late Sunday night. :D

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Ok this is what I have, does it look right, do you approve of the banner.


Ajah Mission


The essence of the Yellow Ajah is healing, but it is not their sole purpose. A Yellow can become an advisor, warrior, traveler - whatever they please. However, no other Ajah can perform what the Yellows do.


Healing the injured, saving victims from certain death, giving hope to those without: for a lifetime of service to man while retaining the choice to do whatever you like, look no further than the Yellow Ajah.


Concepts most likely to join


Healers of all kinds from Mothers to Wisdoms.


Current Leadership


Head of the Ajah* / Sitter: Eqwina al’Caupthn Fatallyyours@gmail.com

Sitter: Nynaeve Maryim nynaeve_n10@hotmail.com

Sitter: — NSW Cavana Ashmein Telmarain -NSW

Sister: Ata Dorje


Website: http://yellowajah.wordpress.com/


* Note: The Head of the Ajah is a carefully guarded secret. You will not know who the head of the Ajah is icly unless you are a member of that ajah. Yellow Ajah members call their Ajah Head First Weaver. 


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