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Ifs and Introductions


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The day was just getting started when Ursana Tahn Sakhr made his way to the Yards to get in a morning jog. It was good exercise and it helped build stamina, but in the back of Sana's mind was the knowledge that if he decided to leave the Tower, at least his legs would still carry him alongside his families trading wagons. There was something slightly scarey in the way his mind had started putting an IF into the sentence when he hadn't been paying attention. He had become a Trainee to spend more time with his sister and somewhere along the line he had begun enjoying it.


Well, the day was moving around him as he thought about his sister and their strange relationship. He decided to get moving before his mentor came out and found him staring at nothing. That would earn him some nasty chores, he was sure. He saw another young man running and recognized him as a new guy. Ryusai Telamon, if he remembered the name correctly. He remembered his own first couple days in the barracks and how Shawn and Deneira had made him feel less lonley around the strangers. He began running until he caught up with the other man. He matched pace with him and smiled as he caught the other's eye.


"Sana." He introduced himself. "And you're new." He added, giving the other man a chance to introduce himself.

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The day was just getting started when Ursana Tahn Sakhr made his way to the Yards to get in a morning jog. It was good exercise and it helped build stamina, but in the back of Sana's mind was the knowledge that if he decided to leave the Tower, at least his legs would still carry him alongside his families trading wagons. There was something slightly scarey in the way his mind had started putting an IF into the sentence when he hadn't been paying attention. He had become a Trainee to spend more time with his sister and somewhere along the line he had begun enjoying it.


Well, the day was moving around him as he thought about his sister and their strange relationship. He decided to get moving before his mentor came out and found him staring at nothing. That would earn him some nasty chores, he was sure. He saw another young man running and recognized him as a new guy. Ryusai Telamon, if he remembered the name correctly. He remembered his own first couple days in the barracks and how Shawn and Deneira had made him feel less lonley around the strangers. He began running until he caught up with the other man. He matched pace with him and smiled as he caught the other's eye.


"Sana." He introduced himself. "And you're new." He added, giving the other man a chance to introduce himself.

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Ryusai nodded. "I know that." He replied, before realising it was meant to more of on introduction than a statement. He was still getting used to being treated normally, instead of just a mop boy.


Shaking his head briefy, Ryusai continued. "Sorry, name's Ryusai. And yeah....I've been here since yesterday, so I still haven't really got the hang of the place yet."


As they finished there morning jog, Ryusai looked around. He still had a while before he mentor was meant to arrive. "So..Sana." Ryusai asked. "What's training going to like here anyways?"

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The boys first reaction almost made Sana lose his step but he continued on. He was glad he had when Ryusai kept talking. "Sorry, name's Ryusai. And yeah....I've been here since yesterday, so I still haven't really got the hang of the place yet."


Ursana nodded as the continued their laps. When they had finsihed, they walked it off a little before Ryusai began again. "So..Sana. What's training going to like here anyways?"


"A lot of hard work." Sana said with a grin. "But a lot of good times too. Work hard, play hard. That seems to be our motto. Your mentor will work you hard, but if you want to work with the Tower, you have to expect that." It was odd really, hearing himself say these words. Light only knew he hadn't planned on staying in the Tower for too long, and the longer he stayed the more it felt like home. As much as any place ever had, including the Caravan.


"Are you here to be a Tower Guard, or just to train with them?" He asked.

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Ryusai tilted his head at the question. "Depends on what the Tower Guard are? Are they the same as Warders or different?" He had heard the Tower Guard reffered too a few times since he had gotten here. "I'm still getting used to all the different titles and such used around here. Its a lot more complicatied than where I used to live."

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"Depends on what the Tower Guard are? Are they the same as Warders or different? I'm still getting used to all the different titles and such used around here. Its a lot more complicatied than where I used to live."


Ursana had to think about that one before he could answer. "Well, the Warders and the Tower Guards are the same, but different. Not the best way to clarify, is it?" He asked with a smile. "The Warders of course are the men and women bound to protect a particular Aes Sedai. The Tower Guard protect the White Tower and all the Aes Sedai, not just one." He answered. "And where are you from, that things are so different here?"

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"We never had anything like this is my village. About as interesting as things got was when a Gleeman happening to travel through." Ryusai explained.


Still not quite sure he had understood the difference between the two groups, Ryusai changed the topic back. "But if Warders only protect one Aes Sedai, whats the point? It sounds like being a Tower Guard is better, that way you can protect them all." Looking around at the size of the place they were, the dauntingness of that task suddenly struck Ryusai for the first time.


"Or maybe thats it, do Warder only protect one Aes Sedai because it's easier?"

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"Or maybe thats it, do Warder only protect one Aes Sedai because it's easier?"


Ursana tried not to laugh. Last time he had laughed at someone he didn't know well she had beaten him with a staff. He coudln't help it though. "Light, be careful who you say that around." He said, still grinning. "I don't think it'd be easier to be with just one Aes Sedai. I mean, think about being bonded to a Green Sister? They travel out to the blight on their own with nothing but their warder to huard them. I've been close enough to the Blight to see it and I can't think of much that would drag me in there, but Warders, they go. They protect in ways we can't. I'm supposed to put my life on the line for anyone in the tower, but a Warder's first thought is always his Aes Sedai. I don't think it's easier. I don't know that it's harder, but I think there's a lot of difference in the two, no matter that we train together down here."


He looked at Ryusai and smiled. "In the end, it's about defending what you need to defend. If you want to defend a cause, find yourself a Blue Sister you get along with. For now, i'll stand by the Tower."

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"So how long have you been here at the Tower anyways?"


Sana had to think about it for a moment. How long had it been? He shook his head. "I guess about 6 months." He said. Six months since he had been beaten and left in the White Tower. Six months since he had signed up for training to try to get to know his sister better. Did he? After 6 months did he have any better idea of who she was? Had he made any difference in their relationship? He wasn't sure. He was sure that his training had made a difference to him though. He was actually enjoying life in the Yards which was as big a surprise to him as anything else.


"Ya, about 6 months. Came to visit my sister and just never left." He said with a smile.

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